/wiki/Patricia A. McKillipcreator

Patricia A. McKillip is an American fantasy writer. She won the World Fantasy Award for The Forgotten Beasts of Eld and Ombria in Shadow and the Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Something Rich and Strange and Solstice Wood. Her other works include, among others, the Riddle of the Stars trilogy, The Riddle-Master of Hed, Heir of Sea and Fire, and Harpist in the Wind, and The Changeling Sea, The Book of Atrix Wolfe, Winter Rose, Song for the Basilisk, The Tower at Stony Wood, Ombria in Shadow, In the Forests of Serre, Alphabet of Thorn, Od Magic, Solstice Wood, and The Bell at Sealey Head.

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Patricia A. McKillip provides examples of the following tropes: