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Persona 2/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[The Smart Guy]]: Eriko mentions that she read his dissertation on economics, considering it brilliant.
* [[Stoic Spectacles]]
* [[To Be a Master]]: He continues his quest to become the "number 1 man in Japan".
=== Ellen/Eriko Kirishima ===
Line 468:
* [[Apologetic Attacker]]: Attacking... Winning a battle... [[Up to Eleven|ESCAPING a battle]].
* [[Badass]]:
** [[Badass Bookworm]]: Her otaku level knowledge of the occult makes her a rather effective party member.
** [[Cultured Badass]]: Like Kei/Nate, she is rather well off financially and a well groomed and refined model.
Line 474:
* [[Fortune Teller]]: She and Ulala share a Contact option.
* [[Freak-Out]]: Endures a string of these in a row while inside the TV studio.
* [[Genius Ditz]]: She's a smart girl, but has moments that make her seem rather...questionable...
* [[Genius Ditz]]
* [[Lady of War]]: Poises herself with utmost grace and dignity with her Persona and rapier in tow.
* [[Lady of War]]
* [[Nice Guy|Nice Girl]]: One of the nicest character from the previous game.
* [[Nightmare Fetishist]]: She's a thrill seeker. When she and the others are [[Time Stands Still|frozen in time]], her immediate reaction is that of wonderment at a new experience.
* [[Non-Idle Rich]]
* [[Occult Detective]]: Eriko moonlights as this.
* [[Ojou]]: Mainly in ''Persona 1''. She generally loses this come ''Eternal Punishment''.
* [[Ojou]]
* [[Optional Party Member]]: In ''Eternal Punishment''. If the player spreads the rumor that the person with information on the NWO is a woman, you will get Eriko to join.
* [[Perpetual Smiler]]: Always seen with a smile on her face.
* [[Royal Rapier]]: Her signature weapon.
* [[Spoiled Sweet]]
== Major [[NPCsNon-Player Character]]s ==
=== Philemon ===
[[File:phil p2 5872.jpg|frame]]
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* [[Anime Hair]]: His gravity-defying ponytail.
* [[Bishonen]]: In the second game, though he doesn't look that bad in the first game either.
* [[Bishonen]]
* {{spoiler|[[Bonus Boss]]}}: At the end of ''Eternal Punishment'''s [[Bonus Dungeon|EX Dungeon]].
* [[Calling Card]]: A gold butterfly.
* [[Cool Mask]]: He often appears as a man wearing a white mask that incorporates some sort of butterfly motif.
* [[Cool Mask]]
* [[End of the World Special]]: {{spoiler|Philemon pulls this trick at the conclusion of ''both'' games}}.
* [[Exposition Fairy]]: Will explain how to use Persona and most other systems in the games he appears in.
* [[The Faceless]]: Subverted. If the player chooses to {{spoiler|punch him in the face at the end of ''Innocent Sin''}}, his mask falls off, revealing him to have [[Mind Screw|the same face as Tatsuya Suou]].
** Well, [[Arc Words|I am thou, thou art I after all.]]
* [[Game Over Man]]: "Are you going to finish... without knowing the truth?" (''Eternal Punishment'')
* [[God and Satan Are Both Jerks]]: The events of ''Persona 2'' all come down to a bet between him and [[God of Evil]] Nyarlathotep over whether [[Humans Are Bastards]] or not.
* [[God and Satan Are Both Jerks]]
* [[God's Hands Are Tied]]: He just shows the heroes how to use the power of their own hearts and walks away, unlike [[Big Bad]] Nyarlathotep, who actively tries to destroy humanity.
* [[God's Hands Are Tied]]
* [[Hotter and Sexier]]: He seems to have de-aged from his previous incarnation. Nice leotard, Phil.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Named for Swiss psychologist Carl Jung's self-proclaimed spirit guide.
* [[The Powers That Be]]: He's the [[Big Good]], seeing to it that all the screwed up parts of humanity's collective soul stays out of their reality.
* [[The Powers That Be]]
* [[Schrödinger's Butterfly]]: Literally. Just check out the endings.
* [[Spirit Advisor]]: More so in ''Persona 1'' and ''Persona 2''; by the time ''Persona 3'' comes about, he doesn't even bother to make a direct appearance, though [[Word of God]] states that the blue butterflies in ''Persona 3'' and ''Persona 4'' are supposed to represent him watching over the protagonists. The blue butterfly shown in ''Persona 5'' is assumed to be Philemon as a case can be made that the butterfly isn't necessarily the one speaking and Lavenza's voice is heard telepathically.
* [[Spirit Advisor]]
* [[Stupid Good]]
* [[The Watcher]]: Albeit a slightly self-serving one.
=== Igor ===
[[File:P3-Igor 5470.jpg|framethumb|250px]]
Igor is the mysterious proprietor of the Velvet Room. He is a [[Artificial Human|marionette given life by Philemon]]. His noticeable appearance comes from his [[Youkai|Tengu]]/Pinocchio-like long nose. In ''[[Persona|Megami Ibunroku Persona]]'', Igor has calls himself "a servant of Philemon". He is always found in The Velvet Room between consciousness and unconsciousness. He uses a phone made of bone to [[Summoning Ritual|call up Personas from the depths of the soul]].
Line 521:
* [[Catch Phrase]]: "Welcome to the Velvet Room."
* [[Cheshire Cat Grin]]: Permanently etched on his face.
* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]: He looks suspicious, and he withholds information from you, but he's generally very helpful, almost mentor-like.
* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]
* [[Gag Nose]]
* [[Misunderstood Loner with a Heart of Gold]]
* [[Powers That Be]]: Whatever Igor is exactly, he's almost certainly one of these.
=== Todoroki Daisuke ===
Line 549 ⟶ 550:
In ''Persona 2: Eternal Punishment'', Maki's role as a supporting character is somewhat more significant. She feels the resonance of a Persona from Maya Amano, and is able to tell from this that the latter is acquainted with Yukino Mayuzumi, a former classmate of hers. She later appears at the Science Lab scenario in Kei Nanjou's route. Along with Reiji Kido, she will help Maya's party through the sewer entrance, coordinating their movements with the floodgate controls. Maki will rejoin the rest of her former classmates later in the game, fighting off the New World Order soldiers that are trying to take over the city.
* [[Beauty Mark]]: Has one underneath her lips.
* [[Important Haircut]]: Maki cut her hair short since we last saw her.
* [[It May Help You on Your Quest]]: Have a flower, Jun. Though she only gives it to him if you spread a rumor that the Time Count gave it to her.
Line 558 ⟶ 559:
[[File:brown p2 1132.jpg|frame]]
BrownHidehiko is a returning character from the first ''Persona'', now a supporting character. Now a popular variety-talk show host, his ego has swelled to the point of no return, especially getting nationwide attention for the rumor that he is the [[Likes Older Women|boy toy]] of actress Junko Kurosu (which turns out to be false, since he actually despises the actress for [[Always Someone Better|having as big an ego as he does]]; even so, he still addresses the latter as "Junko-chan"). If certain conditions are met, he will fight alongside his former classmates from St. Hermelin once more to repel the invasion of Sumaru City by Hitler's Last Battalion, assisting Tatsuya Suou's party so they can go to Xibalba.
In ''Eternal Punishment'', BrownHidehiko is still a supporting character. He will assist Maya Amano's party through the TV studio, scouting out the correct order of Chiruzu's medallions to help them escape the "Kimon Tonkou" spell that has imprisoned them. Hidehiko will rejoin the rest of his former classmates later in the game, fighting off the New World Order soldiers that are trying to take over the city.
* [[Annoying Laugh]]: "NYAHAHAHA!"
Line 566 ⟶ 567:
* [[The Fool]]
* [[Nice Hat]]
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]: Subverted. While he now gains some popularity, he still brags a lot.
* [[A Worldwide Punomenon]]: This seems to be his [[Verbal Tic]].
=== Chris/Reiji Kidou ===
Line 578 ⟶ 580:
Later in the game, he will join his former St. Hermelin classmates in the fight against Hitler's Last Battalion unless certain conditions are met earlier in the game. In ''Eternal Punishment'', he will appear in Kei Nanjou's route to the Science Lab. With Maki Sonomura in tow, Reiji will assist in the party's covert infiltration of the lab through the sewers by operating the floodgate controls. He will once again team up with the St. Hermelin alumni later in the game, this time to fend off the New World Order soldiers trying to take over the city.
* [[She Cleans Up Nicely|He Cleans Up Nicely]]: He drops the bad boy looks after high school and now wears a business suit. Unfortunately, this doesn't help him in finding any customers.
* [[It May Help You on Your Quest]]: In ''Innocent Sin'', he agrees to fork over his prized gloves in order to be rid of Lisa.
* [[Older and Wiser]]
* [[Retired Outlaw]]: He no longer has the thuggish looks he had in high school.
=== Fujii Shunsuke ===
Line 618 ⟶ 620:
* [[Amazing Technicolor Battlefield]]: The battle versus the Great Father.
* [[As Long as There Is Evil]]: He's the darkness in human hearts. As long as it exists, so will he.
* [[Badass in a Nice Suit]]: As Kashihara, he's decked out in a [[Scarf of Asskicking|scarf]] and pinstriped suit.
* [[The Bad Guy Wins]]: {{spoiler|On more than one level. Not only does he make [[Humans Are the Real Monsters|an extremely convincing argument against Humanity]] through Okamura's actions, he even arranges it so even if he did lose, there were backups allowing him to calmly ignore said defeat and start the whole damn cycle over again}}.
Line 628 ⟶ 630:
* [[Composite Character]]: The Great Father.
* [[Dark Reprise]]: His theme music is a variation on Philemon's [[Leitmotif]].
* [[Dead Person Impersonation]]: Albeit not a very good one. Akinari Kashihara was a meek man in a pullover vest with a permanent case of bed-head. His doppelganger has the same face, but dresses like a GQ model and wears a perpetual smirk. This was done intentionally: Jun felt ashamed of Akinari, so he wished for a father who wouldn't embarrass him. Nyarlathotep granted his wish in usual [[Jackass Genie]] fashion, impressing his friends by showing up unannounced at their playhouse. He also keeps a Masataka Amano skin-suit around to belittle and spite Maya.
* [[Dead Person Impersonation]]
* [[Deal with the Devil]]: Most of the Masked Circle's members were duped by this.
* [[The Dreaded]]: He tends to have this effect. Even Baofu's blood turns to ice.
Line 637 ⟶ 639:
* [[Eyes of Gold]]
* [[Final Boss Preview]]: The "Fuhrer" summons the Moon Howler as his Persona. You aren't going to see it again until the sequel.
* [[A Form You Are Comfortable With|A]]: FormOften Youappears Areas (Un)Comfortablefriends With]]or family members of the humans he's trying to manipulate at the moment.
* [[For the Evulz]]: Neither he nor Philemon have any real stake in this wager. Nyarlathotep wants to destroy the planet... for kicks, apparently.
* [[Guardian Entity]]: To Joker and Kandori, manifesting as a Persona for each.
* [[The Heartless]]: He is described as the anthropomorphic personification of the negative emotions of humanity as a whole: fear, hatred, anger and all our other weaknesses.
* [[Hidden Villain]]: He prefers to operate in the shadows for most of the ''Persona 2'' duology.
* [[High-Class Glass]]/[[Making a Spectacle of Yourself]]: The Time Count's clock-shaped monocle.
* [[Humanity on Trial]]: He's perfectly happy to tip the scales though.
Line 648 ⟶ 650:
* [[Long-Haired Pretty Boy|Long]]/[[White-Haired Pretty Boy]]: As the Time Count.
* [[Man Behind the Man]]: The engine behind the Masked Circle, the Last Battalion and (in the alternate timeline) the New World Order.
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: His favorite tactic is to manipulate his enemies into doing exactly what he wants them to do, with a 95% success rate.
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]
* [[Man of Wealth and Taste]]: The Time Count.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: An obvious one. Named for a [[H.P. Lovecraft|Lovecraftian]] monster who delights in [[Go Mad from the Revelation|causing insanity]] in mortals, unlike his fellow Outer Gods who are more overtly violent. In ''Eternal Punishment'', one of his boss forms is a clear homage to "the Howler", perhaps his most recognizable literary depiction.
Line 655 ⟶ 657:
* [[Orcus on His Throne]]: He always waits until the last moment to reveal himself.
* [[The Powers That Be]]
* [[Reality Warper]]: Can turn rumors into reality with little effort.
* [[Retcon]]: Turns out that he was the one influencing Kandori in the original ''Persona''. This is ''kind of'' alluded to in the previous game, as Kandori's Persona ("Massacre" in the old [[PS 1]] English version, Nyarlarthotep everywhere else) looks completely different if the player tries to summon it, hinting that there was more to it than it seemed.. Nyarlathotep is still attached to Kandori in ''Eternal Punishment'', functioning as his Persona during his boss fight.
* [[Shapeshifter Default Form]]: Akinari Kashihara in ''Innocent Sin'', and [[Evil Twin|Tatsuya Suou]] in ''Eternal Punishment''.
* [[Shut Up, Kirk]]: "Why did you come here? Heh... to [[Patrick Stewart Speech|spout gibberish]]??"
* [[Slasher Smile]]: The moments when his beastly nature is most apparent.
* [[Stupid Jetpack Hitler]]: Subverted as he only took his form for a short time.
* [[Suicidal Overconfidence]]: The Time Count is another of Nyarlathotep's guises, as revealed in [[All There in the Manual|Persona World Guidance]]; he's just keeping an eye on the party, and wants to force them to come into his store... and chat about their plans. Duplicating cards is a bit much though.
** The cockiness doesn't end there: in ''Eternal Punishment'', [[The Very Definitely Final Dungeon]] contains a network of portals leading back to the Alaya Shrine, and the city's storekeepers. The purpose of this is twofold: to remind Tatsuya that "[[Where It All Began|Everything begins and ends here]]", and to give the heroes a sporting chance. To Nyarlathotep, it's all a game.
Line 672 ⟶ 674:
Real name Tatsuya Sudou, (not to be confused with Tatsuya Suou) Leo is one of the "Masked Four", executives of the Masked Circle, and [[The Dragon]] to Joker. Easily the most psychotic of the Joker's crew, Sudou has a marked predilection for explosives and is a pyromaniac. In ''Eternal Punishment'', Leo's father is revealed to be Japan's Foreign Minister and Baofu's archenemy Tatsuzou Sudou. Despite his mania, Leo is fiercely devoted to Joker.
* [[Abusive Parents]]: He was abused by his father.
* [[Ax Crazy]]: No splitting hairs, here.
* [[Badass Long Hair]]
Line 688 ⟶ 690:
* [[Good Scars, Evil Scars]]: His previous run-in with Tatsuya Suou cost him an eye.
* [[Hearing Voices]]: "[[Madness Mantra|VOICESVOICESVOICESVOICESVOICESVOICESVOICES]]! You can't ''run'' from the voices!"
* [[I Like Swords]]: He uses swords in battle just like his counterpart.
* [[Institutional Apparel]]: When he breaks loose from the sanitarium, the first thing Sudou grabs is a trench coat (he leaves the hospital smock on underneath).
* [[Laser-Guided Karma]]: Sudou always ends up losing an eye, regardless of which timeline he's in. He's pretty pissed about it.
* [[Last Villain Stand]]: The zeppelin battle.
* [[Let's Fight Like Gentlemen]]: JOKER, in a hurry to make Maya remember the Other Side, tosses her a pair of handguns to defend herself.
* [[Mad Bomber]]: More prevalent in ''Innocent Sin'' due to his pyromania and role in the Oracle of Maia. He combs four buildings to give rise to the Zodiac Temples.
* [[Mad Bomber]]
* [[My Death Is Just the Beginning]]: Either Sudou knows what's coming, or it's a lucky guess. Anyway, bravado or not, once he's dead, the New World Order spreads a rumor causing anyone who called the JOKER to {{spoiler|become Jokers themselves}}.
* [[Not Quite Dead]]: "My face! AGAIN!!"
Line 701 ⟶ 703:
* [[Psycho Supporter]]: He is ''really'' devoted to Joker, to the point that shippers suspected some kind of tryst there (there isn't).
** Sudou's history following the burning of the Alaya Shrine is sketchy, but he couldn't have gotten out of the asylum without Joker's help. Jun also reminds him of Mr. Kashihara, the only person to think that Sudou wasn't crazy.
* [[Put the Laughter In Slaughter]]: As JOKER, he's a giggling loon of a [[Serial Killer]].
* [[Pyromaniac]]: He's a former arsonist who's very quick to burn things or blow them up.
* [[Pyromaniac]]
* [[Refuge in Audacity]]: Sudou [[Stuff Blowing Up|blows up]] the police station ''and'' the fire station, so nobody can act in response to his bombings.
* [[Right-Hand Attack Dog]]: His [[Hell Hound]].
Line 709 ⟶ 711:
* [[Scars Are Forever]]: Disfigured from an encounter with Tatsuya Suou many years ago, during which young Tatsuya manifested his Persona (Vulcanus) and blinded him in one eye.
* [[Screw the Rules, I Have Connections]]: Tatsuya's father was in charge of investigating a serial arsonist, and came close to fingering Tatsuya Sudou as the culprit. Sudou's father is a prominent politician, so he arranged for Mr. Suou to be framed and [[Turn in Your Badge|forced to resign]] from the police force in disgrace.
* [[Serial Killer]]: As JOKER, he kills people on contract based on the delusions Nyarlathotep gave him.
* [[Serial Killer]]
* [[Taking You with Me]]: After Maya flies the blimp off the museum, it's revealed in a cutscene that part of it was damaged by King Leo.
* [[Talkative Loon]]: As JOKER, his [[Sanity Slippage]] is apparent through his random, off-kilter ravings.
* [[Talkative Loon]]
* [[Turn Out Like His Father]]: Both are one fry short of a happy meal, that's for certain.
* [[Villainous Breakdown]]
Line 730 ⟶ 732:
Later in the game, {{spoiler|her [[Sempai-Kohai]] Noriko is discovered to have used the JOKER curse twice (Noriko is the one who ordered the deaths of both Hanya and the man responsible for Anna's accident), and is kidnapped by the Taiwanese mafia for that very reason. Anna phones Maya and the party to help free the girl, giving them the tip-off about the mafia's location}}.
* [[The Baroness]]: The Rosa Klebb type despite her youth. She's cold, cruel and manipulative.
* [[The Baroness]]
* {{spoiler|[[Better to Die Than Be Killed]]}}: One possible outcome of the Caracol arc.
* [[Broken Bird]]: Her track injury broker her faith in the world.
* [[The Brute]]: She used to be a star athlete; this is no half-pint you're dealing with.
* [[Clear My Name]]: At the beginning of ''Eternal Punishment''. The driver who injured her has been murdered, followed by the principal. Even for those who haven't played ''Innocent Sin'', the evidence is definitely stacked against her.
* [[Dull Eyes of Unhappiness]]: Her character portrait shows dead, blank eyes.
* [[Even the Girls Want Her]]: To the point of having her own [[Yandere]]. A male student at Sevens is infatuated with {{spoiler|Noriko}}, but as his buddy points out, she only has eyes for Anna.
* [[Good Smoking, Evil Smoking]]
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: {{spoiler|Only possible if you bring Yukino with you into Caracol}}.
* [[I Coulda Been a Contender]]: She was once an up and coming track star before her injury.
* [[Making a Splash]]: Uses water-based attacks.
* [[Mona Marshall]]: Her English VA.
* [[Not Me This Time]]: Played with in ''Eternal Punishment''.
Line 749 ⟶ 751:
* [[True-Blue Femininity]]
* [[We Used to Be Friends]]: In the past, Tatsuya and Anna were often found loitering and cutting school together.
* [[Whip It Good]]: Fights with a whip.
=== Ginji Sazaki a.k.a. Prince Taurus ===
Line 759 ⟶ 761:
* [[Biting the Hand Humor]]: Ginji's based on Tetsuya Komuro, a Japanese music producer known for his taste in nubile pop stars. One of the artists managed by Komuro is hitomi, who sang the original ending theme for ''Innocent Sin''. Ooh, faced!
* [[Brainwashed and Crazy]]: After being reduced to an New World Order mook.
* [[Dirty Old Man]]: He isn't old, but he's ''definitely'' a dirty bastard.
* [[Dishing Out Dirt]]
* [[Don't Touch It, You Idiot!]]: Maya letting loose on his Kegare chamber. With both barrels.
Line 803 ⟶ 805:
* [[Have We Met Yet?]]: In ''Eternal Punishment'', the player has the option of speaking with Okamura (while controlling Maya) in Seven Sister High School's courtyard. Both mention that the other looks familiar...
* [[Love Makes You Evil]]: Par excellence.
* [[Mr. Exposition|MissMs. Exposition]]: She acts as the main source of info regarding the In Lak'ech, and in turn, the main source of info on what is happening.
* [[Properly Paranoid]]: Irregardless of cosmic meddling, everything Kashihara put to paper has come to pass.
* [[Sanity Slippage]]
Line 820 ⟶ 822:
In ''Eternal Punishment'', he is still a hated principal, and is immediately killed when Noriko Katayama performs the Joker Curse on him for insulting Anna Yoshizaka, who can no longer represent Sevens in the regional track meet because of a permanent injury caused by a hit-and-run accident.
* [[Asshole Victim]]: He was a massive [[Jerkass]], so no one really mourns his death.
* [[Back from the Dead]]: If you spread a rumor that he survived the battle on the clock tower, he comes back to life and helps you repel the Nazi invasion.
* [[Back from the Dead]]
* [[Better to Die Than Be Killed]]: Upon being defeated, he leaps off of the clock tower to certain death. Sort of.
* [[Dean Bitterman]]: With the curse in effect, he can say or do anything, and the students will still think he's peachy-keen. He abuses this to the hilt.
* [[Dean Bitterman]]
* [[Destination Defenestration]]: After you defeat him, he jumps through the stained-glass face of the Sevens Clock.
* [[Fascinating Eyebrow]]
Line 834 ⟶ 836:
* [[Offscreen Teleportation]]: Coming back to life has the added effect of turning Hanya [[Crazy Awesome]]. He keeps warping between classrooms, standing over a pile of unconscious Nazis each time.
* [[Our Founder]]: His statue in the school courtyard starts moving on its own accord (that is one ''crazy'' school).
* [[Sadist Teacher|]]: Or rather, Sadist Principal]], but he's definitely an asshole any way you slice it.
* [[Slasher Smile]]: Permanently etched onto his face.
* [[Starter Villain]]
Line 840 ⟶ 842:
* [[This Is a Drill]]: His Persona comes equipped with two of them.
* [[Villain with Good Publicity]]: Thanks to a well-placed rumor, nearly every student thinks he's the greatest thing since ice cream.
* [[Warmup Boss]]: The first true boss you fight in the game.
=== Yasuo Inoe ===
Line 877 ⟶ 879:
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]
* [[Dark-Skinned Blond]]: A platinum-haired variant.
* [[Do Not Call Me "Paul"]]: Her real name is Akari Hoshi. But try telling her that.
* [[Emo Teen]]: Doesn't care whether she lives or dies because she hates her life and her parents "totally suck".
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: In ''Innocent Sin'', she does redeem herself after being rescued from the museum, and she aspires to become a manga artist.
Line 897 ⟶ 899:
* [[Body Horror]]: Nyarlathotep's energy mutates him into a demon before you fight him.
* [[Cool Ship]]: Has his own cruise ship, the ''Nichirin-maru''.
* [[Dark Messiah]]: He wants to create an ideal world without original sin and believes in his cause. In Tatsuya's Scenario, his followers are shown to see him as a great man.
* [[Dark Messiah]]
* [[Evil Old Folks]]: He's old, but also a major antagonist.
* [[The Ghost]]: Referenced—but never seen—in the first game.
* [[Hotblooded Sideburns]]: He starts of as [[The Stoic]], but his final moments show that his son inherited his bombastic attitude from him.
* [[Hotblooded Sideburns]]
* [[I Have No Son]]: Imprisoned his psychopathic son inside a sanitarium. And if Tatsuzou had had his way, junior would've ''stayed'' there.
* [[The Illuminati]]: The highest echelons of government are part of his organization.
* [[Man in White]]: Wears a deathly white suit to signify how evil he is.
* [[Misanthrope Supreme]]: Tatsuzou has a ''low'' view of the human race seeing it as necessary to drown a majority of humanity in their own sins to give them the punishment he thinks they deserve.
* [[Misanthrope Supreme]]
* [[Screw the Rules, I Have Money]]: He's evaded every criminal investigation come his way, and seems to have the Taiwanese mafia on speed dial.
* [[Sleazy Politician]]: The Foreign Minister of Japan, he's also fairly corrupt.
* [[Sword Cane]]: He's just a docile old man with a limp... until he breaks out the sword and slaughters his cohorts.
* [[Unwitting Pawn]]: Of Nyarlathotep.
* [[Utopia Justifies the Means]]: Sees the world as filthy, false, and hopelessly corrupt, so he wants to destroy the world and use the Ameno-Torifune to create an ideal race of humans without Original Sin from the remains of humanity.
* [[Utopia Justifies the Means]]
* [[Villain with Good Publicity]]
Line 931 ⟶ 933:
* [[Anti-Villain]]: Fresh from death and a trip to [[Hell]], he knows [[Being Evil Sucks|evil isn't what it's cracked up to be]].
* [[Back from the Dead]]
* [[Badass]]:
** [[Badass in a Nice Suit]]
** [[Took a Level in Badass]]: Lost his weakness to guns from the first game and picked up resistances to pretty much everything.
* [[Black Eyes of Evil]]: Not only do his shades compliment his suit and enhance his evil look, they hide the fact he literally has nothing behind his eyes.
* [[Don't You Dare Pity Me!]]: Gets annoyed with Nanjou doing this prior to the boss fight.
* [[Four Eyes, Zero Soul]]: Wears glasses and happens to be a villain.
* {{spoiler|[[Going Down with the Ship]]}}: After assisting Nanjo and his friends, Kandori opts to {{spoiler|remain in the collapsing ruins with Chizuru at his side}}.
* [[Heel Face Revolving Door]]
Line 961 ⟶ 963:
* [[Frozen in Time]]: The trap placed by Chiruzu on the entire Sumaru TV studio.
* [[Kent Brockman News]]: Means by which she employs [[Reverse Psychology]] on the entire city population.
* [[Knife Nut]]: Specializes in using knives.
* [[Love Martyr]]: To Kandori. {{spoiler|In the literal sense}}.
* [[Unholy Matrimony]]: With Kandori.
Line 1,008 ⟶ 1,010:
== Minor [[NPCsNon-Player Character]]s ==
=== Akinari Kashihara ===
Line 1,021 ⟶ 1,023:
* [[Death by Origin Story]]
* [[Henpecked Husband]]
* [[Our Ghosts Are Different]]: Like the ghost of "Maya", his apparition was created from rumors of him haunting the school's clock tower.
* [[Unwitting Pawn]]: The publication of his book.
Line 1,035 ⟶ 1,037:
* [[Perma-Stubble]]
* [[Sunglasses at Night]]: He wears shades despite the already dim light of the room. This may be a handicap similar to what the other denizens of the Velvet Room employ to concentrate on their roles.
=== Belladonna ===
Line 1,046 ⟶ 1,049:
* [[Uncanny Valley Makeup]]
* [[Verbal Tic]]: Her dialog is entirely sung in stanzas.
=== Nameless/Nanashi ===
Line 1,060 ⟶ 1,064:
[[File:trish p2 9889.jpg|frame]]
Trish is a gold-digging refugee from the fairy world who was exiled due to her greed. Formerly an [[NPC]] in the first ''Persona'', she has noticeably aged in ensuing years (as Kei will attest). Trish maintains a [[Healing Spring]] at which the party can heal, generally found in every dungeon, in each of the ''Persona 2'' games. Despite her sweet-natured appearance, Trish is notorious for being selfish, greedy and charging outlandish prices for her healing services. While restoring in town generally costs a few thousand yen, Trish tends to charge a few dozen thousand. Should the player refuse, she'll generally tell them to go and die for all she cares.
* [[Adam Smith Hates Your Guts]]: Not only does she charge obscene prices for (probably) much-needed HP replenishment, but the cost goes '''up''' each time you heal. This is why it's better to spend your money on Beads, or one of the healing shops in the city.
* [[Age-Inappropriate Dress]]: Though her exact age is unknown.
* [[Bratty Half-Pint]]: If you refuse her service, she will tell you to go to hell.
* [[Catch Phrase]]: "This world is give and take!"
* [[Cleavage Window]]
* [[Hospital Hottie]]: Her new outfit somewhat resembles a nurse.
* [[Ignored Epiphany]]: You can spread a rumor to give Trish a [[Heel Realization|crisis of conscience]] and lower her prices. But she'll just drive them right back up again.
* [[Light Is Not Good]]: Fairy? Baofu thinks she's closer to a demon.
* [[Our Fairies Are Different]]
* [[Pink Means Feminine]]: But doesn't mean she's nice.
* [[Token Mini-MoeLoli]]
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|You Gotta Have Green Hair]]: She has green hair.
=== Tammy/Tamaki Uchida ===
Line 1,085 ⟶ 1,089:
* [[Hot Chick in a Badass Suit]]
* [[No Accounting for Taste]]: Meta example. Due to many fans of the game considering her boyfriend to be [[The Scrappy]], this trope is in effect for the fanbase. The fact he does not show up at all in ''Eternal Punishment'' is pretty much confirmed to be a blatant [[Fandom Nod]].
=== Satomi "Tad" Tadashi ===
Line 1,092 ⟶ 1,097:
* [[Author Avatar]]: Why, it's none other than Satomi Tadashi himself, Scenario Director for ''Persona 2''.
* [[Idiot Hero]]
* [[Negated Moment of Awesome]]: Fails to do anything memorable to help the party at the Sky Museum other than guiding the children to safety.
* [[Plucky Comic Relief]]: Spends more time making a fool of himself in front of his own fiancéee than doing anything helpful.
* [[Plucky Comic Relief]]
* [[Sharp-Dressed Man]]: Dressed in a white suit while at the office.
* [[Spoiled Brat]]: He is heir to the giant Satomi Tadashi supermarket chain.
Line 1,131 ⟶ 1,136:
* [[Comfort Food]]: She ballooned in her teen years, partly due to guilt over what was done to Eikichi.
* [[Damsel in Distress]]: Sugimoto takes her hostage in a ploy to lure Eikichi out.
* [[Fat Girl]]:
** [[Formerly Fat]]: In ''Eternal Punishment'', she remains trim and is Eikichi's girlfriend.
* [[No Doubt the Years Have Changed Me]]: Eikichi doesn't even recognize Miyabi due to her weight gain. Being the [[Big Damn Heroes|Big Damn Hero]] he is though, he doesn't care in the least.
Line 1,154 ⟶ 1,159:
* [[Mean Boss]]: Her [[Dialogue Tree]]s are lose-lose situations. If you examine the chart in her office, Maya notes that sales are dropping; that might explain the boss' mood.
[[Category:Shin Megami Tensei/Characters]]
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