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* Obviously ''Bonetown'' would have a naughty nun, located at the Downtown church.
* Seika Kamori, a [[Hentai]] game character and [[Demon Slayer|demon-fighting]] [[Church Militant|battle-nun]] designed by Rindou Aya, who dresses in a [[Spy Catsuit]]-like, sexualized parody of real-life nuns' habits. Did we say that she repeatedly becomes a victim to [[Naughty Tentacles]]?
* In ''[[World of Warcraft]]'', this Trope is inadvertently expressed by [https://wow.gamepedia.com/Argent_Confessor_Paletress Ardent Confessor Paletress]. Supposedly, she tries to purge impure thoughts from any who would oppose the Lich King, and players have often commented how that is possible when simply ''looking'' at her might cause such thoughts. [[Fridge Brilliance| Unless that's the whole idea.]]
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