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Slayers: Difference between revisions

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* [[Not So Harmless]]: Jillas from above. Despite being comic relief for the first quarter of Try, he manages to separated the gang from Filia and Xellos, get the others into a situation where they could't use magic, all through tactical and psychological manipulation. And he later outdoes himself by creating an explosive rocket, that is as powerful as a dragon slave.
== O - ZT ==
* [[OAV]]: Six of these were produced, each of them set before the events of the TV series and covering the adventures of Lina Inverse and a solitary companion, a [[Gag Boobs|ridiculously buxom]] and extremely flaky sorceress called "Naga the Serpent", who served more or less as a one-woman [[Goldfish Poop Gang]] and [[Unknown Rival]] to Lina.
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: Inspector Wizer Freyon. He shows up and immediately tries to arrest Lina for the hideous crime of ''being herself''. Also has a bad habit of interpreting/ignoring everything to suit his theories and conveniently passing out just as a critical piece of evidence presents itself. {{spoiler|It's all just an act so he can conduct a real investigation under the guise of trying to bring in Lina, have her storm the bad guy's fortress and take him out by herself. Since the villain was being backed up by royalty, not to mention having hordes of monsters at his command, he couldn't act openly.}}
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* [[Trickster]]: Who else but Xellos?
* [[Tsundere]]: Lina is a tsun-tsun subtype, but she definitely has a few dere-dere moments. The reverse is Filia, ignorance-based holier-than-thou attitude aside, with her [[Berserk Button]] (which Xellos has a talent for finding and pushing).
== U ==
* [[Unbuilt Trope]]: Both older and current critics of the show argue that Amelia is a [[Trope Codifier]] of the [[Moe]] character archaetype, alongside Rei Ayanami of ''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion]]''; Amelia has the [[Genki Girl|energetic]] and innocent aspects of the character, complete with a short yet bodacious body, whereas Rei has the [[Extreme Doormat|more demure and shy]] aspects (ironically, Rei was meant to be a [[Creepy Child]]). Now, though, with the craze in full swing, Amelia is arguably a subversion; she's no powerhouse, but she's far from useless (a trait that built overtime), has a go-getter attitude (most moe characters are unable to speak out for themselves), and has [[Stepford Smiler|deep and harrowing issues]] that arguably created her energetic and positive ideals in the first place.
* [[Uncancelled]]: The third season of the TV series (''Try'') aired in 1997, the fourth (''Revolution'') in 2008. A fourth season ''was'' originally going to air right after ''TRY'' (''AGAIN'') in 1998, but production issues and various commitments the cast had made it dissipate.
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* [[Unholy Nuke]]: Lina's Dragon Slave spell (when it is not [[Played for Laughs]]). Just listen to the incantation.
* [[Unknown Rival]]: Naga thinks Lina is her rival. Lina tries her best to forget Naga exists.
== V ==
* [[Vanilla Edition]]: [[FUNimation]]'s digitially-remastered re-release of the series lacks all of the outtakes, commentary, and other extras that [[Central Park Media]]'s DVDs had. Stranger still, when the first three seasons were released in one box set, the washed-out video quality from CPM's release was used instead of the restored version.
* [[Villain Teleportation]]
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* [[Vocal Evolution]]: Lina's voice is noticeably deeper now than it was when the anime began.
** Zelgadis also has gone quite a bit lower, while Gourry and Amelia's voices may have actually become a bit higher.
== W ==
* [[The Wall Around the World]]: The magical barrier in seasons one and two.
* [[Walking the Earth]]
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* [[Wrong Genre Savvy]]: Amelia, the self-proclaimed hero of justice in a show full of otherwise morally ambiguous characters. She's usually convinced her group are the good guys, even when they're clearly only in it to turn a profit, and often marks others as villains simply because they oppose her.
** In one episode, she can't decide which side are the heroes: either Lina, or a pair of bounty hunters out to arrest her. Confused about who to help, she sits on the sidelines of the battle agonizing over it until she has an epiphany: "Of course! Justice always triumphs! ''So whoever loses will be the bad guy!''" She then attacks BOTH groups at once, figuring whoever crawls out of the rubble was the hero.
== X ==
* [[Xanatos Gambit]]: Hellmaster traps Lina with one during ''NEXT''. He wants to force her to use Giga Slave because it can destroy the world, which he thinks is the purpose of the Mazoku race. To do this he sets her against Chaos Dragon Gaav, who has rebelled against the Mazoku race. If Lina uses the Giga Slave, he wins. If she uses some other spell, such as the Ragna Blade, he can goad her himself. If Gaav survives the attack, then he finishes off Gaav. Since he's the Hellmaster, he can control her death to prevent her from dying until then. All outcomes work for him. {{spoiler|Lina does eventually cast the Giga Slave and summons [[Eldritch Abomination|Lord of Nightmares]], but the latter "politely refuses" to cooperate with Hellmaster's plan.}}
== Y ==
* [[You and What Army?]]: In the first episode of ''Revolution'', Wizer brings a small army along to help him arrest Lina. {{spoiler|It's not enough.}}
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|You Gotta Have Purple Hair]]: Xellos, Phibrizo, Amelia, Naga, Rezo, and Sylphiel all have dark purple hair, and Zelgadis' hair is a light lavender color. Pokota has pinkish-purple hair. Many minor characters also have purple hair.
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