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* Some scenes which are typically played for laughs in a romantic comedy anime (a good example is Shinji accidentally groping Rei) turn out incredibly awkward, decidedly unfunny and not sexy.
* The "Dance Like You Want To Win!" episode, in which an Angel is defeated... through the power of synchronized dance, which sounds a lot like the dream of an imaginative young child.
* Piloting the Eva is not a fun part-time job, it's a traumatizing experience that eventually leads to {{spoiler|the death of several of his friends and crippling injury to another}}.
* Gendo, Shinji's estranged father, isn't simply a wacky dad (think Ichigo's dad in ''[[Bleach]]''), he actively neglects Shinji and real!Gendo is the cause of much of his emotional problems in the real world as well as real!Shinji's fantasy.
* As real!Shinji grows older and starts immersing himself less in his fantasy world, it becomes less coherent and more like random imaginings (represented in the show by the final two episodes).
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With all that {{spoiler|LCL everywhere}}, you just know that somewhere out there Kel is screaming "WHO LOVES ORANGE SODA?".
== The Dead Sea Scrolls are really the lyrics to ''Imagine'' by [[John Lennon]]. ==
Expelling everything separating people for a perfect, unified peace is what ''Imagine'' is trying to say. Take it literally and way too far and that's essentially Instrumentality in a nutshell.
== ''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion]]'' is just like ''[[Brazil (film)|Brazil]]''. ==
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* See the [[Surprisingly Similar Stories]] page for more.
== There is NO symbolism ==
The entire show is just Gainax loling at us. They just made massive money because we all despereatlydesperately scour the internet, searching for the answers to why ''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion]]'' is so weird.
* I actually agree with this one, minus the loling. This statement may get me committed, but if you take the show literally, and letting what happens on screen actually be what happens, the story is actually rather straightforward. Boy gets recruited to fight monsters, boy fights monsters, ancient conspiracy plots to have morally ambiguous things happen, morally ambiguous things happen. Grossly oversimplified, but anything too weird really can just be accepted as delusions or just visuals so that the scene doesn't take place with just text on a screen, which I may remind you happens eventually anyway. ... Pretty quickly, actually.
* Confirmed. The following quote is by the production staff, confirming that at least the Christian symbolism has no meaning at all. "There are a lot of giant robot shows in Japan, and we did want our story to have a religious theme to help distinguish us. Because Christianity is an uncommon religion in Japan we thought it would be mysterious. None of the staff who worked on Eva are Christians. There is no actual Christian meaning to the show, we just thought the visual symbols of Christianity look cool. If we had known the show would get distributed in the US and Europe we might have rethought that choice."
== By the time of ''End of Evangelion'', Shinji Ikari became an [[Omnicidal Maniac]] and a potential [[Nietzsche Wannabe]] ==
Seriously, he even exclaimed "Everyone just die" while simultaneously letting God kill off humanity and collect their souls, just because of his growing madness caused by his chains of [[Freudian Excuse]] after [[Freudian Excuse]], and the realization on how pointless his efforts are when it still leads to [[The End of the World as We Know It]]. And since this is a fucked-up Shinji, he might even continue to force God to annihilate the entirety of the universe through a [[Division By Zero]] ala ''[[Space Runaway Ideon]]'' (seriously, it explains the ep.26 [[Mind Screw]]). Yui, Rei and Kaworu, who realized that [[Even Evil Has Standards|this is wrong even by their eldritch standards]], eventually talked him out of it with lectures about [[Earn Your Happy Ending|earning our happy endings]], allowing Instrumentality to discontinue the world-annihilating process and make him come back from the LCL.
== The reason why Seele wanted to get rid of those Angels is because the Angels are going to fuck up Instrumentality in a ''non-lethal'' fashion. In other words, the Angels are actually going to prevent the Apocalypse ==
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Hey, who else has a WMG dart board as infinite as NGE?
== Neon Genesis Evangelion is a sentient [[MeMemetic MeMutation]]. ==
Not only that it is a sentient Meme that is also an [[Eldritch Abomination]] determinded to take over the globe and then feast on humanity's collective sanity and leave us all in howling madness. Read this page and deny it doesn't make sense
== Neon Genesis Evangelion is a literal God. ==
Like the above it is an [[Eldritch Abomination]], but because it has lots of plot holes, it also achieved instrumentality for all fiction, uniting them all together and ascending to a higher plane of existence, becoming God and the moderator between different types of fiction, hence why the infinite WMG dart board
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