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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain: Difference between revisions

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* [[Afghanistan]]: One of the major settings of the game, set during the [[Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan]] period.
* [[AKA-47]]: The weapons in the game have fake names in place of real names, even having slight modifications in some cases to avoid ripping off real world trademarks, but it's still very obvious what they are stand-ins for, with the Renov sniper rifle being a renamed SVD Dragunov, the Burkov is actually a Makarov, and the SVG-76 is actually an AK-47 variant, just for a few examples.
** Somewhat averted with the Stinger Missile Launcher, whose prototype becomes available for use (as it did in [[Real Life]] around the same period), though it's only referred to by it's prototype name.
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** The use of the parasites by the [[Big Bad]] foreshadows FOXDIE and the presence of nanomachines down the line.
* [[Chicken Walker]]: Walker Gears, also known as D-Walkers, have a bird like strut to them<ref>It's prototype nickname is "The Goose."</ref>
* [[Child Soldiers]]: Show up prominently in the African levels.
* [[A Commander Is You]]: One of the mechanics is an expanded version of the base commander aspects of ''Peace Walker'', and a decent chunk of the gameplay is devoted to micromanaging your army.
* [[Creator Cameo]]: Hideo Kojima returns to service under Big Boss once again.
* [[Dead All Along]]: {{spoiler|Venom's hallucinations of Paz.}}
* [[Demonic Spiders]]: You will learn to HATE riot suited soldiers and child soldiers. The former can only be easily take out by heavy weapons or excellent use of stealth (if you don;t have the former and are bad at the latter, this makes several levels suck hard), and the latter cannot be killed or you get instant mission failure, forcing the player to either play completely nonviolent or be very stealthy.
* [[Easy Logistics]]: Averted hard. Supplies cost money and resources, and you have to supply them most of the time. You can raise the level of the Base Development team and they'll scrounge up some supplies on occasion, but most of the work of doing that falls on you.
* [[Elite Mooks]]: Ranging from Soviet Spetsnaz in Afghanistan to XOF personnel and the parasite-enhanced Skulls.
* [[Equal Opportunity Evil]]: While Diamond Dogs isn't necessarily evil (at least by this point), it's rather indiscriminate when it comes to recruits. Given how they come from various cultures, nationalities and even gender.
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* [[From Nobody to Nightmare]]: Skull Face went from being a Hungarian assassin {{spoiler|and Big Boss' hidden backup in ''Snake Eater''}} to become the "face" of Cipher.
* [[Heel Face Door Slam]]: {{spoiler|Zero}} is revealed to be [[The Atoner]] and had been trying to undo what he helped set in motion. {{spoiler|Only for Skull Face to intervene, ultimately reducing him into the vegetative old man Snake sees in ''[[Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots]]''.}}
* [[Good Bad Bugs]]: The game gets slightly weird if an enemy falls off the side of a tall structure, occasionally forcing them to vastly overshoot their landing, meaning you can shoot a guy off a landing and he falls much farther than he ever would in [[Real Life]].
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: Quiet, who's one of those sent in to kill Big Boss at the intro, becomes one of Venom's closest comrades-in-arms.
* [[Jumping Off the Slippery Slope]]: "The world calls for wet-work, and we answer! No greater good. No just cause!"
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* [[Private Army]]: You run one. In fact, so do a lot of people, many of which will be your enemies.
* [[Red Herring Mole]]: Subverted with Ocelot. Given his canon tendency to betray those he nominally works for, one would expect him to do this to Diamond Dogs. {{spoiler|He doesn't actually turn on them at all, but ''is'' keeping an eye on things for the ''real'' Big Boss.}}
** {{spoiler|In what doubles as a case of [[Foreshadowing]], he underwent hypnotic therapy to PREVENT doing so, even accidentally, because it was that important Venom was able to draw attention away from Big Boss and thus keep the ruse intact. He would do this to himself again in MGS4 for similar reasons}}.
* [[Red Herring Twist]]: Zero is propped as being the ultimate antagonist. {{spoiler|He's not.}}
* [[Russians With Rifles]]: The Soviet 40th Red Army motorized rifle division is the primary enemy force in Afghanistan.
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* [[Shout Out]]: The Afghanistan sections bear more than a few homages to ''[[Rambo III]]'' and ''[[The Living Daylights]]'', which also involved the Soviet occupation.
* [[Suspiciously Apropos Music]]: Some of the collectible '80s hits in the game have some connection to the plot or overall theme. Among the most notable being the cover of [[David Bowie]]'s ''The Man Who Sold the World.''
* [[Soviet Superscience]]: Sahelanthropus is technically a Soviet-produced weapon under Huey's direction. Also, the Man on Fire {{spoiler|aka, Volgin}} is also mentioned as being the result of Soviet experimentionexperimentation {{spoiler|mixed in with whatever the Sorrow left behind}}.
* [[Start of Darkness]]: The game really marks this for Big Boss. Diamond Dogs in particular is much murkier than MSF and sets the foundations for Outer Heaven later on.
** They still have some scruples, like not utilizing child soldiers (and trying to rehabilitate them) and being willing to decline jobs that basically amount to committing full on war crimes, {{spoiler|though that only applies to Venom Snake. The original Big Boss has even less scruples}}.
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