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[[File:wordgirl.jpg|frame|[[Word Girl]] and her [[Sidekick]], [[Everything's Better with Monkeys|Captain Huggyface]]]]
{{quote|''"[[Expository Theme Tune|From the planet Lexicon; watch out, villains, HERE SHE COMES!]]"''}}
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* [[Adorkable]]: Tobey fits the description perfectly.
* [[Adults Are Useless]]: It's a kids' show. Surprised? Averted, though, with some of the villains. Becky's parents also seem to be getting smarter and more useful as both have shown off the ability to outwit villains when needed.
* [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot]]: [[Inverted Trope|Inverted]], Tobey's [[Mecha-Mooks]] occasionally refuse to obey him, sometimes even turning against him. Notable in particular with his WordBot in the episode by the same name, which he programmed to be "devoted" (one of the words of the day) to him, only for it to turn against him when he kept paying too much attention to WordGirl and decide to be devoted to destruction instead.
* [[Alien Among Us]]: Though her intentions are good!
* [[TheAlways MinnesotaSomeone FatsBetter]]: Steve McClean
* [[All Girls Like Ponies]]: WordGirl's favorite show is ''The Pretty Princess and Magic Pony Power Hour'', she has a collection of porcelain unicorns, and even a unicorn poster on her bedroom wall.
** Violet, as well, is a fan of ''Pretty Princess'' and is fond of pegasi.
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* [[Annoying Younger Sibling]]: TJ
* [[Art Initiates Life]]: Lady Redundant Woman can bring pictures to life.
* [[A Simple Plan]]: In fact, one of the show's episodes is titled "A Simple Plan."
* [[Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever]]: Eileen in pretty much all of her episodes (first seen in "The Birthday Girl").
** Tobey's gigantic [[Mecha-Mooks]].
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{{quote|'''Mayor''': "Whoa - a dog from the old days! That dog is probably dead now." -- "Two Brains Quartet"}}
* [[Blatant Lies]]: Becky's many excuses whenever she must change into her [[Secret Identity|superhero identity]].
* [[BLAMNon Sequitur Episode]]: "Sandwich World".
** "Mouse Brain Take Over" may be the most prominent example of this trope on the show, depending on individual's opinions.
* [[Brainwashed]]: Mr. Big's whole gimmick.
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* [[The Butcher]]: The name of one of the main villains. [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshaded]] when "The Baker" and "The Candlestick Maker" are added to the mix.
* [[Calling Your Attacks]]: Used by the Butcher and occasionally Tobey, and [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshaded]] by WordGirl in "Book Ends".
** [[Word Girl]] herself frequently does this as well. "Monkey Throw!"
* [[Cartoon Cheese]]: Thanks to Two-Brains' cheese addiction, there are more examples of this in the show than you can count.
* [[Catch Phrase]]: "Worrrd UP!"
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** In the original shorts, Reginald referred to The Butcher as "smelly wiener man", and the Grocery Store Manager told him he'd have to "leave his personal meat at home".
* [[Dramatic Irony]]: In "The Wrong Side of the Law, Pt. 1," it is made obvious to the viewer immediately that the Birthday Girl is the criminal, but nobody else can figure it out. Even WordGirl doesn't get the answer right away, even though to her it should be obvious.
* [[Drunk with Power]]: As her name suggests - Miss Power. She nearly corrupts [[Word Girl]] as well.
** Leslie has a brief moment of this in "Leslie Makes It Big".
* [[Edutainment Show]]: The main purpose of the show, though it is written and acted cleverly enough to attract a large [[Periphery Demographic]].
* [[Einstein Hair]]: Two-Brains, of course.
* [[Elmuh Fudd Syndwome]]: Eileen
* [[Enemy Mine]]: [[Word Girl]] joins forces with Dr. Two-Brains in the episodes "Mouse Army" and "Dr. Three-Brains"
** In "The Rise Of Miss Power", {{spoiler|all of the show's villains team-up against Miss Power and help [[Word Girl]] defeat her.}}
* [[Episode Title Card]]: Every single one of them.
* [[Everyone Loves Blondes]]: There are quite a few blonde characters.
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* [[High-Class Glass]]: Reginald, the jeweler. Count Cloudy in "The Pretty Princess and Magic Pony Power Hour" also.
* [[Human Aliens]]: All the way.
* [[Hurl It Into the Sun]]: How WordGirl {{spoiler|destroys Mr. Big's Lexonite machine at the end of "[[Word Girl]] makes a Mistake."}}
* [[Hypercompetent Sidekick]]: Leslie to Mr. Big.
* [[Idiosyncrazy]]: The various villains with permanent gimmicks.
** Discussed in "The Young and the Meatless". Lady Redundant Woman and The Butcher keep trying to steal the same things because they are both meat and matching or redundant sets.
* [[Incest Subtext]]: Becky/WordGirl and TJ. Averted a bit, because technically she's adopted. [[Squick|She still finds it gross, though.]]
** Now to be fair, TJ has no idea that [[Word Girl]] is his sister.
* [[In-Series Nickname]]: Todd "Scoops" Ming.
* [[Insult Backfire]]:
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* [[Jerkass]]: The new assistant librarian. He's more obsessed with fining late returners.
* [[Jumping Out of a Cake]]: Bob does this in the episode "Becky's Birthday", and The Butcher does it in "Granny's Book Club".
* [[Kid Hero|Kid Heroine]]ine: Obviously.
* [[Kindhearted Cat Lover]]: Violet
* [[Kryptonite Factor]]:
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** The Butcher, as well.
{{quote|'''The Butcher''': Sausage CYCLOOOOOOOOOOOONE!!
'''[[Word Girl]]''': Change. It. BAAAAAAAAAAAACK!! }}
* [[Laser-Guided Amnesia]]: The episode ''Two-Brains Forgets'', used with [[Master of Delusion]].
* [[Laughably Evil]]: All the villains on the show.
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* [[Mind Control]]: Mr. Big's company's mission statement, actually: "We strive to constantly use mind control."
* [[Mind Control Eyes]]
* [[The Minnesota Fats]]: Steve McClean
* [[Momma's Boy]]: Tobey and Chuck.
* [[Muggle Foster Parents]]: [[Word Girl]] is adopted into a fairly normal human family with no superpowers whatsoever.
* [[Mundane Utility]]: Tobey's artistically-gifted robot, as well as his minor-do-gooding robot in "Tobey Goes Good".
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]] : {{spoiler|1=Becky has this moment when she wished that WordGirl would never exist, not knowing that the birthday cake was enchanted due to the Energy Monster's overload.}}
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* [[Obfuscating Disability]]: Granny May regularly pretends to be hard-of-hearing.
* [[Oblivious to Love]]: Scoops is very blind sighted to Becky's affection.
** [[Word Girl]]'s awareness of Tobey's crush also fluctuates from time to time.
* [[One Steve Limit]]: While most of the characters, villains or not, have nicknames, this trope is true for the most part. However, it's subverted in "The Ballad of Steve McClean", most likely for subtle comedic affect in that Steve McClean takes Dr. Two Brains' Number 1 spot on the Top Villains List, and Dr. Two Brains' original human name was Steven Boxleitner. ([[Not Big Enough for the Two of Us|Fair City isn't big enough for two villains named Steve!]]) After this episode, there is, quite literally, only one Steve because McClean, while showing up for silent background cameos, is never mentioned again.
* [[Onion Tears]]: It's shown in one episode that {{spoiler|Raul Demiglasse, a chef who challenged others' cooking skills on his TV show, used onion flakes to make his opponents cry.}}
* [[Only Sane Man]]: [[Word Girl]] is considered a genius by the other characters - although she is pretty smart, the truth is that ''everyone else in the show is an idiot'' (with a few exceptions, like the Narrator) to one degree or another (the less dumb often manipulate the stupider ones.) The fact the populace is so easily tricked often frustrates the heroine. And this becomes a plot-point in the [[Big Damn Movie]].
** Pretty Princess's magic horse.
* [[Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping]]: An "in-character" example. Tobey feigns a British accent unless and until he is speaking to his mother.
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* [[Parental Bonus]]/ [[Genius Bonus]]: WordGirl's home planet is called "Lexicon", a linguistics term that basically means "vocabulary".
* [[The Password Is Always Swordfish]]: Chuck the Evil Sandwich-Making Guy's password was "mustard," and later the name of his childhood pet.
** In the episode "Lunch Lady Chuck", Chuck threatened to demolish the whole school with a giant sandwich press, and the only way to stop it was with the password... that he forgot. [[Word Girl]] literally spends half the episode frantically scouring everywhere Chuck went during the day to try to figure out the password, to no avail... Until Chuck remembers, just in time, the password was "password".
* [[Perplexing Plurals]]: Several characters struggle with the plural of the word "thesaurus" in "I Think I'm A Clone Now".
* [[Photo Booth Montage]]: From the episode "Theme Park WHAM-page".
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** The [[Incredibly Lame Pun|Bat]] [[Batman|Signal]], anyone?
** May be unintentional, but [[Danny Phantom|"Invisi-Bill".]]
* [[Show Within a Show]]: A variation: the [[Word Girl]] episodes are followed by a segment featuring a [[Game Show]] that stars its own characters (and Captain Huggyface). Like the main segment they're intended to [[Edutainment|teach the meaning of words to the audience]].
** There's also the ''Pretty Princess and Magic Pony Power Hour''. The special "The Rise of Miss Power" let viewers watch an episode of it during the interstitials.
* [[Silent Partner]]: Charlie, the larger of Dr. Two-Brains' henchmen, never speaks out loud and the smaller of the two henchmen does all of the talking for him.
* [[A Simple Plan]]: In fact, one of the show's episodes is titled "A Simple Plan."
* [[Single-Minded Twins]]: Though not twins, and inverted by the presence of Dupey in "The Young And The Meatless", Lady Redundant Woman's clones frequently exhibit identical movements as their original, while saying the exact same thing. This is likely just a case of reducing animation and voice acting costs, even though it doesn't make sense for LRW's copies to know exactly what she's going to say, how she's going to say it, and how she's going to move while saying it, when she does. They only have their own personalities (such as Dupey) when it's needed for the plot.
* [[Skyward Scream]]:
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* [[Talking in Your Sleep]]: Dr. Two Brains is guilty of this in the episode "Showdown at the Super Secret Spaceship Hideout".
* [[Talking to Himself]]:This has happened many times; an example would be when Two Brains rebuked TJ in "The Homerun King"
* [[TalkingInner to ThemselfDialogue]]: Seen in the short "Mouse Trap" when Dr. Two Brains argues with his former self, Steven Boxleitner.
* [[The Teaser]]: Normally not used, but seen before the title theme in "The Rise of Miss Power" to introduce Miss Power.
* [[Tech Marches On]]: Is intentionally averted. The producers want it to look like it could have been made in the 60s, 80s, or today. No Internet, No Home Computers (the only computers seen take up almost half the room), small corner TVs, a few passing references to home video, and the journalist wannabe works at a newspaper a la Jimmy Olsen. Even the family car looks like a station wagon from the 70s. They claim if cell phones are ever used, they'll be bulky devices circa 1995.
* [[This Is Gonna Suck]]: Prof. Boxleitner's reaction when Squeaky is about to push the "Holy Cow! Don't Press This Button!" button.
{{quote|'''Prof. Boxleitner''': "Oh boy. This is gonna sting." }}
* [[ThisPunctuated! IsFor! SpartaEmphasis!|This! Is! SPARTA!]]: Nocan the Contrarian. See [[Large Ham]] above.
* [[That Was Objectionable]]: Refer to the episode "The Wrong Side of the Law".
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: Also in "WordGirl Makes a Mistake, Part 2." A handyman shows up to demand his money from Mr. Big for designing the trap in which WordGirl, Captain HuggyFace and the "This Just In" guy (see just above) are imprisoned. He gets thrown into the trap and doesn't even realize that he too is now a prisoner.
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** TJ appears to have an understanding of his "language" in "The Homerun King", and Violet does too in "The Fill-In".
* [[Thick Line Animation]]: It's the ''page image.'' What do you expect?
* [[The Bad Guy Wins]]: {{spoiler|No, you're reading this right. In ''[[Word Girl]] and Bobbleboy'' TJ's success in his [[Word Girl]] bobblehead dolls business distract our hero so much, that she gets smashed to the ground by Chuck's Crusher!! Luckily she gets better, but the villain featured for the rest of the episode was Dr. Two-Brains and NOT Chuck!}}
* [[The Wiki Rule]]: [http://wordgirl.wikia.com/wiki/WordGirl_Wiki It has one]
* [[Thou Shalt Not Kill]]: [[Word Girl]] doesn't kill or even harm any villain she's up against (Save for [[What Measure Is a Non-Human?|Tobey's robots and Lady Redundant Woman's copies]]).
** That is the result of a PBS Kids [[Justified Trope|commandment.]]
* [[Training Montage]] : Lampshaded in ''Monkey-Robot Showdown''.
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* [[Wonderful Life]]: "A World Without WordGirl".
* [[You Are Grounded]]
* [[You! Get Me Coffee!]]: In "Chuck With a Side of Brent," Chuck's brother Brent resurfaces and apologizes for having been such a bad sidekick to Chuck and begging for another chance. Chuck reluctantly agrees and asks him if he promises to do every evil and villainous thing he tells him. Brent agrees and Chuck tells him "You can start by picking up my dry-cleaning. Oh, and I have some ironing I need done too."
* [[Your Costume Needs Work]]: TJ consistently tells his sister that her WordGirl impersonation isn't very good.
[[Category:TurnWestern Animation of the Millennium/Western Animation2000s]]
[[Category:Edutainment Show]]
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