New World Order/YMMV

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/wiki/New World Ordercreator

Heenan: "I've been telling you people what a scumbag this man is for the past 15 years, and did any of you listen? NO!"

    • Which is kind of Hilarious in Hindsight since most smarks would now emphatically agree with Heenan's assessment.
  • Misblamed: The face nWo Wolfpac was actually very popular. The bookers hadn't even planned to make the Wolfpac face, it was the massive positive reactions they got that turned them face. In the retelling, they're usually made out to be stale and a ratings drain, but they were popular enough that during the Nash/Goldberg match, the commentators had to no-sell very audible "Goldberg sucks" chants from Wolfpac fans.
  • Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: Several wrestlers whose popularity had been waning got this treatment by either feuding with or joining the nWo, not the least of which was Hogan himself.
  • Rooting for the Empire: At first, anyway.
  • Shocking Swerve