Noir (anime)/Trivia

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Trivia about Noir (anime) includes:

  • Expy: Shao Li, the poison-nailed Cold-Blooded Killer of episodes 15-16, bears a striking resemblance to one Faye Valentine.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!:
  • Off-Model: The show's low budget really shows at times, and it's very clear when different animation teams have done episodes. How Mirielle's hair was drawn in particular seemed to shift a lot, sometimes looking like this while other times like this.
  • Playing Against Type: Tarako usually plays Moe characters. She plays Altena here. Uuuuh...
    • Fun fact: Mashimo Kouichi, during recording, referred to Tarako as "Altena-chan". I swear.
    • Same with Tiffany Grant, her English VA, who is best known for Asuka Soryuu Langley and other young characters. The voice director, who happens to be married to Tiffany, said that he knew she could pull off Altena when she spoke in her sleep about putting a body on the table.
    • The entire English cast. During an interview with the cast (on the last DVD) the director asked the actresses why they think they were cast for the roles. They all looked at him quietly before throwing that question back into his face and promptly talked about how each character was different from what they were used to playing. Hilary Haag spoke on length on how hard Chloe was for her.
  • Shout-Out:
    • A visual shout-out to Zardoz of all things: the word 'Noir' in print (diegetically) is often 'bubbled' across the screen in the same way that 'Zardoz' was.
    • Mireille's potted plant is reminiscent of Léon's in Léon: The Professional.
    • In an early episode, Kirika and Mireille walk into a shop. We can see the shop name backwards in the window. "Bee Train."
    • In a bizarre digression in the second episode, when Kirika is chopping vegetables in Mireille's kitchen, she's wearing an apron with...uh...the Wu-Tang Clan symbol on it. We're... really not sure why.

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