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Germans Love David Hasselhoff/Video Games: Difference between revisions

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* ''Cheetahmen II'', a crappy American game, has [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3hC3V_HDjc one stage song], and it's surprisingly [[Crowning Music of Awesome|awesome]]. So awesome, that there are many remixes of it on the video site Nico Nico Douga. Which is a ''Japanese'' video site.
* In most major gaming regions, the Nintendo DS outsells the PSP. In the Philippines, it's the other way around, due to Sony already having a much bigger fanbase there than Nintendo due to PS1 and PS2 games, which use CDs and DVDs, respectively, being far easier to pirate than N64 cartridges or GameCube mini-discs (Never mind that Wii modding changed all that for GameCube games with its backwards compatibility), resulting in more affordable (yet pirated) copies which can easily be found and bought. The PSP is in a similar situation, except you pay real money for downloads.
** Same in Poland. No one there owns a DS, you see kids with PSPs everywhere. Same in case of the [[PlayStationPlay Station 3]]: More people own them than [[Xbox 360|Xbox 360s]]. Ironically, it is easier to pirate for the 360 than the PS3. So why is the PS3 popular? A. Its games are region-free to begin with and B. Microsoft '''will''' unleash the banhammer on your 360 for piracy. And you gotta have good luck to find a Wii owner, despite it being by far the easiest (and safest) 7th-gen console to pirate for.
*** Also, there is virtually no support for Xbox Live in Poland - Microsoft promotes (hell, the menus are in Polish!) something that can't be legally used in the country, since you need a foreign e-mail account to do anything.
* ''[[No More Heroes]]'' was initially considered a flop because there was almost zero interest for the game in its home territory of Japan, but did so well in the US and Europe that a sequel was made ''entirely'' because of the strong overseas sales.
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* The ''[[Silent Hill]]'' series is more successful overseas than in Japan, so much so that the last three titles have been developed by Western studios and had belated releases in Japan. Understandable, in that the series specifically targeted a Western audience to begin with.
* ''[[Skullgirls]]'' has a loyal following in the West, but has such a large fan following in Japan that Reverge Labs is working on both a retail disc version of the game for Japan (since Japanese gamers don't care for DLC) and an arcade version.
* While [[Super Mario Bros.|Mario]] is ''the'' poster boy for video games everywhere, his [[Video Game 3D Leap]] wasn't as popular in Japan. For one the [[Sega Saturn]] kept outselling the [[Nintendo 64]] for a long time there and more recently, ''[[New Super Mario Bros. Wii]]'' outsold ''[[Super Mario Galaxy]]'' within just 3 days of its Japan release.
** Similarily, [[Super Mario RPG|the]] [[Paper Mario (franchise)|Mario]] [[Mario & Luigi|RPGs]] have done much better in the Western markets, selling around a million copies in North America alone, while they barely break 400,000 in Japan. This may be why the character Fawful, who became something of an [[Ensemble Darkhorse]] in America due to his [[Intentional Engrish for Funny]] translation, was made the main villain of ''[[Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story]]''.
* Capcom is convinced that Americans Love Frank West of ''[[Dead Rising]]''. So convinced, in fact, that they plan to [http://www.destructoid.com/capcom-loves-frank-west-wants-him-in-everything-172114.phtml turn him] into their own version of [[Wolverine Publicity]]. [[Tropes Are Not Good|Uh oh...]]
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* Americans regarded ''[[Spelunker]]'' as decent in its arcade and [[Commodore 64]] forms but overlooked its [[Nintendo Entertainment System]] port. When said port made its way to Japan, it inexplicably sold extremely well, and now the game is looked back on fondly due to its [[Narm Charm|charming badness]] and, most of all, the [[One-Hit-Point Wonder|endearing]] [[Everything Trying to Kill You|weakness]] of the main character. In fact, the Spelunker might very well beat out [[Halo|Master Chief]], [[Half Life|Gordon Freeman]], and the like as the best-known American videogame character in Japan simply by virtue of being "the weakest videogame character" - he's a cultural icon, to the extent that ''supe taishitsu'', "having the constitution of a spelunker," is a common idiom in Japan (meaning, of course, being easily injured) used in professional sports commentary.
* Despite going almost completely unnoticed outside of Japan, ''[[Tamagotchi]]'' seems to have a sizable fanbase in Poland.
* [[StarcraftStarCraft]] unexpectedly became intensely popular in South Korea, to the point of being played in national competitions with team sponsorships with major companies.
* Russia seems to be very fond of classic turn-based strategies, further reinforcing the stereotype of Russians being good at chess. Among the favorites are [[Civilization]], ''[[X-COM (Video Game)|X-COM]]'', [[Jagged Alliance]], but most importantly, ''[[Heroes of Might and Magic]]'', specifically the third part (Widely believed to be the best in the series by many, Russian or not). Wanna find a gamer that won't play a multiplayer match or two with you? ''Try''.
** Also, that's a reason Nival Interactive's been trusted with making HoMM V. Russian fans wouldn't have forgiven them for doing badly.
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* The early [[Western RPG]] series ''Phantasie'' caught on in Japan, to the point where ''Phantasie IV'' was a Japan-exclusive release.
* Of the ''[[Fire Emblem]]'' series, in the western fanbase, ''[[Fire Emblem Jugdral|Genealogy of the Holy War]]'' and/or ''[[Fire Emblem Jugdral|Thracia 776]]'' are regularly cited as the best and most beloved of the series, despite the fact that [[No Export for You|neither of them were ever officially released outside Japan]]. Compare to Japan, where not only do they cite [[Fire Emblem Akaneia|Marth's games]] as the best ([[Americans Hate Tingle|which just confuses western players]]), but ''Genealogy'' even got the lowest Famitsu review score of the entire series (though it still sold well).
* Not that he's lacking popularity in Japan, but from ''[[Blaz BlueBlazBlue]]'', Iron Tager seemingly gets more fanbase in America, helped with the [[Values Dissonance]] of how manliness is better valued in America and he's probably the second manliest character in the game (after Bang) as well as helped with some American-exclusive memes like "REAL SOVIET DAMAGE" and "GIGANTIC TAGER!" (The Japanese version instead censors with [[Kenji Nomura]] yelling "Gauntlet Hades" thus missing out the joke), and one of the more higher-tier male voice actor ([[Jamieson Price]]) to voice him, making him seeing more fanbase in America.
* If the huge number of translated [[Game Mod|Game Mods]] is any indication, ''[[The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim]]'' has a sizable Czech fanbase.
* [[Sweet Home]] is an obscure Japanese RPG based of the movie of the same name and was almost forgotten. In the US, a high amount of interest surged after it was discovered to be a huge inspiration for [[Resident Evil]].
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