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(→‎Literature: added Jack Chalker's And The Devil Will Drag You Under)
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* [[Bret Easton Ellis]] likes to do this with his characters to highlight how shallow they are. Many pages in [[Glamorama]] are just long lists of Victor and his friends name dropping celebrities, and in [[American Psycho]], Patrick has to describe in excruciating detail what ''everyone'' is wearing.
* [[T. S. Eliot]]'s works, especially ''[[The Waste Land]]''. The poem is full of classical literature and religious references, and quotes them in their native language.
* The [[You All Meet in An Inn|tavern scene]] in the "fantasy world" segment of [[Jack L Chalker]]'s 1979 novel ''[[And the Devil Will Drag You Under]]'' is jam-packed with references and shout-outs to Fantasy/Sword and Sorcery literature from the previous half-century or more; the rest of the book is less densely populated than that particular scene but still has many, many tidbits for the careful reader to delight in.
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