There is a scene where a hero, or Super Hero, has just passed his first trial by fire, usually pulling off a spectacular rescue in costume and is feeling exhilarated and raring for more. On that note, since he is dressed for the occasion and has nothing better to do for the night, he decides he might as well go on patrol.

This is where the On-Patrol Montage comes in where we see a series of relatively small incidents where we see the hero strut their stuff running rings around minor crooks and menaces and perhaps some more rescues as the public looks on with astonishment at what the new hero can do.

As a variant if the hero in question works on assignment, he could have a rush of small assignments or dispatches where he deals with mundane felons or menaces with ease. This can also include public events where he gets initial accolades by the public for his good deeds.

This soon ends and then the plot deals the buildup to the climatic battle with the Big Bad.

It may overlap with Lock and Load Montage.

No real life examples, please; Real Life does not have montages.

Examples of On-Patrol Montage include:


  • Superman: After saving Lois from a crashed helicopter, he goes to stop a cat burglar, gets a cat out of a tree, stops a gang of crooks and saves Air Force One in one night.
  • Ghostbusters: After their first hunt at the Sedgewick Hotel, the Busters have a slew of calls to capture ghosts and become a media sensation.
  • Spider-Man: After his big goof, we see a montage of Spidey stopping crimes around New York and becoming quite a topic of conversation.
  • Hercules: Done as a musical number, "Zero To Hero".
  • RoboCop: His first night on patrol is a busy one, smashing crime throughout the city.
  • In Captain America: The First Avenger, once Cap goes on his first mission, there is a montage of him and the Howling Commandos attacking Hydra bases.


  • The sequence in Protector of the Small during which Kel declares war on hazing and goes on patrol through the halls every night, beating up (or getting beat up by) senior pages who are having fun with the newcomers.