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With Us or Against Us/Quotes: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''"You are either with us or with the terrorists."''|'''[[George W. Bush]]'''}}
{{quote|''"HeYou takesare aeither cardwith andus shadesor onewith halfthe of it in darkterrorists.
|'''[[George W. Bush]]'''}}
{{quote|He takes a card and shades one half of it in dark
So he can demonstrate to you just what he means.
He says, "There's black and there is white,
And there is wrong, and there is right,
And there is nothing, nothing in between."
That's what [[Steve Ditko|Mr. A]] said.''|'''[[Alan Moore]]''', "Mr. A"}}
|'''[[Alan Moore]]''', "Mr. A"}}
{{quote|''"There can be no bystanders in the battle for survival. Those who refuse to fight alongside you are yet more enemies that must be crushed utterly. "''|'''[[Warhammer 40000]]'''}}
{{quote|''"There can be no bystanders in the battle for survival. Those who refuse to fight alongside you are yet more enemies that must be crushed utterly. "''|'''[[Warhammer 40000]]'''}}
{{quote|''"He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters."''|'''[[The Bible|Matthew 12:30]]'''}}
|'''[[Warhammer 40000]]'''}}
{{quote|You are either for the Emperor or you are his bitter foe.|Thought For The Day|[[Warhammer 40000]]}}
|Thought For The Day|[[Warhammer 40000]]}}
{{quote|''"He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters."''|'''[[The Bible|Matthew 12:30]]'''}}
{{quote|You are either for the Emperor or you are his bitter foe.|Thought For The Day|[[Warhammer 40000]]}}
|'''[[The Bible|Matthew 12:30]]'''}}
{{quote|''"If you hamper the war effort of one side, you automatically help that of the other. Nor is there any real way of remaining outside such a war as [[World War II|the present one]]. In practice, 'he that is not with me is against me.' The idea that you can somehow remain aloof from and superior to the struggle, while living on food which British sailors have to risk their lives to bring you{{context|reason=something}}, is a bourgeois illusion bred of money and security."''|'''George Orwell'''}}
|'''George Orwell'''}}
{{quote|''"I will consider a declaration of neutrality to be a declaration of war against me."''|'''Genghis Khan'''}}
|'''Genghis Khan'''{{context|reason=source for such a surprising statement?}}}}
{{quote|''"Every inhabitant of the Brigade should either be an active friend or be classed as an enemy. "''|'''J. Franklin Bell'''}}
|'''J. Franklin Bell'''}}
{{quote|''"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem."''|'''Charles Rosner'''}}
|'''Charles Rosner'''}}
{{quote|''"Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act."''|'''Dietrich Bonhoeffer'''}}
|'''Dietrich Bonhoeffer'''}}
{{quote|''It is with absolute frankness that we speak of this struggle of the proletariat; each man must choose between joining our side or the other side. Any attempt to avoid taking sides in this issue must end in fiasco.''|'''Vladdimir Lenin'''}}
|'''Vladdimir Lenin'''}}
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