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== [[Web Comics]] ==
* According to ''[[Irregular Webcomic]]'', Australian wildlife is ''[[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|exactly]]'' [http://www.irregularwebcomic.net/217.html this dangerous]. [http://www.irregularwebcomic.net/855.html Or this].
* During the recent{{when}} Order of the Dragon arc in ''[[Fans]]'', Keith Feddyg took Australia when the Order caused worldwide chaos and rioting by literally destroying the concept of writing. As he observed, "You know how feral most of that continent is? The exotic killer wildlife will have destroyed human civilization by dinnertime. All I have to do is go back, find the leader of the survivors and melt his bowie knife." This gave him time to stab another Order member in the back and seek revenge against Ally.
* A [[Funny Background Event]] [http://www.agirlandherfed.com/1.512.html here] in ''[[A Girl and Her Fed]]'':
{{quote|SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Almost everything in Australia is made of poison, and if you find something that is not poisonous, watch out for the claws and the teeth.}}
* [[Bloody Urban]] (which is set in an AU version of Sydney) [http://bloodyurban.smackjeeves.com/comics/1411640/tennis/ features a strip] which depicts the Australian open as being played entirely by crocodiles. The [[Alt Text]] for the page reads 'This is nothing. You should see our football.'
== Web Originals ==
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