Our Ghosts Are Different: Difference between revisions

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== Live -Action TV ==
* In the TV version of "''[[Topper]]'' it's not really made clear if George and Marion are being forced to try change Cosmo Topper's stodgie ways in order to move on to pay for their own wasted lives, or if they are just doing it for fun and their own concern for the banker. Ether way, Neil's just in it for the booze.
* The [[Too Good to Last]] ''[[Dead Last]]'' was about a band ready to break through until they find the amulet that turns them into a ghost Unfinished Business Resolution Service.
* ''[[Reaper]]'' is about a kid forced to apprehend souls escaped from Hell. As they're escaped from Hell, they're all of the nasty poltergeist sort. They were murderers and vandals in life, and they have powers that reflect what they got sent to hell for.
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* In ''[[American Horror Story]]'' the Ghosts are confined to the house and its grounds. They can manifest physically to an extent that they are indistinguishable from the living, which can get really confusing. They can also be invisible but can still affect the physical world.
* ''[[The Fades]]'' has the titular Fades, spirits unable to move on to the afterlife. They're [[Invisible to Normals]] and can't generally interact with anything physical, though they aren't intangible and can't fly. They can, however, regain a physical form by [[I'm a Humanitarian|eating human flesh]].
== Music ==