Digimon Adventure 02

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.
Stand up! A hero is within me.

Three years have passed since the summer we could never forget...

The second Digimon anime series, and the only direct sequel to another series, Digimon Adventure 02 is set three years[1] after Digimon Adventure. As a point of clarification, the "02" in the title refers to the series being set in 2002, not to its status as a sequel (though yeah, it's obviously that).

The original Digidestined have moved on and grown up after saving the Digital World, and T.K. Takaishi (Takeru), the former cute helpless kid of the group turned confident Lancer, has transferred to a new school which fellow former Chosen Kari Kamiya (Hikari Yagami) attends. They meet brash goggle boy Davis Motomiya (Daisuke), girly tech geek Yolei Inoue (Miyako), and stoic Cody Hida (Iori). A distress call from Agumon draws Tai, T.K. and Kari back into the Digital World, taking Davis with them; there, they find that the Digital World is under siege from the Digimon Emperor (Digimon Kaiser), a human child who controls Digimon, blocks evolution, and aspires to conquer the Digital World. With new, stronger Mons, a few new tweaks to the evolution system, and an enemy their own age from their own world, these five have to work on their own few experiences with Digimon and work through having been sheltered at that time as children.

Its Distant Finale epilogue is infamous as the subject of much fandom ire, partially for much of what became of the Chosen not particularly fitting their in-series characterization, and partly because Sora married Matt and not Tai. Even so, it was still fairly popular, continuing the phenomenon set by Digimon Adventure. It was succeeded by Digimon Tamers.

It was accompanied by a pair of Short Anime Movies, neither of which are canon. Hurricane Touchdown, also known as Transcendent Evolution! The Golden Digimentals, is set before Ken joins the Chosen, and details their adventures in America and dealings with Wallace, a Chosen with twin Digimon; it was dubbed as the third part of Digimon: The Movie, and suffered for it. The second film, Diablomon Strikes Back, is set within a year of the finale and is about the Chosen's response to the resurrection of Diablomon, the antagonist of Our War Game who came dangerously close to defeating them last time; it aired in the US as a television special in the lead-up to the start of Digimon Savers.

Official releases of the Japanese version with English subs (of questionable quality) of Digimon Adventure 02 are available from Hulu, Crunchyroll, and Animax, but only to residents of the United States.

Tropes used in Digimon Adventure 02 include:
  • Aborted Arc: Dagomon and the Dark Ocean.
  • Adult Fear: Ken leaving his home and his parents in episode 9, especially the note about "leaving the world" he leaves behind on his computer for his parents to see.
  • Alternate Universe: See the main Digimon entry.
    • The Dark Ocean and the "dreams become real" world also count.
  • Alternative Foreign Theme Song: The theme song from the English dub of first season is used again.
  • Arc Words: In the dubbed third movie: "Go back to the beginning!"
  • Are We Getting This?: The real world attack during the Christmas Episode.
  • Amplifier Artifact: Azulongmon's DigiCores
  • Anti-Hero / Anti-Villain: Ken and Oikawa.
    • And to a lesser degree, BlackWarGreymon.
  • The Atoner: Ken
    • Again, BlackWarGreymon fits this trope as well.
  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Many, but the Daemon Corps arc is probably the straightest example, with the fight against MarineDevimon.
  • Big Eater
  • Bigger Bad: Milleniumon, Daemon
  • Bilingual Bonus: In episode 13, the sign on the dark beach says "Innsmouth" in Digicode - the whole episode being a shoutout to the Cthulhu mythos.
  • Non Sequitur Episode: The episode "His Master's Voice"
  • Biological Mashup: Kimeramon, much as its name suggests.
  • Bittersweet Ending: Notably averted as this is the only Digimon anime series to end on a completely positive note. The Digimon and human worlds become closer than ever, everyone gets to reach their dream, and nothing bad happens. The only downer is Oikawa dying, and even he gets a happy ending as his spirit gets to remain in the place he wanted to see his entire life.
  • Bowdlerization: An entire story arc involving the kidnapping of Ken was pulled from Disney's rotation.
  • Brand X
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: The dub, multiple times.
  • Break the Haughty
  • Brick Joke: The last leg of the Digimon Emperor arc has the Chosen pretend to go on a camping trip (with Matt's father as chaperone) in order to stay in the Digital World for as long as necessary to defeat Ken. Jun, learning that Matt will also be on the trip, tries to invite herself along, and they ditch her the first chance they get. The end of the arc has her catching up to the group; cue a collective Oh Crap on Matt, Tai, and Izzy's part.
    • There was also one in the dub of "His master's voice". Early in the episode, the principal asks over the PA, "Would the person who put the Jelly Donuts in the swimming pool please report to the office?". Later in the episode, a couple kids run by Kari, and one of them says "...and then I put the jelly donuts in the swimming pool".
  • Broad Strokes: Certain elements of previous episodes were brushed over for various reasons. (EX. Dagomon from episode 13.)
  • Broken Aesop
  • But Not Too Foreign: Matt and T.K. are revealed to be one-fourth French, when T.K. and Tai meet their grandfather in France.
  • By the Power of Greyskull: "Digiarmor eneeeeeeeeeergize!"/"Digimental Up!"
  • Calling Your Attacks
  • Call Back: Remember the episode where the Digidestined had to pursue Myotismon three years ago?. Well, you remember the nine cards that have to be put to open the way between the Digital World and the Real World, right? Yukio Oikawa plans to do the same thing. If you remember the first one, between the two Vaccine-Type Rookie-Level cards (Agumon and Gomamon), Tai chose the latter. In this season, Oikawa chose the former. And if you remember Gennai's words back at the first season, one is right and the other is wrong. That's why he ended up opening the way between the Real World and the strange world where ideas can become reality.
  • Canon Immigrant: You guessed it, Ryo shows up, although in blink-and-you-miss-it cameos... and a flashback that's only meaningful to those who have played the games he's from. Too bad that they're actually important to the story.
  • Cat Fight: Angewomon vs. LadyDevimon. Again.
  • Changing of the Guard: The two youngest heroes team up with a new group, while the main characters from the first series serve as support on the sidelines.
  • Chekhov's Boomerang: Gatomon's Holy Ring.
  • The Chessmaster: Myotismon. He was behind everything that happened to the Digital World for the last three years, and he would had won if it wasn't for the last battle's Ass Pull. Almost like that he had the king in checkmate in Chess, only for his enemy to literally turn around the board and then declare victory.
  • Chick Magnet: Matt, by virtue of looks and a garage band.
  • The Chosen Many: Adventure 02 reveals that the twelve Japanese Chosen are not the only ones, and there are groups of them operating all around the world.
  • Circle of Friendship: The finale
  • Color-Coded for Your Convenience: All the Chosen have colors that correspond to them, based on their Digivice (for the current ones) and Crest (for the old ones).
    • T.K. has two colours. His Crest of Hope is yellow, but his new Digivice is green. The full list:

Tai - Crest of Courage - orange
Matt - Crest of Friendship - blue
Sora - Crest of Love - red
Mimi - Crest of Sincerity - green
Izzy - Crest of Knowledge - purple
Joe - Crest of Reliability - black
T.K. - Crest of Hope - yellow; Digivice - green
Kari - Crest of Light and Digivice - both pink
Davis - Digivice - blue
Yolei - Digivice - red
Cody - Digivice - yellow
Ken - Digivice - black; Crest of Kindness - violet

  • Cool Boat: Because none of V-mon's armor forms can fly or swim, during the assault on the Kaiser's base, Daisuke thinks to try and make a raft out of a nearby palmtree to follow the others, as it's the only thing around to work with. Resting his hand against it, he accidentally throws the lever and he and V-mon are suddenly riding a small island.
  • The Conscience: Wormmon plays a badly mistreated and loyal conscience to Ken.
  • Continuity Snarl: Digimon 02 attempts to tie in events form the Wonder Swan games with the Drama CD and the Digimon Movie.
  • Conspicuous CG: ExVeemon and Stingmon's DNA Digi-volving sequence, as well as their evolution sequence to Imperialdramon. Just like with MetalGreymon and WereGarurumon, no-one else got CG evolution sequences.
  • Convection, Schmonvection: Averted; Kimeramon's Heat Viper attack is actually very hard to dodge because it generates massive heat. Now, granted, you could still say the heat level was unrealistic, but it's a start.
  • Curse Cut Short: In the dub.

Davis: "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but when Magnamon gets a hold of you, he'll kick your-"
Ken: "But! you didn't let me finish!"

  • Cyberspace
  • Dark Is Evil: The Dark Ocean, the Dark Gate, the Dark Spore... redundant, but effective.
  • Dead Person Conversation
  • Dead Sidekick: Even though he's alive and well now, Angemon's sacrifice in Adventure is the source of Takeru's anger towards evil Digimon. Wormmon sacrifices himself to help beat Kimeramon, and is resurrected two episodes later.
  • Depending on the Writer: With two producers and at least seven writers, inconsistencies are unavoidable.
  • Deus Ex Machina: A literal example with Azulongmon ending the conflict in episode 37.
    • Up to Eleven with the last episode where with very little explination Davis and Veemon managed to break into Myotismon's Illusions for the Digidestned Snapping them out of it and bringing them back to the fight and they do it Simultaneously at that by splitting into multiple selves.
  • Distant Finale
    • Ridiculously Successful Future Self: Most of the Chosen end up in glamorous positions, and those that don't end up in nonetheless highly satisfying positions; for example, Davis is a millionaire food-chain owner, Sora is a Fashion Designer, Tai is the Digital World's ambassador, Mimi has her own cooking show, and Matt is an astronaut; on the slightly less ostentatious side, Kari is a Kindergarten Teacher, Ken is a detective, and Yolei is a housewife (and with her and Ken's three children, the most, ah, productive mother in the show).
  • Don't Ask: The Digidestined, when they are found in a pile on the computer room floor, after returning from the Digital World.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: Listen to any discussion of DNA evolution and try not to think about sex. It gets worse when you take into consideration how the Chosen act and react to get it to work for the first time.
  • Dub-Induced Plot Hole: In creating Digimon: The Movie, the dub shoehorned the events of Hurricane Touchdown into continuity, which confuses people as to why Seraphimon and Magnadramon don't appear in the penultimate episode.
  • Empathic Weapon
  • The End of the World as We Know It
  • Establishing Character Moment: The first thing MaloMyotismon does upon emerging from his host is brutally murder Arukenimon and Mummymon in cold blood in such a way the Chosen, who were the two's enemies, cover their eyes and can't bear to watch. This shows that not only is MaloVamdemon still as horrible as he used to be, he's even worse
  • Everything Is Online: The Digidestinted are able to use their school's computer club as an alibi for their work in the Digital World.
  • Evil Is Not a Toy: And failure to realize that will really piss off T.K.
  • Evil Laugh: Parodied by the Digimon Emperor in the dub:

Digimon Emperor: Ahahaha hahahaHAHAHAHAHA it's not that funny...

Gatomon: I found Catnip; it cures it all!

Digimon Emperor: [turns to Wormmon, speaking in a much weaker voice than before] There's only one Digimon suitable enough for me...
Wormmon: H-huh...?
Digimon Emperor: AND THAT'S KIMERAMON!

Digmon: Digmon, the Drill of Knowledge! ...I used to say the Drill of Power, but I think this makes me sound smarter!

  • Large Ham: Most people in the dub, much more so than any other Digimon series. One particularly funny moment has Davis saying "Digi-Armor Enerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgize!" with the consonant held out and the "gize" said so quickly and abruptly it almost didn't exist. Actually, this is the case every time he uses the DigiEgg of Courage.
  • Last-Minute Hookup: Sora and Matt get together in episode 38, but other than this, they fit the trope - especially considering that no hint whatsoever was given of a previous romantic relationship between them. This applies to Ken and Yolei, as well.
  • Light Is Good
  • Lighter and Softer: Digimon 02 definitely qualifies when compared to its successor and predecessor. Considering only one ally dies, the DigiDestined never truly get shaken up for more than one episode,all the lasting villains were Anti Villains working for one guy or barely made any mark at all [Daemon and Dragomon] and no large-scale damage is done to the world, let alone the city.
  • Lip Lock: Most notable in the "Digi-Armor Energize!" sequence.
  • Living with the Villain: Subverted. Davis and Ken do cross paths in the real world as enemies, but because they live in separate school districts and play on rival soccer teams, this only happens once.
  • Loads and Loads of Characters
  • Lotus Eater Machine
  • Love Bubbles: Davis -> Kari
  • Mage in Manhattan
  • Mask Power: The Digimon Emperor.
  • Mass "Oh Crap": The original Chosen are paired off for reaction shots when Wizardmon's ghost shows up.
    • Everyone gets one when Myotismon returns and brutally murders Arukenimon and Mummymon in cold blood.
  • Mentors: The original Chosen, sometimes. When new digieggs show up, the bearers of the corresponding crests offer moral support.
  • Minion Shipping: Arukenimon and Mummymon.
  • Misfit Mobilization Moment: The Dark Spore infected kids in the last episode.
  • Mons: No kidding.
  • Mood Whiplash: In the dub, To Be Continued is used the whole time, and more than once with an "Everybody Laughs" Ending or otherwise positive note.
  • Monster of the Week
  • Morality Pet: Wormmon
  • More Than Mind Control: Ken
  • The Movie: Two both short, non-canon affairs. The first is basically a showcase for a few of the digimentals; even going so far as to worf Seraphimon and Holydramon to make room for Magnamon and Rapidmon. The second is a sequel to Our War Game which features Imperialdramon Paladin Mode.
  • Multiform Balance: The various armor forms: at mostly two to a person, there are two major categories: combat and transport (though the latter can be used in specific combat situations; mostly aerial). Combat forms include Flamedramon, Digmon, and Shurimon, while the Transport forms are Raidramon, Halsemon, Submarimon, Pegasusmon, and Nefertimon. Interestingly, Angemon and Angewomon are grouped with the other combat forms, and Shurimon was unlocked after Halsemon.
    • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: Michi e no Armor Shinka established that the children could, in fact, swap Digimentals; each of the main six digimon has an armor form for each of the digimentals, including the TCG-only digimental of kindness, and the digimental of Miracles. V-mon specifically can also use the digimental of Fate, which has only one other user in Terriermon. In the actual series, the Chosen only ever use their specific -mentals, highly likely for cost reasons.
  • Mysterious Waif: Kari, again.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Ken, after his creation Kimeramon kills Wormmon.
  • My Name Is Not Durwood: In the dub, Davis had a habit of calling TK everything but TK, from TV, TI, etc.
    • The dialogue editors for the dub were bold enough to use the whole alphabet in doing this.
  • Narrator: Lampshaded in one audio drama, as he has the same voice actor as Matt and T.K.'s father.
  • Narrator All Along: Takeru
  • Nerdgasm: In-universe. The massive computer at the Giga House elicits one from Yolei; Kari says that Izzy "would have a field day" if he saw it.
  • New Transfer Student: T.K., in the first episode.
  • Nice Hat: T.K.'s nearly ever-present Gilligan hat. Also, Kari and Yolei get berets when winter sets in.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Done to Veemon by RedVegiemon in episode 4. Gabumon gets one earlier in the episode as well.
  • No Kill Like Overkill: The destruction of Myotismon's soul becomes this when you realize just what they shot it with. The light of millions of Digivices from every Chosen on Earth. To put this in perspective, eight were able to use said light to completely contain an explosion meant to destroy two worlds in one blast. Myotismon's spirit was hit with the combined light of millions of Digivices all at once fired out of an extremely powerful Digimon's dark-matter cannon. Though given the fact the guy just wouldn't stay dead, this was probably the wisest thing the Chosen could've done.
  • Non-Serial Movie: Both movies were for some time out of continuity with the series, with the main characters' Digimon only able to Armor Digi-volve and Ken not being a member of the team, not to mention Seraphimon and Magnadramon. Subsequent drama CDs shoehorned Hurricane Touchdown into continuity, which resulted in massive inconsistencies: Gatomon is able to become Angewomon when she shouldn't at this point, Seraphimon and Magnadramon are accessible forms for Patamon and Gatomon, and the children are visiting New York right in the middle of the Digimon Emperor arc. Diablomon Strikes Back remains non-serial with no attempts to incorporate it, but interestingly its incorporation wouldn't have caused any continuity problems.
  • Not Even a Digimon: The Digidestined were reluctant to kill the new threat until they learn this.
  • Odd Friendships: DNA evolution depends on pairs of children who are very different, and their attempts to reach an understanding.
  • Older and Wiser: Although the age gap between Yolei and Mimi or Izzy is only one year.
  • Ondo: Agumon's Image Song
  • Post Episode Trailer
  • The Power of Friendship: Like their matching Crests, Davis's Digi-Egg of Friendship...
  • The Power of Love: ...and Yolei's Digi-Egg of Love...
  • The Power of Trust: ...and Cody's Digi-Egg of Faith/Reliability.
  • Phantom Zone: Ruled by Dragomon, a giant Lovecraftian Digimon that wants to marry and mate with Kari. Surprisingly enough, Chiaki Konaka was responsible for that episode.
  • "Previously On...": In the dub, the children take turns narrating it, but WarGreymon did it at least once.
  • The Promise
  • Prophetic Names: As with Adventure (but not played up as much), Kari is the bearer of the Crest and Digi-Egg of Light (hikari in Japanese) and has the ability to release a pink aura beneficial to Digimon.
  • Random Events Plot
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Anybody wearing a Dark Ring or Spiral.
  • Reed Richards Is Useless: The D - Terminal was ahead of its time. With messaging capabilities and wifi, it would have given the Nintendo DS a run for its money.
  • Reincarnation: For the Digimon; even if they die, they eventually are reborn again in Primary Village. Humans, on the other hand, are a different story.
  • Rummage Sale Reject
  • The Sadistic Choice
  • Save Both Worlds
  • Schmuck Banquet: Despite it being an obvious trap (with them commenting on it), they ate anyway.
  • Media Franchise
  • Shadow Archetype
  • She's All Grown Up: Gender-swapped and platonic; see page for details.
  • She's A Friend: Mimi randomly shows up at the start of episode six, and the new kids freak when they see her. Then...

Mimi: TK? Kari?
TK and Kari: (beaming) Yep!
TK: Everyone, this is Mimi. She's a member of the DigiDestined who moved to America.

  • Ship Sinking: Every ship other than Ken/Yolei & Sora/Matt after the Distant Finale. The former is explicitly stated in the narration, while the latter is left to visual cues and inference ( the fact that the little girl who looks like Matt has a Yokomon and the little boy who looks like Sora has a Tsunomon, plus the fact that they were together in the series proper), with a later Word of God confirmation in V-Jump magazine. Die-hard TK/Kari fans take solace in the fact that no one said they weren't.
  • Ship Tease: The dub teases TK and Kari in episode 13.
    • Also, Veemon is shown to have a crush on Gatomon in a couple of episodes (in the dub, anyway; it was a one-episode thing in the original).
  • Shoot the Shaggy Dog: BlackWarGreymon's Heroic Sacrifice fails to stop Oikawa plans and BlackWarGreymon is simply forgotten in the Distant Finale.
  • Short Anime Movie
  • Shout-Out: Yolei's "Mimi fantasy," in which Mimi suddenly has blue eyes so that she looks more like Utena.
    • The Dark Ocean and Dragomon, to the Cthulhu Mythos (the episode was written by Chiaki Konaka, who actually has written Cthulhu Mythos stories).
    • Diablomon Strikes Back has Armageddemon, whose appearance is reminiscent of an Angel. Furthermore, when Omegamon is severely wounded in the battle, he is left standing up with his arms having fallen off in a pose that echoes Unit 02 after being defeated by Zeruel.
    • There is a quick blink-and-you-miss-it shout out in episode 15; when ShogunGekomon sees the dark tower erected, he cries out "GeGeGe no Ge!"
  • Sidekick Glass Ceiling: For TK, Cody, Yolei and Kari.
    • TK and Kari hit it earlier on, each only receiving one usable Digimental; Angemon and Angewomon were grouped in the "combat" group with Flamedramon, Shurimon, and Digmon; though they were unable to be used for the duration.
  • Sorry I Left the BGM On: Audio drama: a Digimon Analyzer screen is read off, as always, prompting Yamato's dad's coworker to ask if Yamato's dad said something. Naturally, he answers, "Idiot, that's the narration, isn't it?" Of course, both Yamato's dad and the narrator are voiced by Hiroaki Hirata.
  • Sorting Algorithm of Evil: Actually subverted to a degree.
  • Spoiler Opening: The series' second Japanese ending, which started at the time of Paildramon's introduction, was arguably one of the franchise's most egregious examples. It showed Silphymon, Shakkoumon and even Imperialdramon, in both Dragon and Fighter Mode! And one episode later, the opening was revised, which in case you hadn't already seen the ending, showed the then-unintroduced Silphymon, Shakkoumon and Imperialdramon Dragon.
  • Stock Footage: The evolution sequences, as usual. Also, there was a set of stock footage for the partner Digimon using their attacks, but it wasn't used as much as in Adventure. A bit of it also shows up during battles; notably in repeat Bakemon fights within the Kaiser's base.
  • Storming the Castle: The chosen board the Kaiser's floating fortress out of necessity in order to bring a faster halt to Kimeramon's country-ravaging destruction. While eventually successful, it remains poignantly bittersweet.
  • Surprise Santa Encounter
  • Synchronization: DNA evolution between the partners of two chosen can only be achieved if the Chosen's hearts are beating in synchronisation, characterised by a deep understanding of each other's motives and beliefs.
  • Team Shot
  • Team Spirit
  • Teen Genius
  • There Are No Therapists: Lampshaded at one point in the English dub.
  • This is Digmon's Drill
  • Time Skip: Digimon Adventure 02 starts 4 years after Digimon Adventure ends.
  • Tokyo Is the Center of the Universe: Zigzagged; this is the only Digimon series where things happen in other parts of the world, but the bulk of it does happen to Tokyo.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Episode 16, trapped inside an offshore Oil platform, running out of Oxygen. So what do the kid do? They start digging up the floor. Both using up precious oxygen and risking creating a leak.
    • In episode 22, Davis attempts at making Veemon evolve to win Kari's heart, leading to a scene of Davis destroys a bridge that he is standing on.
    • Episode 28 has the children entering Arukenimon's trap without thinking of telling anyone.
    • Chasing after Oikawa through the gate in episode 48 even after seeing him fatally wound BlackWarGreymon.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Davis in the three final episodes, when his Idiot Hero ways start paying off.
    • Takeru definitely took one between Adventure and 02, best evidenced when he stops the Digimon Emperor's whip attack WITH HIS BARE HAND and then proceeds to beat him senseless. And that's after he took a whip strike to the cheek without flinching or changing expression.
  • Took a Level In Kindness: Just guess.
  • Trap Is the Only Option: In an aptly named episode "The Insect Master's Trap", the chosen children enter into Arukenimon's trap to find out what she is up to.
  • Trapped in Another World: The Dark Ocean.
  • True Companions: Kari and T.K. actually belong to two sets, including the first crew, something that Davis is occasionally envious of.
  • Twenty Minutes Into the Future: Released in 2000 and set in 2002, hence its title, Digimon Adventure 02.
  • Two-Headed Coin: Davis attempts to pull this on T.K. when deciding who will go to rescue Kari. Since Davis has a crush on her, he uses an American quarter with tails on both sides. After Davis has supposedly won and is gloating to T.K., T.K. swipes the coin back and calls him on it, noting that he knows where they sell such quarters.
  • Unwilling Suspension
  • Upgrade Artifact: The Digi-Eggs.
  • Urban Fantasy: More so than Adventure.
  • Video Game Cruelty Potential: The Digimon Emperor exploits this to its fullest, not grasping that the Digital World isn't a video game.
  • Villainous Breakdown
  • Villains Never Lie: Oikawa says that the Dark Spore is what gives Ken his talent, and uses a similar line to get a bunch of kids to go along with his plan. Everyone, including Ken, seems to believe him. Ken's marks at school do take a drop after his stint as the Emperor, but nobody seems to consider that this may be because of trauma, or some related, but entirely normal, psychological problem.
  • Voodoo Shark: The explanations for why the original chosen children could not use the power of their crests.
  • Wake Up, Go to School, Save the World: The bread and butter of this series.
  • Webcomic Time: Often weeks of time pass in show between episodes.This is to keep the show in sync with real time... four years into the future.
  • Wendigo: Yes, there's a Digimon based on this; though he's not named onscreen, Kokomon spends most of Hurricane Touchdown in his corrupt Champion form, Wendigomon.
  • What Could Have Been: The Dark Ocean was introduced by guest writer Chiaki Konaka and was originally supposed to be used as a larger plot point. The rest of the writers then proceeded to mostly ignore it.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: The Dark Ocean, and Dragomon and Daemon therein; the mysterious flashbacks of how Ken got infected with the Dark Spore.
    • In the original version, Gennai's newly youthful form is never really explained. In the dub, this is handwaved by a throwaway line about him taking some "Digi-Vitamins."
  • Whole-Episode Flashback
  • The Worf Effect: All the original Digidestined's partner Digimon.
  • You Can't Fight Fate
  • You Fight Like a Cow: Some of Paildramon's lines are written this way in the dub; it lightens the mood a little bit.

Do you even know what the word "aim" means? Desperado Blaster!

  1. the dub increased the Time Skip to four years
  2. T.K. in the first half and Ken in the second half.
  3. Cody and Yolei
