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== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* Many ''[[Dungeons & Dragons]]'' DMs use goblins or kobolds as the PCs' very first enemies. That said, if the DM uses their abilities—sneaking and trapmaking, respectively—to their fullest (which few do), they can be very challenging indeed.
** On the topic of kobolds, [http://crossfire.real-time.com/ Crossfire] RPG runs with most old D&D and classic MUDs' features. It has large insects, especially ants as the practice monster. There's also standard kobold, the weakest of goblin types -- they're easier to kill than ants. And then there's the 'unusual kobold' filling the role of the "superpowered [[Metal Slime]] [[Underground Monkey]]" subversion, with some ''ten thousand'' hit points and ''complete immunity to physical damage''. They don't actually show up anywhere in the default mapset, however.
** Thus answering Lil Wayne's question, [[Incredibly Lame Pun|"What's a Goomba to a Goblin?"]]
== Others ==
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