
Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.
Revision as of 05:05, 27 November 2019 by Jade Shauni (talk | contribs)
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  • Kung-Fu Jesus and the crew were planning to do a bunch of livestreams in order to collect donations so they could buy new recording equipment. They had some extras planned if they got enough money, from $75 up to $400. By the night before the stream was planned to start, they had already collected over $700 in donations! And they decided to give gifts to people who donated a lot!
    • By the time the stream was over, the crew had raised about $2500.
    • One of the donations came from a developer of The Gunstringer, to which the posse responded with great respect.
  • The description for Episode 1 of Sonic Generations:

It's Sonic's birthday today, and he's 20!
That means only one thing...BRING IT IN, GUYS!!!

  • every character from the Sonic universe comes in with cake and chili dogs for a HUGE party*
  • A fairly minor, yet still noticeable (for their standards) example from Sonic Unleashed, while playing through Rooftop Run Day and having a genuinely good time:

Kung-Fu Jesus: The game is totally worth it just for these little things!
pokecapn: I guess.
KFJ: It is!
pokecapn: ...Yeah, it is. It really is.

Kung-Fu Jesus: Hey, it could be me, it could be...
[flower opens above him, giving him the four stars]
Kung-Fu Jesus: Me!!

[everybody cheers and claps]