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Just like [[Asian Gal with White Guy|white men and Asian women can't get enough of each other]], [[Matzo Fever|and Gentile guys and Jewish chicks go gaga over one another]] [[Shiksa Goddess|(or Jewish guys and Gentile chicks)]], so do black men and white women. According to media, anyway.
This one is a bit more controversial, even to this day in some parts of the world. In [[Real Life]], black man/white woman pairs are very common and both racial groups have their own views about it, some positive, some negative, most neutral. White man/black woman pairs don't get as much attention (either positive or negative). There's a [[Double Standard]] in effect here dating back to American slavery: sexual relationships between female slaves and white men were (if not tolerated) left unspoken. The alternate relationship, of a white woman and a male slave, could result in death for the black male and the public shaming of the white female. Obviously, much of this has died down, though old biases still linger. These days, black women also have to contend with the stereotype that they're angry, unattractive man-haters, to the point that the news media [https://web.archive.org/web/20160526233448/http://www.feministe.us/blog/archives/2010/06/21/the-media-v-black-women-the-peculiar-case-of-the-media’smedia%E2%80%99s-obsession-with-unmarried-black-women/ actually runs stories] about why unmarried black women are unmarried.
Please note that just like this trope's white/Asian counterpart, not every black/white romance falls under this trope. If the lovers just happen to be interracial and nobody makes a big deal out of it, then it is simply a mundane relationship. Only when it is seen as a [[Maligned Mixed Marriage|controversial mixed marriage]] and/or one of the lovers express an extra attraction to their partner's skin tone is the trope in effect.
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* Played with in ''[[Quantum and Woody]]'', with Eric's (who's black) [[Hopeless Suitor|longtime unrequited love]] for Amy Fishbein. His best friend Woody repeatedly warns him that her white suburban Jewish family would ''strongly'' oppose such a relationship.
* In the original ''Boondocks'' strip, Huey's friend Cesar answers the question "What is the secret to happiness?" with "White women?"
== Film ==
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* An early example is Harry Belafonte and Joan Fontaine in the 1957 film ''Island in the Sun''. {{spoiler|Unsurprising for the time, they don't end up together}}
* Deliberately averted in the movie ''Hitch.'' Originally, Cameron Diaz was supposed to play Hitch's love interest. However, when Will Smith got the role, they decided that this trope might come out to play. However, they also didn't want to cast a black actress for fear that people would assume that it was an African-American movie like Tyler Perry's films. They finally decided on Cuban-American Eva Mendez (who has been cast because of this racial gray-area more than once.)
== Literature ==
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* ''[[To Kill a Mockingbird]]'': "White trash" Mayella Ewell comes on to Tom Robinson, a black man, in 1930s Alabama. As he tries to get away, her father comes in, witnesses this, beats the shit out of her, and then forces her to claim Robinson raped her.
* In the short story ''Spawn of Satan'' by Charles Birkin, a black man and his white wife move to a town ruled by neo-Nazi street gangs. He is horribly and gruesomely lynched by the gangs in revenge for his wife accidentally killing a white child when she had a heart attack while driving.
== Live-Action TV ==
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'''Susan:''' (furiously) Dad! He's not armed! }}
* Played for Drama in ''[[Hell on Wheels]]''. For striking up a relationship with Eva, a white prostitute, Elam is nearly hanged in the highly racist 1860s.
== Music ==
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"Had a few white girls..." from "HAM" }}
* Madness - Embarrassment, which was a real life story about a sister of one of the band. Happily, [[wikipedia:Embarrassment (song)|it ended well]].
* [[Public Enemy|Public Enemy's]]'s "Pollywanacraka" on "Fear of A Black Planet" delves into this trope.
* Some of [[Ice Cube|Ice Cube's]]'s songs from his "AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted" to his "The Predator" albums also reference this trope.
== Theatre ==
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{{quote|"[[Politically-Incorrect Villain|I am one]], sir, that comes to tell you your daughter and the Moor are now making '''[[Unusual Euphemism|the beast with two backs!]]"'''
"Even now, now, very now, an '''old black ram''' / [[Unusual Euphemism|Is tupping]] '''your white ewe!"''' }}
* Aaron the Moor in ''[[Titus Andronicus (theatre)|Titus Andronicus]]'' has an affair with Tamora, queen of the Goths and empress of Rome, [[ChocolateHer BabyChild, but Not His|and their child turns out to be black.]]
* ''[[The Merchant of Venice]]'' has two examples:
** One of Portia's wealthy suitors is the Prince of Morocco, who begs her to "mislike me not for my complexion". When he loses the [[Engagement Challenge]], she is quite glad: "Let all of his complexion choose me so."
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And I must forgo love, because a black man is ugly![...]A white woman has captivated me; white is beautiful, I must kiss her! }}
== Web OriginalComics ==
== Webcomics ==
* Nina Crowley from ''[[Treading Ground]]'' is a white girl who only dates black men. At one point another character refers to her as a [[A Worldwide Punomenon|Negrophile]].
== Web Original ==
== Web Original ==
* ''[[Cracked.com]]'' discusses this trope in #5 on [http://www.cracked.com/article_19549_5-old-timey-prejudices-that-still-show-up-in-every-movie.html 5 Old-Timey Prejudices That Still Show Up in Every Movie]. It mostly talks about how movies rarely portray this trope when the movie isn't all about race.
== Western Animation ==
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* On ''[[Robot Chicken]]'', a scientist programs his Afrobot to say this.
== Other Media ==
== Other ==
* [[Chris Rock]] did a load of stuff on this topic, going as far as saying that even a plain-looking white woman like Rosie O'Donnell could have a plethora of black men to choose from. ''And she doesn't even'' like ''men.''
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20120516195657/http://blogs.ajc.com/momania/2009/10/16/judge-refuses-to-marry-interracial-couple-says-bad-for-kids/ Considering the national story about the interracial couple of a black man and white woman who were denied the right to be married by a Louisiana justice of the peace], this is sadly not a Dead Trope. The Justice of the Peace in question refused to marry them due to his beliefs on interracial marriage, and told them they would have to find another Justice to perform the ceremony. At the very least, the Justice in question eventually resigned from his post following the national uproar over his actions and subsequent defense of said actions. And to prove that not all [[Humans Are the Real Monsters|Humans Are Bastards]], the governor of Louisiana denounced him.
** As the article itself shows though, the judge's reasoning for denying interracial couples marriage licenses, while flawed and somewhat cowardly, was not exactly racist: he was concerned about the damaging affect that the prejudice of their peers would have on the children of interracial couples, which unfortunately remains a very serious problem in America, among both races. Thus, this could be considered a partial aversion of the trope.
* O.J. Simpson would not be worth mentioning that he happened to have been accused of murdering his ex-wife, who was white...except for the fact that his attorneys removed pictures of white women from the walls of his house for a visit by the jury. THAT invokes this trope.
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* There was a race-bait ad for the '06 Tennessee Senator race between Republican Bob Corker and Black Democrat Harold Ford. So what happens? Air an ad with a white airhead saying "I met Ford at the Playboy mansion!" then ending with her saying "Call me." This ad does nothing but feed off interracial relationships towards backwoods Tennesseans. The kicker? The state party who put on the ad was unapologetic, while the national RNC as well as Corker, the actual candidate, begged them to ditch the ad.
** For the record, the part with the white "airhead" girl saying she met Harold Ford, Jr. at the Playboy mansion was only one short clip that was part of a ''much longer'' ad that had people ironically showing support for Ford in spite (or because) of various other political positions or perceived personality flaws that Republicans saw fit to use against him. Furthermore, '''Harold Ford, Jr. actually did have a white girlfriend and at the time was known to visit the Playboy mansion on occasion''', so despite its political incorrectness, that particular part of the ad was actually an example of [[Truth in Television]].
* According to some bozos, [https://web.archive.org/web/20120111204417/http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/34288353/ns/sports-golf/ Tiger Woods]. You've gotta love how the article sees nothing at all screwed up about his ''actual infidelity''. And since Woods is a quarter-black, quarter white, and half-Thai, ''someone'' is going to be offended no matter who he has sex with.
* Historically, white (or at least "pale") women have been considered the most attractive almost universally, because if your skin was pale it meant you were rich enough that you could afford to stay indoors all day, instead of being out working in the sun. Since this put you in a distinct minority, lighter skin tones were considered alluring and exotic. Even today, with [[But Not Too White|changing standards of skin beauty]], there is still an expectation that women be fairer of feature than their [[Tall, Dark and Handsome]] men.
* [[Rent|Taye Diggs and Idina Menzel]] got ''hate mail'' for being [[Romance on the Set|married]]. ''In [[The Nineties]]''. Even today, Diggs is criticized by members of the Black community for having a white wife.
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