Samurai Shodown/Nightmare Fuel

  • Many, if not all of the characters' fatalities in 5 Special. Some particularly unsettling ones include...
    • Hanzo: Breaks both of your arms, then piledrives you headfirst into the ground, crushing your skull and by extension your brain. And there are diagrams that show you exactly what bones he breaks. O U C H.
    • Nakoruru: Stands over you and hesitantly stabs you in the heart. Seeing that sweet little girl kill someone alone is just... horrible.
    • Galford: Orders his dog to tear you limb from limb. Normally this would be tame, but Poppy is a ninja dog so she ends you slashing you completely in half.
    • Jubei: Slices you a bunch, then your left and right sides are split into 4 parts. Only your legs remain while the sides with halves of your head and arms vanish.
    • Shizumaru: An image of Zankuro appears, and he slashes at it and faints. The Zankuro image slashes out a HUGE fireball that splits the enemy in half. And poor Shizumaru then wakes up and starts crying in shock.
    • Basara: Drags you into a shadow portal and does... something horrible that isn't seen, then he tosses your head out of the portal as it closes. Basically he cuts away every part of your body that isn't your head while you are fully aware. Beyond nightmarish.
    • Mina: Skewers you with a bunch of arrows, then fires off an exploding arrow that blows away the entire upper half of your torso. Then she looks shocked, throws her weapons and turns away in horror.
    • Yunfei: Plucks your soul out of your body and slashes it in half.
    • Kusaregedo: Eats you alive and vomits up your skull.
    • Rasetsumaru: Impales you with his hand and pulls out your heart a la Kano, then takes it a step further by crushing it and drinking the flowing blood.
    • Enja: Grabs you and violently chokes you while burning you to ashes.
    • Suija: Uses psychic powers to lift you off screen, then implodes you with a loud "CRUNCH!" as it rains blood (or semen/vomit if white/green blood is enabled) down upon him.
    • Gaoh: Turns into Demon Gaoh with full armor, impales you on his horn, then explodes you on the horn.
    • Mizuki: Uses voodoo magic to slash you with her nails, then explodes your head with her priestess staff.
      • The characters reactions are horrific, too, and often mixed with Tear Jerker. Shizumaru (a demon-possessed boy who fights with an umbrella) means to just knock out a foe, but the demon inside him SPLITS THE FOE IN TWO instead, reducing the boy to tears. Mina (the archer girl) throws down her bow and arrows in horror after a fatality. Nakoruru (the "Cute" girl with the hawk pet) hesitating for several seconds before realizing she has no choice but to finish the opponent.
      • Other example of this trope are the battle with Ambrosia (who is basically a huge mess of flesh, which has Mizuki's body impaled on top of it as sacrifice)in Samurai Shodown RPG; and the recipe how to create a Gandara which can be found on official Asura Zanmaden site.
      • And then there's the aforementioned Kusaregedo too. Hell, just... just look at him.

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