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* [[Boobs Of Steel]]: An enforced inversion in the case of the female characters.
* [[Brawn Hilda]]: Any lady with physical strength.
* [[Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick]]: The entire rulebook reads like this. For example, while listing wrestling moves and explaining how each works, it [[BigNon LippedSequitur Alligator MomentScene|inexplicably describes how to rape one's opponent in the process]], then continues on with regular wrestling. Even the [[squick]] has its own sub-squick: Modifiers when calculating a character's Vaginal Circumference Potential include *1d20 if slut, *5 if old aged, and -95 if infant.
* [[But It Really Happened!]]: The authors cited a book on prostitution in Medieval France as evidence that all of their sexual content is historically based.
* [[Character Alignment]]: Two axes, "ethical" and "moral", which are exactly the same as D&D's [[Chaotic Neutral|chaotic]] and [[Neutral Evil|evil]] respectively, just with different names.
* [[Chunky Salsa Rule]]: The rulebook encourages the [[Insistent Terminology|<s>Game Master|</s> ''Aodile'']] to re-roll randomly determined results if the original result didn't make sense.
* [[Class and Level System]]: The Professions system, essentially. There's well over 100 professions with possibilities for multi-classing, but the multi-class system is broken. Each level taken doubles the experience point cost of the next level, but only for that one class. At level ten, you can level up a new class to level 5 in less time it takes you to level up your current class to level 11.
* [[Conservation of Detail]]: Averted. There's a lot of unnecessary detail here, cluttering up the game.
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* [[Dead Baby Comedy]]: A lot of it was intended. In one grisly example, if a certain artifact is destroyed it "showers the surrounding area in baby parts".
* [[Death by Childbirth]]: Possibly because you were ''raped by a sword and gave birth to a spear''. This is an actual magical weapon quality. Plus the obvious, that the rules state that anything passing through the vagina that exceeds its circumference (like, say, a baby's head) has a chance of causing fatal rupture.
* [[Depraved Homosexual]]: [[bisexuality]], [[anal]] sex, and [[necrophilia]] are solidly painted in an overtly bad light. The game provides mechanics for such things to occur anyway.
* [[Disability Superpower]]
** You can get "Retard Strength", strength bonuses due to low intelligence.
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* [[Empty Levels]]: The only benefit to advancing in most professions is additional skill points to spend on class skills, which means (due to the fact that experience required for each successive level ''doubles'' every level), one is best off advancing in several closely-related classes, rather than focusing on one and trying to max it out.
* [[Everybody Hates Mathematics]]: The most advanced mathematics any character can understand is "Geometry".
* [[Evil Is Sexy]]: Averted [[inIn-universeUniverse]]; dark elves are repulsively ugly and rely on illusion spells to seduce other races.
* [[Experience Points]]: You gain very small amounts of experience for jobs associated with that profession. They're all mostly mundane activities, so gaining experience can be very tedious.
** Warriors gain 10-20 [[Insistent Terminology|<s>EXP</s> AP]] ''per swing'' of their sword, while basket-weavers gain maybe 1 EXP per ''basket''.
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** The constant euphemisms for reproductive organs, most notably "fuckstick", "cuntpipe", and "Manhood".
** They insist that the [[Game Master|GM]] be referred to as the Aodile, the Aedile, or the MM (Maim Master). Experience Points are "Advancement Points".
** [[Call a Hit Point a Smeerp]]: ...Hit Points are "Life PintsPoints"...
** That isn't the character sheet, it's the character ''sheets''. [[Loads and Loads of Rules|Which it is.]]
* [[Jackass Genie]]: The "Wish" spell allows the player to wish for anything, which the GM then provides. The manual encourages the GM to interpret the wish in the worst possible way.
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* [[Sophisticated As Hell]]: This is what happens when dark, edgy, [[Serious Business]] meets fart jokes. "Experience an accumulation of gas in their rectum", indeed.
* [[STD Immunity]]: You'd think STDs would be pretty major in a game which places such heavy focus on sexual activity, but they're never so much as mentioned.
* [[ButThe ItTasteless But ReallyTrue Happened!Story]]: The authors cited a book on prostitution in Medieval France as evidence that all of their sexual content is historically based.
* [[Title Drop]]: The spell "FATAL". It's like they are trying to hint at something...
* [[Toilet Humor]]: "Force Fart", which makes the target pass gas. Or random gemstone excretion.
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[[Category:Tabletop Games]]
[[Category:Tabletop Games of the 2000s]]
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