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* [[Epileptic Trees|Theories that it summons fire from hell]] aside, Amaterasu from ''[[Naruto]]'' doesn't have any connection to hell, but exhibits many traits as hell fire: special color (black), extremely hot ([[Convection, Schmonvection|supposedly as hot as the sun]]), has impossible properties (can burn non-flammable objects, even underwater & can cause even [[Eldritch Abomination|Bijuus]] who shrug off lesser attacks to cry out in pain), and is very hard to put out (can't be put out unless you wait for a week, seal it, or the user snuffs it out).
** Zetsu actually says at one point that Amateratsu is supposedly "black hellfire". It's real nature is never clarified.
* In ''[[Slayers]]'', there's a distinction: for example, Fireball is Shamanism spell -- it calls upon fire spirit. Gaav Flare, on the other hand, was <ref>Defunct after Gaav's demise, of course.</ref> [[Black Magic]] using the power of Chaos Dragon, one of Dark Lords. Defunct after Gaav's demise, of course. Reflecting [[The Brute|Gaav's nature and power level]], it's much nastier and burns ''through'' the first target, then whoever was behind it... Another distinction is that White and Black magic aren't limited to only Astral like Spirit magic in Shamanism or oly material world like elemental Shamanism, but are present on both levels and as such cannot be easily "dodged" by entities moving between them.
* In [[Mahou Sensei Negima]], one of Negi's [[Black Magic]] techniques is called ''Incendium Gehennae'', which can be loosely translated as "[[Judaism|Flames of]] [[wikipedia:Gehenna|Gehenna]]".
* In ''[[Bastard!!]]'', Dark Schneider's ultimate spell [[Spell My Name with an "S"|Halloween/Helloween/Harrowing]] summons fire that is hotter than the ''sun'', completely obliterating an Efreet MADE of fire.
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* [[Neverwinter Nights 2]] Warlock's [[Prestige Class]], Hellfire Warlock. Guess what their magic blasts are made of.
* [[Player Character|The Demifiend]] in ''[[Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne]]'' can equip a powerful Fire magatama which allows him to use a spell called "Hellfire".
* ''[[Dwarf Fortress]]'' has "dragonfire", which has very strange properties. Exposed organic materials burst in flames (including Nether-cap that otherwise stays at the point of water freezing, even if submerged in magma), stone, glass and ceramics that are not just fireproof, but magma-proof melt ''and boil away'', but... dragonfire won't directly melt metals (even lead) or turn normal water into steam.
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