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While entertaining as hell, its a bit inefficient re: space usage. Priority shall be given to new data.
(While entertaining as hell, its a bit inefficient re: space usage. Priority shall be given to new data.)
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* ''Captain America: Steve Rogers #1'' just revealed that after the 'Secret Wars' continuity reboot of 2015, Steve Rogers is now and has been since the 1930s ''a double agent for HYDRA''. Yes, that's right, Captain America was secretly a Nazi world domination cultist all along. I believe I speak for the entire fanbase here when I say '''what the fucking hell?!?'''
** Sure, its almost certainly going to be retconned into 'Not a dream! Not an imaginary story!' territory within six months, but seriously, Steve Rogers going "Hail Hydra!"? You shouldn't do that crap for even six ''seconds'', unless you're well into What If territory. Which this is not.
*** The writer, Nick Spencer, [[Word of God has repeatedly affirmed in interviews]] that this is not a case of Cap clone, Cap mind control, Cap possession, or similar, and that the story arc is intended to portray that Steve Rogers has willingly been a believer in HYDRA ideals since his mother was inducted into a HYDRA cell in the 1930s. So one of two things is true; either the creator is deliberately lying to the fanbase to build up cheap suspense (which has happened at Marvel before), or else this plot twist is as genuinely awful as it appears to be. Neither alternative is remotely palatable.
** Poster 'wandering blade' at rpg.net had a rant that deserves to be preserved for posterity...
{{quote|"Hey, you know that movie we just put out and that everyone loved and made all the money? The one starting Captain America, who has been in 6 movies so far and that everyone loves, and I mean everyone including the Chinese even though he is draped in the American flag. Because he basically represents the best of us, not only the best of us as Americans but as humans? You know how because how awesome he is in the movies, we may get people who never read a comic in their lives, and maybe used to think they are silly, maybe giving it a chance, maybe they will pick up some Cap or Avengers comics. You know what we should totally do? Make him more like the movies, so it will make sense for all these people who are into the movies, who are a fuck load of people and have fuck loads of money to spend on these characters you say? No, fuck that shit, lets turn him into the literal opposite of the guy he is in the movies, you know the fucking evil Nazi organization he is been fighting in like three movies to destroy. Let's make him one of them, let's make the guy whose main thing is that he hates bullies no matter who they are into fucking Hydra, let's throw a swastika in that shield while we are at it. Now pass the cocaine, we are done here."}}
== DC ==
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