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This Is for Emphasis, Bitch: Difference between revisions

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== Webcomics[[Web Comics]] ==
* ''[[Dinosaur Comics]]'' had a strip about the overuse of the word "bitches", and suggested alternatives like "fellows", "gravy", and "Monterey Jack". Possibly a [[Lampshade Hanging]], since T-Rex is known for exclamations like "Phlogiston, bitches!" and "Live and learn, bitches!"
* ''[[Fodi]]'': [http://www.baldninja.com/archive.php?comic=2005-10-11 Ask and ye shall surely receive, bitches!]
* ''[[Xkcdxkcd]]'': [http://xkcd.com/54/ Science. It works, bitches].
** Also, [http://xkcd.com/622/ "Q.E.D., Bitches!"] Made more awesome by the haiku.
** Also, [http://xkcd.com/263/ "Politicize that, bitches." (in the mouse-over text)]
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{{quote|'''Vulcan Raven:''' Then return from whence you came, and do not trouble this world again. ''Bitch.''}}
* ''[[Ansem Retort]]'': [http://www.ansemretort.org/ansemretort/index.html?comic=237 New codenames, bitch!]
* [[Played for Laughs]] in [http://grrlpowercomic.com/archives/2116 this] ''[[Grrl Power]]'' strip.
== Web Original ==
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