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* ''[[Backward Compatible]]'' has a [http://www.crispygamer.com/comics/backward/backward-2009-04-29.aspx different kind of talk].
* ''[[Punintended]]'' has one of the best versions of the talk in their comic [http://punintended.thecomicseries.com/comics/9 Where Do Babies Come From]. In this comic a biologist, a chemist and an astronomer all use their scientific field of expertise to tell their kids about the birds and the bees. Quite cute and extremely fantastic.
* Gil from ''[[Girl Genius]]'' [[A Man Is Not a Virgin|probably doesn't need it]], but apparently the [[Shipper on Deck|Jagerkin]] [[Super Soldier|Boys]] want to talk to him abouthad "[http://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20080310 dea birdsmoment] undwhen deGil veaselsmanaged to impress [[Super Soldier|Jägers]]" regardingand Agatha.they [[OnlyShipper Saneon ManDeck|Dimodiscussed his relationship]] opposeswith this.Agatha:
{{quote|'''Maxim''': Hy vill teach him how to impress de ''gorls!''
'''Oggie''': Hy vill teach him about de birds und de veasles!
'''[[Only Sane Man|Dimo]]''': (quietly) Und hy vill teach him how to ''avoid those two''.
'''Jenka''': (quietly) Ah. Den he may haff a ''chence''. }}
* ''Dangerously Chloe'' has [http://www.dangerouslychloe.com/strips-dc/a_frank_discussion_of_you-know-what_%3A_chapter_9 Chapter 9] named "A frank discussion aboutof you-know-what",. whereWhere two young succubi are the only ones in any position to "set straight about the facts of life" Abby... "Dibs!"there Andare it'sonly notthree like Chloe didn't know to whom she gives ideas - it's two chapter ''after'' she [httpproblems://www.dangerouslychloe.com/strips-dc/good_chloroform chloroformed] Pandora just to let Teddy date a girl without crazy pranks droped on them.
*# "Dibs!" It's not like Chloe didn't know to whom she gives ideas, two chapter after [http://www.dangerouslychloe.com/strips-dc/good_chloroform chloroforming] Pandora just to let Teddy date a girl without crazy pranks dropped on them.
*# It "helps" that both are more than a bit fuzzy on what are differences for humans - Pandora is devious enough to sneak into Heaven repeatedly, but her knowledge of humanity seems to come mainly from [[Aliens Steal Cable|watching]] erotic comedies and [[Porn With Plot]], while Chloe was brought up in the Overworld, but didn't interact with humans much and [[Teen Drama|worried about other problems]].
*# Once the succubi issues are mentioned, the discussion derails toward more immediate concerns.
* ''[[Bear Nuts]]'' had it defied... sort of. [http://www.bearnutscomic.com/2014/11/17/448-bear-nuts/ After] Lech got the cast [[The Internet Is for Porn|acquainted with the internet a little too closely]]:
{{quote|'''Prozac''': (covers Tanked's eyes)
'''Evil''': (happily) I think you should give him The Talk.
'''Prozac''': (closes the notebook) Go watch some nature shows.
'''Prozac''': Or go to the petting zoo. The rabbits are always busy. (leaves) }}
* Subverted (naturally) in ''[[Something Positive]]'', where the worldly Mr. Sanderson winds up giving The Talk to Davan's not-quite-son Rory. Rory, who remembers his mother saying Davan might have been his actual father, is only too quick to [http://www.somethingpositive.net/sp08052011.shtml put two and two together].
{{quote|'''Rory''': ''Davan put his penis in my mommy?!'''}}
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* Webcomic ''[[Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal]]'' [http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?db=comics&id=311 is] [http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?db=comics&id=1251#comic a] ''[http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?db=comics&id=1502#comic really]'' [http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?db=comics&id=1195#comic huge] [http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?db=comics&id=488#comic fan] [http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?db=comics&id=943#comic of] [http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?db=comics&id=1142#comic this] [http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?db=comics&id=1240#comic trope.]
* ''[[Something Positive]]'': [http://somethingpositive.net/sp04112005.shtml Here] we see the aftermath of Davan's father giving him the Talk.
* ''[[Girl Genius]]'' had a moment when Gil managed to impress Jägers and they discussed his relationship with Agatha:
{{quote|'''Maxim''': Hy vill teach him how to impress de ''gorls!''
'''Oggie''': Hy vill teach him about de birds und de veasles!
'''[[Only Sane Man|Dimo]]''': (quietly) Und hy vill teach him how to ''avoid those two''.
'''Jenka''': (quietly) Ah. Den he may haff a ''chence''. }}
* ''Dangerously Chloe'' has [http://www.dangerouslychloe.com/strips-dc/a_frank_discussion_of_you-know-what_%3A_chapter_9 Chapter 9] named "A frank discussion about you-know-what", where two young succubi are the only ones in any position to "set straight about the facts of life" Abby... "Dibs!" And it's not like Chloe didn't know to whom she gives ideas - it's two chapter ''after'' she [http://www.dangerouslychloe.com/strips-dc/good_chloroform chloroformed] Pandora just to let Teddy date a girl without crazy pranks droped on them.
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