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{{tropelist|Tropes common among all versions:}}
== A-E ==
* [[Advantage Ball]]: Batman almost always has the advantage in direct conflict. Three guys with knives or a dozen Mooks with machine guns, it makes no difference. As such, the general method of his rogues gallery to deal with him is to attack him indirectly, especially by undermining what he believes in and threatening those he values.
* [[Ambiguously Gay]]: Aside from accusations on all sides, [[The Joker]] sometimes delivers [[Ho Yay]], depending on the writer. After a while, some writers decided to incorporate that aspect of the character into their stories to create ambiguity on purpose.
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* [[Anti-Hero Substitute]]: When Azrael took over as Batman during the [[Dark Age]].
* [[Anti-Villain]]: Lots. Most of Batman's [[Rogues Gallery]] are some shade of antivillain; turning to crime as a result of some past trauma is very common. There are also a fair number of [[The Joker|real villains]], of course.
* [[AxeAx Crazy]]: ''The Joker''
* [[Badass]]
** [[Badass in Distress]]: Currently the trope picture.
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* [[Clark Kenting]]: Many heroes throughout the franchise have rather easy time hiding their secret identities. Especially notable in live-action series.
* [[Classy Cat Burglar]]: Catwoman more often than not.
* [[The Chessmaster]]: The Riddler. See "Hush" for details.
** Batman himself is a heroic version of this trope due to being a brilliant tactician and superb analytical skills.
* [[Clothes Make the Legend]]: You don't even need to see his emblem - Bats is so infamous and feared that he can be identified ''just by the silhouette of his cowl.''
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* [[Death by Origin Story]]: Thomas and Martha Wayne, The Flying Graysons.
* [[Death Trap]]
* [[Depending on the Writer]]: ''The Dark Knight Returns'' presented Batman as a dangerously-obsessed, deeply-disturbed, paranoid control freak who is possibly a mentally ill [[HeroicSociopathic SociopathHero]] as opposed to the stalwart Caped Crusader of the Golden and Silver Ages and the Adam West series. This interpretation is touched on [[Depending on the Writer]] and sometimes, it is the basis for whole story arcs.
** One example is his creation of the Brother Mk I satellite, which was created by Batman to keep an eye on all of the meta-humans, hero and villain alike.
** Another story, "Tower of Babel", centers on Ra's Al Ghul obtaining a file containing Batman's contingency plans to cripple each and every member of the Justice League "[[Crazy Prepared|just in case]]" and using them to his own ends. The existence of the files and the secrecy under which they are kept infuriates The League and lead to his expulsion.
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* [[Expy]]: Sherlock Holmes at first. Also, [[Zorro]].
** He actually had much more to do with [[The Shadow]] in his first stories. Even his first story was lifted from [[The Shadow]] pulp.
== F-J ==
* [[Face Ship|Face Car]]: The Batmobile sometimes has his masked face on it.
* [[Face Your Fears]]: Whenever Scarecrow manages to get Batman with his Fear Gas, expect this to occur.
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* [[Just Like Robin Hood]]: Catwoman, occasionally, especially in recent years.
* [[Just Whistle]]: The Bat-Signal serves this purpose.
== K-O ==
* [[Knight in Sour Armor]]: In some of the darker depictions of Gotham City.
** In general, Bruce is almost always a [[Knight in Sour Armor]] (or in this case a [[Incredibly Lame Pun|Dark Knight in Sour Armor]], with the only possible exceptions being when he makes some wry observation about a situation he or the JLA are in.
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* [[Officer O'Hara]]: At first a generic cop who would just say "Saints Preserve Us!" anytime something dramatic happened, later reinvented by [[Jeph Loeb]] with heavy influences by [[The Untouchables]].
* [[Orphan's Ordeal]]: In most versions, Batman becomes who he is through witnessing the deaths of his parents as a child, leaving him to dedicate his life to ridding Gotham of crime.
== P-T ==
* [[Papa Wolf]]: Batman himself, and Commissioner Gordon when his kids' involved.
* [[The Paragon]]: Depending on the continuity.
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* [[Tsundere]]: Damian Wayne is one of the rare male examples, and is type A towards... pretty much everyone. Dick Grayson, Stephanie Brown, Alfred...
* [[Two-Headed Coin]]: A characteristic attribute of Harvey Dent/Two-Face. Played straight as Dent and then [[Subverted]] by Two-Face.
== U-Z ==
* [[Underestimating Badassery]]: Done constantly by superpowered villains who have never faced him before. After they do fight him, they figure out why he's one of the most [[The Dreaded|feared]] heroes of them all.
* [[Underwear of Power]]: Batman is one of the older examples, though nowadays (Post-[[Knight Saga]] and then Post-Return) his Underwear on the outside is usually either absent, not shown, or the same color as the rest of him (and thus hard to see). Also, the Robins wore this until Tim Drake came along.
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