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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain: Difference between revisions

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* [[Bilingual Bonus]]: The usage of languages as varied as Russian, Kikongo, Hungarian and even Navajo is impressive.
* [[Body Double]]: {{spoiler|Venom is revealed to be this to the real Big Boss.}}
* [[Bribing Your Way to Victory]]; Both in-universe and in a meta sense. Having lots of money and resources to keep Mother Base well supplied only makes your job easier, and being willing to blow money on [[Real Life]] microtransactions makes the former more easy to accomplish, though the game itself is perfectly beatable without this.
* [[Call Forward]]:
** Although seen only in photographs, a young boy named [[Metal Gear Solid|Hal Emmerich, aka Otacon]] plays a rather significant if tragic role in the plot.
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* [[Never My Fault]]: The game really does an unsettling job showing Huey's true colors. {{spoiler|Whether it's his betraying MSF in ''Ground Zeroes'', leaving Strangelove to die or planning on using ''his own son'' as a guinea pig, all while pitifully playing the victim when Venom and Miller fully catch on to it all.}} Ocelot {{spoiler|during Huey's "trial"}} observes how he does it ''so'' well that he never even realizes that he's doing it.
* [[Organic Technology]]: Used quite extensively by Cipher. {{spoiler|Well, Skull Face's breakaway faction at least. This is used to create the Skulls, refine uranium without needing a reactor, and even serve as a detonator/safety lock on nukes. You can acquire a limited version of this later with the Parasite Suit, which can mimic the powers of the Skulls for a limited time}}.
* [[Poor Communication Kills]]: One of the major themes in the game is language and the power of words.
* [[Post Script Season]]: The fall of Skull Face and his Metal Gear doesn't mean the story is over. In fact, you spend the time after that cleaning up the loose ends.
* [[Private Army]]: You run one. In fact, so do a lot of people, many of which will be your enemies.
* [[Punch Clock Villain]]: The PFs in Africa operate on this model, merely doing what they are paid to do, meaning they are just doing their jobs when they shoot at you, since defending the various areas of the Angola-Zaire border region is their reason for getting a paycheck. Of course, Diamond Dogs themselves aren't exampt from this, though they do try to maintain a baseline level of ethics and morality in their operations.
* [[Red Herring Mole]]: Subverted with Ocelot. Given his canon tendency to betray those he nominally works for, one would expect him to do this to Diamond Dogs. {{spoiler|He doesn't actually turn on them at all, but ''is'' keeping an eye on things for the ''real'' Big Boss.}}
** {{spoiler|In what doubles as a case of [[Foreshadowing]], he underwent hypnotic therapy to PREVENT doing so, even accidentally, because it was that important Venom was able to draw attention away from Big Boss and thus keep the ruse intact. He would do this to himself again in MGS4 for similar reasons}}.
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