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[http://www.vampirecheerleaders.net Vampire Cheerleaders] is an [[OEL Manga]] created by [[Adam Arnold]] with art by Shiei (Volumes 1&2), and Michael Shelfer (Volume 3) and licensed by [[Seven Seas Entertainment]].
As the name implies, [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|its about vampires who happen to be cheerleaders]] at their local school and mostly follows their exploits as they go about their existence while trying to avoid suspicion and trouble from human and supernatural alike.
A [https://web.archive.org/web/20131111091249/http://www.vampirecheerleaders.net/strips-vc/inspiration_point_1 preview] has been set up on gomanga.com, showcasing the first volume which is also on sale. The manga now has its own webcomic page as part of [http://www.zoomcomics.com/ ZOOM comics]. The print (and e-book) versions of Volumes 1 & 2 are sold as the second half of the Vampire Cheerleaders books. Volume 3 features a full scale crossover with VC, which will run on the Vampire Cheerleader page as a unified title, and volume 4 and onwards will have both series merged formally under the VC label.
Note that some events in spoilers refer to things that are revealed in the print edition, but that the online version has yet to get to.
Now has a [[Vampire Cheerleaders/Characters|character page.]]
{{examples|''Vampire Cheerleaders'' provides the following tropes}}
* [[Abusive Parents]]: Heather's mother was implied to be one
* [[A Date with Rosie Palms]]: All but outright stated to be what Katie was doing [https://web.archive.org/web/20120626061830/http://www.paranormalmysterysquad.com/strips-pms/it_just_happened here.]
* [[Adorkable]]: Leonard. Zoe goes so far as to [https://web.archive.org/web/20131016171009/http://www.vampirecheerleaders.net/strips-vc/half-time_8 call him "Hot Stuff."]
** Charlotte has her moments. Mostly when she's fumbling spells or referencing some old show.
* [[All Guys Want Cheerleaders]]: Jullian, the star kicker on the football team, takes full notice of Heather when she gets to be a varsity cheerleader.
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** At the same time, somewhat played with. {{spoiler|Direct sunlight isn't fatal to vampires in most cases, though rolonged intense heat exposure is, and the VC cast have to take pains to shield themselves against it with sunblock. Garlic isn't immediately lethal, but it is toxic to some degree. The various other cryptids have some of their usual mythological origins played with to some lesser or greater degree as well}}.
* [[All Women Are Lustful]]: The Vampire Cheerleaders
** On [https://web.archive.org/web/20120625084803/http://www.paranormalmysterysquad.com/strips-pms/where_is_the_beef this strip]
** Lita also show signs of this
* [[Alpha Bitch|Alpha Bitches]]: The snooty cheerleading team the girls go up against. Not a few minutes into checking into the competition, they quickly start dissing the protagonists. The rivalry only worsens as the story arc goes on.
* [[Annoying Younger Sibling]]: Steph sees her teen sister as this to a degree.
* [[Badass Longcoat]]: Leonard. The girls [[Lampshaded Trope|lampshade]] how utterly ridiculous this actually looks in real life in an ordinary setting.
* [[Barbie Doll Anatomy]]: When [https://web.archive.org/web/20131115015842/http://www.vampirecheerleaders.net/strips-vc/half-time_6 peekaboo can't cover everything.]
** Played straight in the online and e-book editions of Volume 2, but averted in the hard copy edition, at least above the waist.
* [[Bare Your Midriff]]: Part of the standard cheerleader's uniform for the current year.
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'''Lori:''' Dammit, will you two lovebirds just freaking scissor and get it over with? '''Gawd!''' }}
** In Volume 4 {{spoiler|this escalates to them being a basically confirmed [[Official Couple]] in Zoe x Suki}}
* [[Big Breasts, Big Deal]]: Charlotte is a Type 1 if the last panel of [https://web.archive.org/web/20120626000041/http://www.paranormalmysterysquad.com/strips-pms/paracon_2012 this strip] is any indication.
* [[Breaking the Bonds]]: {{spoiler|By pissed off wolfed up Katie.}}
* [[Chained to a Bed]]: Lori ends up like this after being paralyzed by the [[Gorgeous Gorgon]].
* [[Colossus Climb]]: [https://web.archive.org/web/20120626003851/http://www.paranormalmysterysquad.com/strips-pms/executive_order Against K'aannl'ngua]
* [[Compulsory School Age]]: Subverted. {{spoiler|Lori has been returning to school every 20 years or so since [http://www.vampirecheerleaders.net/strips-vc/memory_lane at least 1892]of her own volition, apparently in a quest for the perfect senior year.}}
* [[Convection, Schmonvection]]: Charlotte is rescued virtually unharmed from a fully engulfed wicker man.
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'''J.C.:''' Yeah, but he ''doubled'' our hours! }}
* [[Dhampyr]]: J.C. Summerfield
* [[Distressed Damsel in Distress]]: Katie gets kidnapped by Theo and has her chained to a bed so that [[Near-Rape Experience|he can have his way with her]]. {{spoiler|[[Subverted Trope|Subverted:]] She manages to defend herself and knock him out by the time the rescue arrives.}}
* [[Eldritch Abomination]]: [https://web.archive.org/web/20120629172705/http://www.paranormalmysterysquad.com/strips-pms/the_great_one_comes this guy]
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]; The vampire cheerleaders themselves who follow a very strict set of rules in regards to feeding. And if you violate these standards then Lori will be very unhappy with you [https://web.archive.org/web/20131111091634/http://www.vampirecheerleaders.net/strips-vc/deep_deep_trouble_1 and will have to have a word with you.]
* [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin]]
* [[Fan Convention]]: The Squad has to do community service in the form of an appearceappearance at ''ParaCon'', which are full of people who consider the crew as evil hunters.
* [[Fantastic Racism]]: Steph's attitude towards all 'cryptids'. Then her sister became one.
* [[Eye Scream]]: {{spoiler|[http://www.paranormalmysterysquad.com/strips-pms/it_just_got_real Stephanie stabbed one of K'AAN'NGUA's Eyes]}}
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*** [[Token Good Teammate]]: Leonard.
* [[Foregone Conclusion]]: Anyone who reads [[Paranormal Mystery Squad]] knows {{spoiler|that [http://www.vampirecheerleaders.net/strips-vc/the_girl_who_would_be_lita_1 The Girl Who Would be Lita] mini-story isn't going to end well for Bianca's servant girl.}}
* [[Fun with Acronyms]]: [https://web.archive.org/web/20120625100700/http://www.paranormalmysterysquad.com/strips-pms/no_guys_allowed It is no accident that they are known as ‘’PMS’’.]
* [[Gag Penis]]: Used to test if {{spoiler|[http://www.paranormalmysterysquad.com/strips-pms/where_is_the_beef certain] feelings [http://www.paranormalmysterysquad.com/strips-pms/where_is_the_beef still cause Katie to change into her werewolf form.]}}
* [[Genre Savvy]]: Leonard knows enough about vampire mythology to be effective. {{spoiler|Before he finally confronted the cheerleaders, he gorged himself on garlic and washes it down with listerine to make his blood downright abhorrent to vampires. When Lori tries biting him after stating his intentions to expose them his false surprise transitions into chuckling as his blood immediately makes her vomit.}}
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* [[Kick the Dog]]: A good portion of the fanbase agrees that Heather's treatment of Leonard after she becomes one of the Vampire Cheerleaders and the fact that's she's doing little to nothing to stick up for Leonard after Lori turned him into a thrall counts.
** {{spoiler|Cressida Harrow killing Bianca's servant in the cruelest way possible is a much worst kick the dog moment.}}
* [[Kick the Son of a Bitch]]: Mackynzie moving Bakertown's presentation to 8 A.M to purposely mess up the [[Baker Town]] girls could be seen as this if one sees it as the Vampire Cheerleaders finally getting a comeuppance of sorts, but still counts as a [[Kick the Dog]] moment towards the B squad.
* [[Lesbian Vampire]]: Lori on this [https://web.archive.org/web/20131111075845/http://www.vampirecheerleaders.net/strips-vc/elevator_action strip] Or at least [[Bi the Way]], given that she seemed to have no problem with {{spoiler|exhausting Leonard}}.
* [[Mercy Kill]]: How Steph views slaying monsters that were born human. {{spoiler|She initially plans to do this with her sister, but is talked down by JC and Charlotte.}}
* [[Mismatched Eyes]]: Charlotte has a less noticablenoticeable version with [https://web.archive.org/web/20120626081604/http://www.paranormalmysterysquad.com/strips-pms/one_blue_one_green one blue and one green]. There are hints that this is a halmarkhallmark of her magical affinity.
* [[Animal Wrongs Group|Monster Wrongs Group]]: Steph finds herself butting heads with PETM (People for the Ethical Treatment of Monsters), who demand that ‘cryptids’ be captured alive and unharmed.
** A notable subversion (especially when compared to PETA) is that PETM are well aware cryptids are dangerous and even have standard issue tasers. As Summerfield put it, they're naive, not stupid.
** O'Keefe takes the entire thing to ridiculous extremes, such as refusing to let the army bomb an "innocent cryptid" who mind-controlled half the county (there are good reasons not to drop a bomb on a bunch of people, but ''that isn't one of them'') and later {{spoiler|gets the president to declare a [[Kaiju]] that's about to destroy the city and possibly the world an endangered species, forbidding the military from attacking. Well, the Squad is forbidden too, but they ignore it}}.
** Specifically, rank-and-file stooges are naive, but not stupid. O'Keefe [[Obfuscating Stupidity|isn't as naive as she pretends to be]].
* [[Near-Rape Experience]]: The reason Mr. Campbell summoned the team to his farm not to investigate, but [http://www.paranormalmysterysquad.com/strips-pms/here_for_only_one_reason to be breeding stock for his son.] {{spoiler|The climax of volume one begins when the son kidnaps Katie in order to try again.}}
* [[More Than Mind Control]]: Plan BC! ''And'' mind control.
* [[Near-Rape Experience]]: The reason Mr. Campbell summoned the team to his farm not to investigate, but [https://web.archive.org/web/20120626001548/http://www.paranormalmysterysquad.com/strips-pms/here_for_only_one_reason to be breeding stock for his son.] {{spoiler|The climax of volume one begins when the son kidnaps Katie in order to try again.}}
** It later becomes a plot point {{spoiler|as the now [[Our Werewolves Are Different|werewolf]] Katie ends up being in heat as a result.}}
* [[Neck Snap]]: {{spoiler|How Lori kills Bianca this way. Anti-climatic perhaps, but satisfying.}}
* [[Noodle Incident]]: [[Word of God]] has no intention of explaining what [https://web.archive.org/web/20131106214215/http://www.vampirecheerleaders.net/strips-vc/shocking_surprise Suki is talking about here.]
* [[No Periods, Period]]: Averted. Katie seems to delight and using her teenaged PMS as an excuse to [https://web.archive.org/web/20120626071620/http://www.paranormalmysterysquad.com/strips-pms/fine_whatever_pout ignore diplomacy] (and propriety).
* [[Off with His Head]]: Steph is [https://web.archive.org/web/20120626082656/http://www.paranormalmysterysquad.com/strips-pms/i_am_not_a_waitress quite] [https://web.archive.org/web/20120626063447/http://www.paranormalmysterysquad.com/strips-pms/this_ends_now effective] with that sword.
* [[Oh Crap]]: Everyone's reaction to Mr. Campbell going openly hostile, but especially [https://web.archive.org/web/20120625233032/http://www.paranormalmysterysquad.com/strips-pms/eww_gross Katie when Theo changes.]
** A more comic version when the sea monster Steph just speared swam off rapidly. [https://web.archive.org/web/20131007060111/http://www.vampirecheerleaders.net/strips-vc/the_perfect_hunter "Oh Frak...!"] [[Unsound Effect|Yank!]]
** [https://web.archive.org/web/20131110005250/http://www.vampirecheerleaders.net/strips-vc/paralyzed When Lori realizes that Bianca has paralyzed her.]
** {{spoiler|It happens earlier to an ancient Roman vampire with {{spoiler|the same woman as seen [http://www.vampirecheerleaders.net/strips-vc/no_use_resisting here].}}
** A comedic version at the beginning of the VC/PMS crossover when the sea monster Steph just speared swam off rapidly. [https://web.archive.org/web/20131007060111/http://www.vampirecheerleaders.net/strips-vc/the_perfect_hunter "Oh Frak...!"] [[Unsound Effect|Yank!]]
* [[Older Than They Look]]: Only Lori believe it or not as the other girls were apparently only changed after meeting her in their own high school years. Lori herself is 138 years old assuming she was 18 when she was bitten. The evidence being that [https://web.archive.org/web/20130804052125/http://www.vampirecheerleaders.net/strips-vc/memory_lane her collection of high school graduation tassels] has two '92s in them. One of them is obviously from 1992, but by having two means the second one must be from 1892. Don't let the page's status as a guest comic fool you. [[Springiette|Shouri]] was given a list of specific elements that needed to be in the page.
* [[Our Vampires Are Different]]: They can get by with just two pints of blood a day meaning they don't have to fully drain their victim. They can also move around in the daylight though they admit its not good for their undead skin. And have to tan normally to keep up appearances. Hypnotizing someone is also called "Glamoring".
* [[Parental Abandonment]]: Stephanie and Katie’s parents were killed about a year before the story starts (and after Steph’s appearance in Aoi House).
* [[Paranormal Investigation]]
* {{spoiler|[[Rape as Drama]]: How Bianca raped Lori}}
* [[Rapunzel Hair]]: Lori. [https://web.archive.org/web/20131106213505/http://www.vampirecheerleaders.net/strips-vc/fourth_quarter_1 It appears to be down to her ankles.]
* [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old]]: A given in vampire fiction. {{spoiler|Lori has been posing as her own daughter to return to high school every twenty years since [http://www.vampirecheerleaders.net/strips-vc/memory_lane at least 1892.]}}
** [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshaded]] [https://web.archive.org/web/20131106210739/http://www.vampirecheerleaders.net/strips-vc/older_than_i_look here]. It's even in the strip title.
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: While it is [https://web.archive.org/web/20131111091634/http://www.vampirecheerleaders.net/strips-vc/deep_deep_trouble_1 black and white, close enough.]
* [[Required Spinoff Crossover|Required Spinoff Cameo]]: While they are not quite spinoffs of each other, the girls of ''[[Paranormal Mystery Squad]]'' make a few cameos at different points, and the cast of VC shows up in the other book from time to time. We're getting a full crossover next chapter when Steph and crew jump over to the pages of VC.
** Elle from ''[[Aoi House]]'' appears in Volume 2 as a celebrity judge at the cheerleading competition.
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* [[Screw the Rules, I Have Connections]]: The rival teams does this to the Bats squad in retaliation for conning them out of their training area.
* [[Serious Business]]: See [[Compulsory School Age]], above.
* [[Shared Universe]]: With ''[[Paranormal Mystery Squad]]'' and ''[[Aoi House]]'', merged formally starting in VlumeVolume 3, with nuerousnumerous shoutouts and cameos earlier on. And one-way with [[Eerie Cuties]] 'Verse.
* [[He Who Fights Monsters|She Who Fights Monsters]]: Steph’s hatred of cryptids has some unfortunate levels.
* [[Stages of Monster Grief]]: {{spoiler|Heather does this, but ''in the reverse order''.}}
* [[Theme Naming]]: Adam loves [http://www.pixietrixcomix.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=2531 using DC (especially Batman) and other pop culture based names].
* [[Time for Plan B]]: Or should I say, '[https://web.archive.org/web/20131016153030/http://www.vampirecheerleaders.net/strips-vc/half-time_5 Plan BC]': {{spoiler|Booty Call}}.
** PMS winds up {{spoiler|using their own version to undo Plan BC}}
* [[Theme Naming]]: Many [[Batman]] (and the wider [[DCU]]) references are made in the [http://www.pixietrixcomix.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=2531 names for the various characters].
* [[The Unfair Sex]]: Steph as per most of her jerkass tendencies, for example she blames the whole {{spoiler|Katie turning into a werewolf}} on J.C. when really Katie had wandered off on her own. J.C, despite being a nice guy, thankfully isn't a doormat and more then willing to call her out on this.
* [[Title Drop]]: [https://web.archive.org/web/20131031153718/http://www.vampirecheerleaders.net/strips-vc/half-time_2 Heather does it.]
** [https://web.archive.org/web/20131031144344/http://www.vampirecheerleaders.net/strips-vc/the_gang_is_all_here Suki did it as well]
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: Leonard was pretty clearly your factory standard geek, starting out. However ''the minute'' he realizes his best friend/prospective love interest has been turned into a vampire (which he actually realized was happening ''before she was Turned''), he ''immediately'' levels up to [[Crazy Prepared]] [[Badass Longcoat]] [[Vampire Hunter]].
** [[Badass Decay]]: Unfortunately {{spoiler|when the girls turn their feminine wiles on him, he turns to putty in an instant. Come next arc, he following along like a puppy and doing their chores for them. Granted the girls are treating him nicely and all albeit in a [[Butt Monkey]] sort of way. Least Heather isn't too hard on him.}}
* [[Transhuman Treachery]]: What happens to Heather who is described as very sweet when she was a human. Then again, her parents do reveal some hidden issues.
** In the long run, it turned into the whole sequence of {{spoiler|[[Stages of Monster Grief]] played ''backwards''}}.
** Might be subverted, as she seems to act like a vampire fangirl afterwards. And, her parents do reveal some hidden issues.
* [[Unfit for Greatness]]: It's right in the name: "Vampire Cheerleaders". They are teens, and not picked for brains or perfectly calibrated moral compass. Lori managed to keep them from making more mess than can be still at least somewhat under control most of the time, because she made sure her coven at least have team spirit. And it's their only saving grace. Suki is airheaded, and Candice was so stupid even Suki have seen her as brainless (and she did turn out to be [[Too Stupid to Live]]). Heather was completely unprepared for any serious responsibility, much less in life-and-death matters, due to being raised by control freaks. {{spoiler|Heather}} eventually grew up enough to handle it, however.
** Given her recent actions and what happened to the Bakertown football team it's more like this trope is being played mostly straight.
* [[Unsound Effect]]: [https://web.archive.org/web/20131111091311/http://www.vampirecheerleaders.net/strips-vc/lori_vs_bianca_1 RUSH]
* [[Unusual Euphemism]]: You were "double-clicking your mouse," weren't you?
* [[Vampires Are Sex Gods|Vampires are Sex Goddesses:]] {{spoiler|[http://www.vampirecheerleaders.net/strips-vc/half-time_6 Leonard probably thinks so at this point.]}}
* [[Vanity Licence Plate]]: "BITEME" on Lori's car.
* [[Van Helsing Hate Crime]]: Steph who believes ''all'' cryptids are evil roughly stemming what happened to her parents. {{spoiler|Things gets complicated when her sister is turned into a werewolf and the newest member of their team is revealed to be a Dhampyr}}.
** And eventually revealed to be {{spoiler|[[Some of My Best Friends Are X|pretense in the first place]]}}.
* [[Villain Protagonist]]: The eponymous vampire cheerleaders. Considerably less evil than others of their kind... but still [[Chaotic Neutral]] at best. Apart from anything else they're far too comfortable with brainwashing innocents for any other label.
** [[Hero Antagonist]]: Leonard shows signs of this. Or at least he tried. {{spoiler|Right up until the girls pulled out Plan BC and screwed him silly. He's cool with keeping their secret now. Reversed when the VC/PMS merge happened.}}
*** {{spoiler|Or at least he did right up until the girls pulled out Plan BC and screwed him silly. He's cool with keeping their secret now. Reversed when the VC/PMS merge happened.}}
* [[Viva Las Vegas]]: The setting of the second arc.
* [[What Measure Is a Non-Human?]]: "Cryptoslaughter" has only recently been made ''illegal'', and appears to remain a civil offense.
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[[Category:OEL Manga]]
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[[Category:Horror Webcomics]]
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[[Category:Web Comics of the 2010s]]
[[Category:VampireAdam CheerleadersArnold]]
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