A subtrope of the Dancing Theme, an Ondo is a type of Japanese folk music with a swung 2/2 rhythm frequently used in theme music for Japanese productions. It is also the basic musical style for the traditional Bon dances performed as part of the August Obon festival. The distinctive 2/2 "swing" is referred to as ukare. "Ondo" is a term used in older Japanese genres, but it is still used today when referring to songs written in this swinging style. Sometimes the rhythm is not swung and it is played straight through, in which case it is called kizami.

It is common to find names of newer music with the word "ondo" attached to it. For example, Japanese franchises such as anime, video games and tokusatsu TV series have their own ondo, usually as an ending song or an Image Song: the Pokémon Ondo, the Naruto Ondo, the Hunter x Hunter Ondo, the Doraemon Ondo, Ojamajo Doremi Ondo, Shiawase Kyoryu Ondo, the Love Live! Sunshine!! Sunshine Pikkapika Ondo -- even the Super Sentai series has several ondo songs. There are fan-made Touhou Ondo and DonPachi Ondo. Ondo were commonly used as the opening themes for anime in the 1960s and 70s, especially with Tatsunoko Productions.

Examples of Ondo include:

Anime and Manga

Live-Action TV

Video Games