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=== Frank West ===
{{quote|''"Remember that name... 'cause the whole world's gonna know it in three days."''}}
[[File:FrankNotebook_6254FrankNotebook 6254.jpg|frame]]
The protagonist of the game, a photojournalist who has "Covered wars, y'know". Upon hearing that something big was going down in the town of Willamette, Frank charters a helicopter in order to investigate and leave with the "scoop of a lifetime". He tells the pilot to drop him off on the roof of the Willamette Parkview Mall, and return for him in 3 days.
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* {{spoiler|[[Afraid of Needles]]}}: He's not exactly thrilled at {{spoiler|having to receive his first shot of Zombrex}}.
* [[Badass Normal]]: And how! Armed with nothing but what lays around him in the store and fighting skills he learns as he levels up, Frank uncovers a government conspiracy, fights his way through thousands of zombies, takes on psychotic humans including a [[Monster Clown]], a trio of escaped convicts in a jeep armed with a minigun, a sniper family, and a cult leader as well as his flock, stops a terrorist plot, and even {{spoiler|takes on a military official in unarmed conflict... and ''wins''.}}
* [[Bishonen]]: Averted, [[Keiji Inafune]] designed him to be average-looking intentionally.
* [[Charles Atlas Superpower]]: To an extent, Frank is able to hoist heavy items like benches and toss them and swing them around quite easily, and can get the ability to grab zombies and humans alike, lift them over his head, and fling them across the mall.
* [[Crazy Survivalist]]: In Infinity Mode, where you must kill other survivors for their food.
* [[Cross DresserCrossdresser]]: Frank can put on women's outfits along with mens, and has no problem with it. Hell, he does a seductive pose and whistles indicating that he's pretty into it.
* [[Determinator]]: Nothing, not even 53,594 zombies, insane clowns, hispanic terrorists, and U.S. Special Forces soldiers will stop Frank from getting his story. Except, of course, the actions of the player.
* [[Improbable Aiming Skills]]: Despite having minimal experience with guns (And having never shot another person before fighting Carlito), he can get headshots just fine.
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* [[Laughing Mad]]: After he learns from Isabela that {{spoiler|He's been bitten by a zombie and only has hours until he turns.}}
* [[Only Sane Man]]: Is this when confronted with the game's various psychopaths, usually reacting with stunned silence by their antics (He does call out a couple of them: Jo, Steven, and Larry).
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: 50 of them, to be precise.
* [[Wrestler in All of Us]]: A lot of Frank's hand-to-hand skills involve various wrestling moves: including double lariats, face-to-floor slams, as well as grabbing others and simply tossing them. Fittingly, Frank ends up getting into zombie wrestling in the non-canon reimagining of Dead Rising 2: ''Off the Record''.
* {{spoiler|[[Zombie Infectee]]}}: Happens to him over the course of the game.
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=== Brad Garrison ===
{{quote|''"I just want you to appreciate the situation."''}}
[[File:16_Brad_Garrison_580216 Brad Garrison 5802.jpg|frame]]
DHS agent, assigned to the investigation of the Willamette incident alongside fellow agent Jessica McCarney. At first he is distrustful of Frank and expresses his displeasure of his trade. But after fighting alongside him against Carlito, fetching him medicine from the Supermarket and ensuring a helicopter ride out of the mall, Brad comes to trust Frank as a formidable ally.
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* {{spoiler|[[Famous Last Words]]}}: {{spoiler|"Don't tell Jessie about this."}}
* [[Only a Flesh Wound]]: He's bedridden for the most part of 5 hours from a gunshot wound, but recovers quickly after you get him some medicine.
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]: While he initially starts off annoyed by Frank's persistence to find out what's going behind the zombie outbreak, he still allows Frank to tag along and help him fight off Carlito and quickly brings him up to speed after realizing that Frank's more than capable of handling himself.
* {{spoiler|[[Zombie Infectee]]: Ends up one after Carlito traps him in the underground service tunnels with thousands of zombies, turning after giving Frank his gun (presumably to kill him quickly).}}
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=== Carlito Keyes ===
{{quote|''"This, my friend... is hell!"''}}
[[File:CarlitoNotebook_8046CarlitoNotebook 8046.jpg|frame]]
A mysterious man, first met on the heliport of the mall. After numerous run-ins with Frank and Brad, it is revealed that he orchestrated the Willamette outbreak {{spoiler|as revenge for the US government's cover-up of a research facility in his home town of Santa Cabeza.}} A dangerous man with many back-up plans, he eventually {{spoiler|dies at the hands of a psychopath butcher.}}
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=== Isabela Keyes ===
{{quote|''"Fine. I'll explain why all of this is '''your''' fault."''}}
[[File:18_Isabela_Keyes_393018 Isabela Keyes 3930.jpg|frame]]
A mysterious woman first encountered in the Entrance Plaza before the zombies break in. It turns out that she's Carlito's little sister, and co-conspirator in the Willamette Outbreak. After a few encounters with Frank, she agrees to help him get his story by asking Carlito to be interviewed by him. {{spoiler|He responds by shooting Isabela in a fit of rage, forcing her to seek refuge with the Security Room survivors.}} Turns out that she {{spoiler|worked as a pharmacist at the Santa Cabeza research facility, giving her thorough knowledge of the zombies.}}
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=== Brock Mason ===
{{quote|''"I'd say this mission isn't quite over yet."''}}
[[File:brocknotebook_1626brocknotebook 1626.jpg|frame]]
Sadistic US special forces officer responsible for "mopping up" the Willamette outbreak. {{spoiler|Turns out he was also head of the equally brutal Santa Cabeza clean-up operation, and its subsequent cover-up.}}
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A gun shop owner with severe trust issues. Instead of aiding the survivors by giving them guns he shoots at anyone (zombie or human) who gets too close to his store.
* [[The Alcoholic]]: He even drinks in the middle of his fight with Frank. If you get a shot of him downing a bottle its worth a ton of PP.
* [[Beard of Evil]]: A very thick, bushy one.
* [[Charles Atlas Superpower]]: He may not look like it, but he's strong enough to hoist Frank over his head and toss him, which he WILL do if you decide to hop the counter and take him down with a melee weapon.
* [[Crazy Survivalist]]: Making him distrustful of everyone.
* [[Deep South]]: His heavy accent, quick trigger finger, bushy beard, and drinking habit make him come across as a crazed prospector.
* [[Dirty Coward]]: As soon as you defeat him he starts pleading for mercy and assuming you wanted his guns so bad you'd kill for them. [[Hypocrite|This is of course right after he shoots an unarmed survivor for daring to suggest he share his guns.]]
* [[Karmic Death]]: {{spoiler|Gets killed by the same survivor (now a zombie) he shot in the cutscene before his fight.}}
** [[Heel Face Turn]]: {{spoiler|You can save him in ''Chop 'Til You Drop''. This allows you to upgrade weapons, but requires money to do so as opposed to merely taking the default guns from his shop when he's dead.}}
* [[Shotguns Are Just Better]]: Which makes him [[That One Boss]] to many players.
* [[That One Boss]]: One of the most noteworthy ones in the game. While even the Convicts get easy once you're used to them, Cletus can be an absolutely nightmarish pain in the ass even with experience!
* [[The Alcoholic]]: He even drinks in the middle of his fight with Frank. If you get a shot of him downing a bottle its worth a ton of PP.
=== Kent Swanson ===
Another photographer and rival to Frank.
* [[Ambiguously Bi]]: While he does have a thing for getting sexy shots of women, he also is heavily hinted to have a strange sort of psychotic crush on Frank, with {{spoiler|him stripping him down to his underwear and chaining him to a fountain should you fail to save his hostage in time}} heavily hinting towards this.
* [[Annoying Laugh]]: As if he wasn't annoying enough already...
* [[Beard of Evil]]: Though it's more of a goatee of evil.
* [[Degraded Boss]]: He's just a zombie type in ''Chop Till You Drop''.
* [[Expy]]: Appearance-wise, he reminds a lot of people of [[Ace Attorney|Larry Butz]], another Capcom character.
* [[Jerkass]]: He does nothing but belittle and insult Frank during the first stage of his photo challenge, and gets even worse when he opts to zombify someone for the sake of getting the moment on camera.
* [[Karmic Death]]: Funny enough, you can actually kill him ''before'' he tries to pull the [[Moral Event Horizon]], and you're not penalized for it.
* [[Moral Event Horizon]]: {{spoiler|Attempting to zombify another survivor just so he can take a picture of it.}}
* [[Nightmare Fetishist]]: Even before he crosses the [[Moral Event Horizon]], he already has an unhealthy obsession with getting pictures of disturbing content like people getting shot or an upskirt of a frightened woman.
* [[The Rival]]: To Frank for most of the game. When Frank starts one-uping him he takes things too far...
=== The Convicts ===
A trio of escaped criminals who have somehow gotten ahold of a vehicle with a mounted machine gun. Rather then trying to survive or escape the mall, all they seem to care about is having fun while they can. Unfortunately, their definition of fun seems to be to assault/kill anyone they come across. Their names aren't given in-game, but they're officially known as Reginald Jenkins (The driver), Miguel Sanchez (The batter), and Sam Franklin (The gunner).
* [[Batter Up]]: The convict who isn't driving or using the turret (Miguel Sanchez) wields a baseball bat unless the driver is killed. If that happens he will move over and keep the jeep moving himself.
* [[Drives Like Crazy]]: Reginald Jenkins (And Miguel Sanchez should Reginald die before him) drives the jeep very erratically. While dodging it can be a pain in the ass especially with survivors in tow, you ''can'' take advantage of this by getting him to ram into a tree and attacking them (preferably with a gun) while Reginald/Miguel tries to get the jeep back in motion.
* [[Complete Monster]]: All three of them.
* [[Equal Opportunity Evil]]: All three convicts in the trio are a different race: Reginald Jenkins (the driver) is white, Miguel Sanchez (the batter) is Hispanic, and Sam Franklin (the gunner) is black.
* [[Demonic Spiders]]: You'll have to fight them sooner or later unless you plan to spend a lot of time avoiding gunfire or getting ran over. To make matters worse, if you enter another area to grab health items and come back any that you've killed come back to life.
* [[Establishing Character Moment]]: The first thing they do is take a swing at Frank when he steps out into the mall's park. When the guy with the bat (Miguel Zanchez) misses they then decide to go after 2two other survivors. Sadly, Frank can only save one of them as the guy doesn't miss a second time. This lets you know early on that they're all a bunch of sick bastards.
* [[For the Evulz]]: This is hinted to be why they hang around and go after anyone who walks into the park.
* [[Quick Time Event]]/[[Press X to Not Die]]: ''Chop Till You Drop'' changes them into one long event, even if one hates this, it's a lot better than the alternative.
* [[Leitmotif]]: Gone Guru by Lifeseeker. It serves as an early warning if they're in the area when you enter.
* [[More Dakka]]: Sam Franklin is the gunner of the group, and his minigun ''hurts''.
* [[No Celebrities Were Harmed]]: It probably wasn't intentional, but fans have noticed that Reginald and Miguel heavily resemble Steve-O and Danny Trejo respectively.
* [[DemonicThat SpidersOne Boss]]: You'll have to fight them sooner or later unless you plan to spend a lot of time avoiding gunfire or getting ran over. To make matters worse, if you enter another area to grab health items and come back any that you've killed come back to life.
* [[Unexplained Recovery]]: They respawn each day with a new vehicle and everything. This is never explained or elaborated upon.
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A clown who was hired to entertain the people visiting the mall and went insane when the zombies killed his audience. Wields two chainsaws and uses various tricks in combat.
* [[Ax Crazy]]: With emphasis on "Crazy".
* [[Chainsaw Good]]: You even get to take them if you beat him.
* [[Dual-Wielding]]: Chainsaws.
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* [[Laughing Mad]]: [[High Octane Nightmare Fuel|Even as he dies.]]
* [[Monster Clown]]: As if the hordes of zombies weren't bad enough...
* [[Playing With Fire]]: Can use fire breath as an attack.
* [[Shout-Out]]: Can be seen wearing a servbot button during cutscenes.
* [[Tragic Villain]]: Despite being pants-shittingly terrifying, the circumstances of him going insane are indeed pretty depressing: He was a friendly children's entertainer until the zombies arrived, and could only watch in horror as the children in the audience were devoured causing him to snap.
=== Cliff Hudson ===
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A Vietnam veteran who is undergoing flashbacks after {{spoiler|seeing his granddaughter get killed by the zombies.}} He is one of the few psychopaths who shows any regret for what he has done.
* [[Back Stab]]: Not afraid to go after you from the back, and it does quite a bit of damage as well.
* [[Badass Grandpa]]
* [[Badass Grandpa]]: Thanks to being a retired soldier, he's brutally strong and more than capable of getting the drop on you.
* [[Degraded Boss]]: Tragically, he ends up as a zombie type in ''Chop Till You Drop'', becoming one of the very things {{spoiler|that murdered his granddaughter}}.
* [[Get Back Here Boss]]: He spends a lot of the time ducking in and out through his boss room's maze-like structure trying to get the drop on you, then fleeing after taking a certain amount of damage.
* [[Machete Mayhem]]
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: Steve Blum, a.k.a [[The Legend of Korra|Amon]], a.k.a [[Wolverine]], a.k.a [[The Spectacular Spider Man|the Green Goblin]].
* [[Machete Mayhem]]: His main weapon. It's no small chainsaw, but it makes for one of the more effective weapons when you get to wield it.
* [[Shell Shocked Senior]]: He thinks everyone around him is a Vietcong.
* [[Tear Jerker]]: He's probably the only psychopath you'll regret killing.
* [[Teleport Spam]]: Can use some trapdoors in the rooms to move around.
* [[Tragic Villain]]: Oh, most definitely. On top of having obvious PTSD from the Vietnam War, he also {{spoiler|saw his granddaughter get torn to pieces by zombies.}}
* [[Tragic Villain]]
=== The Hall family ===
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A father and his two sons who are snipers that have taken refuge in the entrance plaza and shoot at anyone who passes by.
* [[Anti-Villain]]: TheThomas, youngestas one,he's unwilling to shoot Frank since he's not a threat at all to them until he's put under enough pressure to shoot. He's also the one fans wished they could save.
* [[Cold Sniper]]: Although that doesn't stop them from congratulating each other on a well-aimed shot or doing a high five as Franks rushes them with a chainsaw...
* [[Death Glare]]: Roger. Jesus dude...
* [[Dirty Coward]]: They spend the whole fightingfight running and aren't above shooting Frank in the back.
* [[Four Eyes, Zero Soul]]: Roger.
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: Roger, who like Cliff is voiced by Steve Blum.
* [[Older Than They Look]]: Roger and his sons are all adults. Really.
* [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]]: If you kill the other two, no matter what, the last will try to kill you.
* [[Shout-Out]]: Jack and Roger share names with the antagonists of The [[Lord of the Flies]], like how Jack and Roger persuaded boys to join their tribe and kill Ralph, Jack and Roger Hall threaten and persuade Thomas to shoot Frank.
=== Sean Keanan ===
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