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== United Kingdom ==
== United Kingdom ==
* ''Labour'': [[Working Class People Are Morons|working-class]] benefits scrounger, [[The Illegal|illegal immigrant]], asylum seeker, or all three. Plus the [[Bourgeois Bohemian|"champagne socialists"]] (rich progressives), who are seen as eating tofu and hummus, as well as being knee-jerk Anti-Tory and having an obsessive desire to be identified with the working-class. Will inevitably morph once in office to become ultra-authoritarian. Spend all the money they have and indeed, the money they don't have. If this spending results in increased efficiency (however small), it is obviously a massive success. If it doesn't work, throw more money at it and the problem will sort itself out.
* ''Labour'': [[Working Class People Are Morons|working-class]] benefits scrounger, [[The Illegal|illegal immigrant]], asylum seeker, or all three. Plus the [[Bourgeois Bohemian|"champagne socialists"]] (rich progressives), who are seen as eating tofu and hummus, as well as being knee-jerk Anti-Tory and having an obsessive desire to be identified with the working-class. Will inevitably morph once in office to become ultra-authoritarian. Spend all the money they have and indeed, the money they don't have. If this spending results in increased efficiency (however small), it is obviously a massive success. If it doesn't work, throw more money at it and the problem will sort itself out.
* ''Conservatives'': [[Upper Class Twit|Upper-class public-school toffs]] who want to take more money from the poor to give to the rich, and have duped the workers. They are either mocked as ultra-traditionalist "Shire Tories" who live in the countryside and are obsessed with the nobility and Victorian values; or otherwise slimy young middle-class libertarians who want to abolish the NHS while everyone's backs are turned.
* ''Conservatives'': Better known as [[w:Tory|Tories]], though not (quite) officially. [[Upper Class Twit|Upper-class public-school toffs]] who want to take more money from the poor to give to the rich, and have duped the workers. They are either mocked as ultra-traditionalist "Shire Tories" who live in the countryside and are obsessed with the nobility and Victorian values; or otherwise slimy young middle-class libertarians who want to abolish the NHS while everyone's backs are turned.
* ''Liberal Democrat'': Cloudcuckoolander who believes his party will ever get in power, or alternatively Labour-lite. [[Funny Aneurysm Moment|Actually got to (share) power for a few years,]] precipitating a switch to a ''Tory''-Lite image. Once a party which was seen as 'trendy' to support, 'cos the others were too mainstream or something like that. These days, also stereotyped as somewhat hypocritical for jumping into bed with a party they had previously talked about as if it was their archnemesis.<ref>ok, that's every other party in this list...</ref>
* ''Liberal Democrat'': Cloudcuckoolander who believes his party will ever get in power, or alternatively Labour-lite. [[Funny Aneurysm Moment|Actually got to (share) power for a few years,]] precipitating a switch to a ''Tory''-Lite image. Once a party which was seen as 'trendy' to support, 'cos the others were too mainstream or something like that. These days, also stereotyped as somewhat hypocritical for jumping into bed with a party they had previously talked about as if it was their archnemesis.<ref>ok, that's every other party in this list...</ref>
* ''Green'' : The Bog-Standard Green Stereotype. Bunch of bonkers hippy throwbacks, probably want to extend voting rights to fish, want the NHS to give more priority to crystal healing than heart transplants, are inherently suspicious of anything that could conceivably benefit humanity. Very vocal in their support of certain social justice movements in recent years, but whether that's genuine or simply a desire to look relevant is a matter of opinion.
* ''Green'' : The Bog-Standard Green Stereotype. Bunch of bonkers hippy throwbacks, probably want to extend voting rights to fish, want the NHS to give more priority to crystal healing than heart transplants, are inherently suspicious of anything that could conceivably benefit humanity. Very vocal in their support of certain social justice movements in recent years, but whether that's genuine or simply a desire to look relevant is a matter of opinion.