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{{quote|'''[[Mr. Exposition|Deckard Cain]]''': Come! [[Catch Phrase|Stay a while and]]--<br />
'''Barbarian''': It is time for shedding our enemies' blood, not idle talk.<br />
'''Deckard Cain''': [[Mythology Gag|No one ever listens!]]|''[[Diablo III]]''}}
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<!-- %%comment%% This trope isn't inherently bad. Players who just want to get to the action are not 'bad players' any more than players who are interested in the lore. Don't criticize either in the examples. And conversely, don't gush over how amazing and epic and tearjerking your favorite plot is just to prove how horrible people are for ignoring it. -->
== Video game examples ==
=== Adventure Game ===
* ''Ring: The Legend of the Nibelungen'' is basically ''[[Der Ring Des Nibelungen]]'' [[Recycled in Space|in space]]. Some reviews complained that the story was [[Mind Screw|almost impossible to get]], except maybe if you are both a gamer and a Wagner fan, but oddly for an Adventure game, it's not that hard to finish the game without getting it.
=== Fighting Game ===
* ''[[Super Smash Bros.]]. Brawl''. The overarching plot of ''The Subspace Emissary'' was mostly ignored by players. It doesn't help that a great deal of detail is left vague due to all of the characters being [[Heroic Mime|Heroic Mimes]]s. One of the last updates at [[All There in the Manual|the official website]] clarifies these and also reveals that some exposition had to be cut out of the game entirely.
* ''[[Super Smash Bros.]]. Brawl''. The overarching plot of ''The Subspace Emissary'' was mostly ignored by players. It doesn't help that a great deal of detail is left vague due to all of the characters being [[Heroic Mime|Heroic Mimes]]. One of the last updates at [[All There in the Manual|the official website]] clarifies these and also reveals that some exposition had to be cut out of the game entirely.
** Pirated versions of this game usually cut out the ''Subspace Emissary'' cutscenes (among other things), so the game can fit on a single-layer disc. And since it's one of the most popular games for [[Wii|the most pirated seventh generation console]]...
* Arguably, almost every single tournament [[Fighting Game]] in existence. There are detailed backstories, different endings per character, and even events in sequels that tie in to past story elements. But with the exception of some hardcore fans who care about such things and compile vast [[Universe Compendium|Universe Compendiums]]s trying to figure out what's [[Canon]], almost everyone just picks their character and joins the fight.
* The ultimate example is ''[[Tekken]]''.
** By ''Tekken 6'' there are more characters than Namco can fit into the main plot, so many of them have been reduced to having joke plots and endings or simply unrelated to the main story.
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** People cared about the stories long before that since SNK constantly pulls out fan favorites for arbitrary reasons, like Joe in XI. It's the reason the Dream Match games, 98 and 2002, where the story is ignored in favor of who would make a fun fighter, are the most popular.
* And ''[[Mortal Kombat]]'', obviously. It has a convoluted and (probably deliberately) ludicrous backstory incorporating numerous gods, planar beings, rivaling clans of robot ninjas, etc. Most of the players probably don't realize which characters are the good guys, not least because [[Face Heel Revolving Door|many of them swap allegiances constantly.]]
** The beat-'em-up [[Spin-Off]] ''[[Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks]]'' gets this reaction from the fanbase of ''Mortal Kombat'' anyway. The gameplay is solid, but the story is filled with continuity errors, characters getting killed off for no reason other than getting in the protagonists' way, and [[Out-of-Character Moment|out of character moments]]. Kung Lao gets hit with this the hardest, as the game is basically one long [[Out-of-Character Moment]] for him.
** ... until [[Mortal Kombat 9]] turned things around with a long, detailed, and very popular story mode.
* In ''[[Street Fighter]]'' all characters do have their motivations, but most of them are pretty simple. "This evil dude, Bison, killed your friend/father/classmate/whatever, and you want revenge".
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** When the story was being paid attention to, it was a good story... until ''Soul Calibur V'', where there is a short 20 episode story mode (with less fights than chapters), and half the cast only appears briefly, or worse, not at all. It seems the devs just gave up and decided to enforce this trope.
* Notably ''averted'' in ''[[Guilty Gear]]''; despite being a competitive fighter, Guilty Gear's quirky characters, bizarre plot, and odd aesthetic have all served to endear it to fans.
** Its [[Spiritual Successor]] ''[[Blaz BlueBlazBlue]]'' obviously follows the suit. Even the Story Mode feels like a [[Visual Novel]] game with fighting matches in between.
* The problem started when it became standard practice for [[Cutting Off the Branches|one character's ending per game to be]] "[[Canon]]". That means that all but two or three characters' stories are ''completely irrelevant''. It's tough to care about Julia Chang's environmental crusades or E.Honda's attempts to popularize sumo when there's zippo chance of seeing any resolution. The best way to make players care is to present each character's story as a ''part'' of the big picture, something ''[[Blaz BlueBlazBlue]]'' has done (and ''Mortal Kombat'', too, though not as successfully).
** ''Guilty Gear'' solved the same problem by having several plotlines going at once. Everyone runs into everyone in the course of their storylines, but while some endings are canon and some aren't, there is no overriding "BIG CANON" ending, and typically elements from all endings are considered at least semi-canon.
=== First Person Shooter ===
* ''[[Doom]] 3'' has a story created by a novelist. Which may lead people to say, "It has a story?" The [[Big Bad]] was passed up for the title of [[Mad Scientist]] Who Makes A [[Deal with the Devil]] #69,105 for being too generic. A handful of [[Cutscene|cutscenescutscene]]s and numerous audio logs of people who complain about hearing "strange noises" create an atmosphere, but not necessarily a story. Besides, most players listen to audio logs just to get to the needed passcodes anyway, and those are usually near the end of the log.
* ''[[Doom]] 3'' has a story created by a novelist. Which may lead people to say, "It has a story?" The [[Big Bad]] was passed up for the title of [[Mad Scientist]] Who Makes A [[Deal with the Devil]] #69,105 for being too generic. A handful of [[Cutscene|cutscenes]] and numerous audio logs of people who complain about hearing "strange noises" create an atmosphere, but not necessarily a story. Besides, most players listen to audio logs just to get to the needed passcodes anyway, and those are usually near the end of the log.
* In ''[[Halo]]'', there's two groups of players: those who deeply care about the story, and the ones that are indifferent to it altogether. The former wants to shoot people ''and'' immerse themselves in the [[Backstory]], the mythology, and characters and all. The latter see the former as dorks for being so enthralled in the story, while the former hold them in equal disdain as low-brow fools who spam Xbox Live. Thankfully for the former group, the [[Expanded Universe]] exists for them.
** Its predecessor, ''[[Marathon Trilogy|Marathon]]'', has a complex and highly-detailed [[Backstory]] that is still being investigated by fans to this day... almost none of which is essential to actually play the game, as it's contained mostly in incidental data screens in out-of-the-way locations.
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* The first [[System Shock]] game had this as an option: if players wanted, they could turn off all plot elements, meaning that the original audio logs would still be there but stripped down to game-related info only.
=== Four X ===
* ''[[Master of Orion]] III'' has a quite detailed backstory, including a bunch of stuff that's not been seen in either of its predecessors, but [[All in The Manual|aside from the manual it doesn't matter]], ''at all''. The only references to it in the actual game is in occasional "color text" from the advisers, which has no bearing on how the game actually plays.
** Of course, the only part that conceivably even could still matter is the empire the Antarans at the height of their power were ''afraid of'', and even the remnant in the game will ruin your shit when they come out of their capital. If they showed up everyone on the map would be dead in a few turns.
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* ''[[Galactic Civilizations]]'': the backstory has a few minor impacts on the events in a game, but most of the time people ''and'' the AI just run on cold hard realpolitik. There's also a campaign mode, that most people just ignore in favour of Gigantic galaxies, no items, final destination.
=== [[Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game|MMORPG]]s ===
== MM Os ==
* Common in [[Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game|MMORPGs]] in general. In ''[[EverQuest]]'' and ''EverQuest 2'' a lot of the players who enjoy the end game raiding aspect not only don't care about the story and "fluff", but even consider it an annoyance [[Prepositions Are Not to End Sentences With|up with which they should not be forced to put]].
* Every MMORPG with a team mechanic falls prey to this. "Hey guys, wait up, I want to read the history of Doomy McEvilton and why he wants the [[MacGuffin]] of Glory to...ah nuts to this, where's my XP?"
** ''[[Guild Wars]]'' also has this happen. Most people who engage in the [[PvP]] aspect of the game probably have never seen any of the cutscenes in the game. On the plus side, though, it's possible to play through the story campaign yourself, where you don't have a message saying 7/8 members of the group want to skip the scene and getting yelled at by everyone else for making them sit through it. (Often justified with runners, who've probably seen the cutscene [[Memetic Mutation|over nine thousand]] times and don't wanna hear it ''again''.)
** The same thing can happen in ''[[The Lord of the Rings Online]]''. Some group quests vital to the main storyline requires you to talk to [[NPC|NPCs]]s to get the quest going, but the first one who gets there can activate the NPC without the rest of the group getting a chance to read whatever plot information that NPC were willing to share. One example is in Moria, where the players are heading into a dungeon to find a powerful axe, and ends up fighting the Watcher in the Water. If one person gets there before the rest and activates the Watcher, it's not impossible that players don't realize they just saved a NPC who was taken by the Watcher and presumed dead earlier in the storyline, until they actually talk to him again. Lately the game has been steering away from this, making most of the main storyline solo-playable so that people can enjoy the story in their own pace.
** ''[[World of Warcraft]]''. The quest writers intentionally try to keep the quest descriptions brief because people will just ignore them anyways. Even in Cataclysm, which made all the zones have their own unique story arcs, many of which even tie into later zones or even end-game content, a lot of quests are just ignored since people level up alts with heirlooms and barnstorm through the zones. Unless they're Thousand Needles, which people stopped and enjoyed their ride through.
* ''[[RunescapeRuneScape]]'' varies between this and [[Excuse Plot]]. This is a more subjective example; some of the quests are rather bland, especially the ones you get for free but some of the others in the members world really have a lot of detail in the history of Runescape. Lately, the older quests have been integrated more closely to the main storyline.
* ''[[Maple Story]]'' has a story long and detailed enough for an [[Archive Panic]]. Problem? Almost ''all'' of the players who can actually do the quests to find out the storyline are a ton of [[Munchkin|Munchkins]]s. The game's [[Backstory]] is so easily ignored that there are some players who ''don't even know it exists.''
* ''[[Air Rivals|Ace Online]]'' has a relatively long and interesting plot spanning all 3 episodes, from the colonists starting Bygeniou City (BCU) in Episode One, to the machinations of the Shrines and Phillons and the defection of Arlington City (ANI) in Episode Two (which introduced the Nation Wars mechanic), to the new frontiers and the breaking of an uneasy truce between ANI and BCU in Episode Three. Most players just pick a nation with their friends and go warring/mobhunting, ignoring walls and walls of political cloak-and-dagger text in the mission briefings.
* ''[[EVE Online]]'' has an incredibly detailed gameworld with four factions who each have their own unique history and the constant political squabbles between them. The website is regularly updated with short stories which further flesh out the game world. All this background detail has little to no impact on the actual game, and roleplayers are few and far between. For a long time there has been only one roleplayer faction holding any 0.0 space and that was due to a "gentlemen's agreement" amongst [[PvP]]-oriented factions that they be left alone. A change to game mechanics made them too inviting a target and this tacit understanding subsequently collapsed.
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* Believe it or not, ''[[Ragnarok Online]]'' is actually more than killing (cute) monsters and loot drama. Granted, you need to connect the pieces to know that Rune-Midgard has a long, long history, and some parts of it are [[Nightmare Fuel]] hidden by the cute graphic (I'm looking at you, Light Halzen... or maybe I shouldn't have).
* ''[[City of Heroes]]'' has, in its Mission Architect, absolutely brilliant stories written by players (many of which are dev-sponsored), with custom enemies, fairly unique plots, et cetera. Most players seem to just jump for the grindfests set up for the sake of easy leveling.
** Enforced in the case of teams—the team leader is the only member of a team who ever got to see ''all'' the story content for the missions run by the team. In the later releases this was starting to be averted, with cut scenes and communications dialogue received by all members, but the only place non-leaders could see mission details and get some of the story was an obscure, unhinted icon in the compass window, and if the team didn't pause long enough to let people read the pop-up clicking this would display, a player could have no idea what was going on.
=== Platform Game ===
* Any ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog]]'' game that attempts to have a story more complex than "Sonic fights Eggman" is immediately met with scorn by pretty much any professional reviewer and [[Broken Base|many fans as well.]]
** Taken to a head with ''[[Shadow the Hedgehog]]''. That game gives the hero at least five different [[Origin Story|origin stories]] and reasons for existing. The only thing fans remember? [[Narm|"FIND THE COMPUTER ROOM!" "Where's that DAMN fourth Chaos Emerald!?"]]
=== Real Time Strategy ===
* [[Blizzard Entertainment]]. All their modern franchises (''[[Diablo]]'', ''[[StarcraftStarCraft]]'' and ''[[Warcraft]]'') do in fact have stories, and there are the hardcore "lore-fans" who spend time debating of them, but most players ignore them completely. All three franchises also have loads of [[All There in the Manual|supplemental materials]]. It doesn't help that the ''[[World of Warcraft]]'' plot is governed by the need to ultimately have almost every major character arbitrarily turn evil so the players can fight them. Of course, as a result, they became [[Genre Savvy]] enough to know they can get away with [[Cliché Storm]] plots (And trailers) and only a few tropers on this site will actually notice.
* [[Blizzard Entertainment]]. All their modern franchises (''[[Diablo]]'', ''[[Starcraft]]'' and ''[[Warcraft]]'') do in fact have stories, and there are the hardcore "lore-fans" who spend time debating of them, but most players ignore them completely. All three franchises also have loads of [[All There in the Manual|supplemental materials]]. It doesn't help that the ''[[World of Warcraft]]'' plot is governed by the need to ultimately have almost every major character arbitrarily turn evil so the players can fight them. Of course, as a result, they became [[Genre Savvy]] enough to know they can get away with [[Cliché Storm]] plots (And trailers) and only a few tropers on this site will actually notice.
** On ''[[Diablo]] II'', multiplayer mode ''skips'' cutscenes, which doesn't help.
*** Only if you do not have them installed. You can skip them at will or watch.
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* ''[[Defense of the Ancients All Stars]]'' in fact has backstories, mostly elaborated on in DotA 2. The game's more known for the [["Stop Having Fun!" Guys|people]] it attracts.
=== Role Playing Game ===
* ''[[The Elder Scrolls]]'' falls victim to this to a degree. ''Oblivion'', for example, contains numerous books full of expository text which most players ignore, "reading" it only to see whether or not you get a skill point from it. The [[Beige Prose|blandly written]], woodenly voice-acted NPC dialogue also tends to make people skip through all the exposition until a quest flag is triggered.
** It's not alone. ''Morrowind'' had no voice acting to speak of beyond simple greetings and taunts, yet something like ''six times'' the written text of ''Oblivion'', in the form of both NPC dialogues ''and'' books. Some of it is actually kind of interesting and well written (containing a lot of subtle hints to your quest), but most is pretty much the quality of writing you would expect from a video game [[Seinfeld Is Unfunny|at that timeframe]] and consequently rather forgettable.
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* ''[[Demon's Souls]]'' and ''[[Dark Souls]]'' both have a lot of lore with tragic history and tragic characters. A lot of people are simply content to just go demon and god killing given how unintrusive the story is in both games.
=== Shoot Em Up ===
* [[Shoot'Em Up|Shmups]] can fall prey to this as well. [[Sin and Punishment|Some of them]] [[Radiant Silvergun|have detailed]], [[Ikaruga|intricate backstories]] [[EXceed|and stories]] [[Do Don Pachi|which go]] [[Mushihime-sama|mostly unnoticed]] [[Hellsinker|by their]] players, who are just there to test their skills against the [[Nintendo Hard|Nintendo Hardness]]ness. It certainly doesn't help that a lot of these shmups are in Japanese, [[No Export for You|without any kind of official English translation.]]
=== Third Person Shooter ===
* [[Shoot'Em Up|Shmups]] can fall prey to this as well. [[Sin and Punishment|Some of them]] [[Radiant Silvergun|have detailed]], [[Ikaruga|intricate backstories]] [[EXceed|and stories]] [[Do Don Pachi|which go]] [[Mushihime-sama|mostly unnoticed]] [[Hellsinker|by their]] players, who are just there to test their skills against the [[Nintendo Hard|Nintendo Hardness]]. It certainly doesn't help that a lot of these shmups are in Japanese, [[No Export for You|without any kind of official English translation.]]
* ''[[Dirge of Cerberus]]'' is filled with [[Cutscene|cutscenescutscene]]s, but being a Action Game, they only break down the flow. This becomes even worse later in the game as the cutscenes are even longer and filled with [[Deus Ex Machina|Deus Ex Machinas]]s.
== Third Person Shooter ==
* ''[[Dirge of Cerberus]]'' is filled with [[Cutscene|cutscenes]], but being a Action Game, they only break down the flow. This becomes even worse later in the game as the cutscenes are even longer and filled with [[Deus Ex Machina|Deus Ex Machinas]].
* Surprisingly averted most of the time in the original ''[[Operation Flashpoint]]'' series, especially its expansion pack ''Resistance''. Though the game would at first seem as a no-thrills no-nonsense military sim, the story and characters are compelling on their own and heavily intertwined with what's generally going on, which lends the whole affair a very personal and immersive feel about ''being a soldier'', instead of "playing as a soldier who just shoots everything that remotely moves". Note that the main plot of ''Cold War Crisis'' is about the eruption of a short war between two small garrisons of NATO and Warsaw pact soldiers stationed in a Ruritania nobody cares about... which could get out of hand and lead to [[World War Three]] and [[The End of the World as We Know It]] if the player didn't work to stop it. The aforementioned ''Resistance'' expansion makes you really feel like the leader of a band of freedom fighters and makes no qualms about how under-equipped and vulnerable you are compared to the enemy. There's also a [[Sadistic Choice]] you have to go through in one of the first missions. Simply put, you can't escape the game's overarching story even if you go frag-hunting on an enemy patrol. The ''[[Spiritual Successor|ARMA]]'' series, while not having such a thrilling background to the overall story, still maintains a similarly in-depth-personal-and-asskicking-at-the-same-time narrative structure.
* ''[[Bullet Witch]]'' actually has quite a complex plot, regarding a guy who summoned the demons to bring back his dead daughter and how [[Dark Action Girl|Alicia]] got her powers. Too bad the players only wanted to shoot stuff.
=== Non-video game examples: ===
== Film ==
=== MM OsFilm ===
* In a non-game context, many classic movies are treated this way by film historians and students. Nobody teaching ''[[Birth of a Nation]]'' in a film class wastes any breath on the plot; they just focus on the film's many stylistic tropes, and if they have time make mention of the historical context and heavily racist overtones. Similarly, ''[[Metropolis]]'' is watched today for its groundbreaking special effects, futuristic architecture, and kickass robot - not its romantic plot or political message (as the screenwriter intended).
** That often ties in with [[What Do You Mean It's Not Didactic?|its own trope]].
* Porn films - really, you're not watching those movies for anything but the porn.
=== Tabletop Games ===
* This often happens with Tabletop games, ''[[Dungeons and& Dragons]]'', ''[[Warhammer Fantasy Battle]]'', and even ''[[Magi Nation]]''. Many players don't care about the material in the sourcebooks beyond feats and rules.
* This often happens with Tabletop games, ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]'', ''[[Warhammer Fantasy Battle]]'', and even ''[[Magi Nation]]''. Many players don't care about the material in the sourcebooks beyond feats and rules.
** This can also extend to the actual game sessions of roleplaying games, much to the frustration of Game Masters with players who are only interested in hacking-and-slashing and not the Game Master's campaign storyline or even actual ''role-playing''.
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