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Something went '''[[Gone Horribly Wrong|wrong]]'''.
The writer asked for too much [[Willing Suspension of Disbelief]]. A character is carrying an [[Idiot Ball]], or has suddenly become [[Too Dumb to Live]]. The series pulled out [[Green Rocks]] once too often, shilled the [[Creator's Pet]] one too many times, used a few too many [[Hand Wave|Hand Waves]], or unleashed a [[Retcon]] that made everyone's eyes roll out of their head. The [[Fourth Wall]] has been unintentionally and brutally [[Breaking the Fourth Wall|broken]], throwing the viewer's mind into utter chaos. Sometimes it is a force too powerful to be contained, even by willing suspension of disbelief or the [[MST3K Mantra]]. However it happened, the audience has been dealt a Wall Banger.
The origin of the term is attributed to Samuel Goldwyn, who described a script as having made a "Hell of a bang, when I threw it against the wall."
Compare and contrast with [[Narm]]. [[Head Desk]] is the (objective) trope for when a character slams his head against a wall. [[Awesome Moments]] are the polar opposite of this. Compare with [[Dethroning Moment of Suck]], for moments that are so ''awful'' that the works in question are never seen the same way ever again.
Examples within the following pages will be highly subjective. Read at your own risk, and if somebody rants about a show you like, please refrain from making [[Justifying Edit|Justifying Edits]]. If their ''facts'' are wrong, just delete them. Also, please try to avoid mentioning pilot episodes, as they are the beginning points and most of the time viewers will end up thinking they can be improved later in the series. Various examples may deal with endings or key moments of the shows, so ''expect spoilers''. One more thing before editing: Absolutely [[No Real Life Examples, Please]].
Due to the size of the original page getting too far out of hand, the entries have been separated into their own categories by medium.
* [[Wall Banger (Darth Wiki)/Anime|Anime]]
* [[Wall Banger (Darth Wiki)/Comic Books|Comic Books]]
* [[Wall Banger (Darth Wiki)/Film|Film]]
* [[Wall Banger (Darth Wiki)/Literature|Literature]]
* [[Wall Banger (Darth Wiki)/Live Action TV|Live Action TV]]
* [[Wall Banger (Darth Wiki)/Manga|Manga]]
* [[Wall Banger (Darth Wiki)/Professional Wrestling|Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Wall Banger (Darth Wiki)/Video Games|Video Games]]
* [[Wall Banger (Darth Wiki)/Webcomics|Webcomics]]
* [[Wall Banger (Darth Wiki)/Western Animation|Western Animation]]
* [[Wall Banger (Darth Wiki)/Other|Other]]
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