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Slayers: Difference between revisions

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* [[Not So Harmless]]: Jillas from above. Despite being comic relief for the first quarter of Try, he manages to separated the gang from Filia and Xellos, get the others into a situation where they could't use magic, all through tactical and psychological manipulation. And he later outdoes himself by creating an explosive rocket, that is as powerful as a dragon slave.
== O - T ==
* [[OAV]]: Six of these were produced, each of them set before the events of the TV series and covering the adventures of Lina Inverse and a solitary companion, a [[Gag Boobs|ridiculously buxom]] and extremely flaky sorceress called "Naga the Serpent", who served more or less as a one-woman [[Goldfish Poop Gang]] and [[Unknown Rival]] to Lina.
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: Inspector Wizer Freyon. He shows up and immediately tries to arrest Lina for the hideous crime of ''being herself''. Also has a bad habit of interpreting/ignoring everything to suit his theories and conveniently passing out just as a critical piece of evidence presents itself. {{spoiler|It's all just an act so he can conduct a real investigation under the guise of trying to bring in Lina, have her storm the bad guy's fortress and take him out by herself. Since the villain was being backed up by royalty, not to mention having hordes of monsters at his command, he couldn't act openly.}}
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** On a technical level (and accidentally), Amelia to her uncle Randionel in the anime. This is averted in the novels, since Randy appears [[Death by Adaptation|(and dies)]] in the first ''Slayers Special'' novel (i.e the prequel series).
** Averted in the original light novel version of this storyline, where {{spoiler|Abel actually ''succeeds'' in [[Dying as Yourself|reaching his father's humanity long enough for Lina to finish him off]], and [[Schrodingers Cat|survives]] to eulogize him afterward}}.
* [[Off -Model]]: In episode 1, we see the right side of the Dragon Fangs. Instead of his eye patch covering his eye, it is between his ear and his eye.
* [[Older Is Better]]: Played with, when an ancient golem activates, takes a few steps forward, fires a superweapon into the distance that seems to dwarf the Dragon Slave, aims said weapon at Lina ... and falls apart.
* [[Once Killed a Man with A Noodle Implement]]: Lina's sister Luna Inverse is often said to have slain a dragon with a butter knife.
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* [[Our Werewolves Are Different]]: In the OAV "Explosion Array", werewolves can take on the forms of either humans or humanoid wolves, whenever they want. In the first season, Dilgear is a werewolf/troll hybrid; he never changes out of his (green furred) wolfman form and he can regenerate his wounds to a certain degree. In fact, canonically, his last words aren't an idle boast; he really does come back to life in the non-anime continuities and becomes "Spot", Luna Inverse's pet -- the only hint of this in the anime is an eyecatch showing her walking him in ''Try''.
* [[Overshadowed by Awesome]]: Gourry, between {{spoiler|giving up the Sword of Light}} and {{spoiler|getting the Blast Sword}}.
== P ==
* [[Papa Wolf]]: Prince Phil would do anything to protect his daughter Amelia, even if it means charging headfirst into obvious danger.
* [[Paper-Thin Disguise]]: Kanzel and Mazenda in NEXT. Literally the first time they appear, they don't even try to hide the fact that they're evil.
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** Sylphiel is put on a bus after ''Slayers NEXT'' and is only mentioned once in ''Slayers TRY''; Filia replaces her for that season. Sylphiel does return at the end of ''Revolution,'' though. Zangulus and Martina are also sent off when ''NEXT'' ends.
** Finally, Filia herself is bussed once ''TRY'' is over, and any other characters exclusive to that season (Jillas, Valgaav, the "Overworld" inhabitants) go with her. None of them are ''ever'' mentioned again -- unless one counts the reference to "Jillas cannons" in ''Revolution''.
== R ==
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: "Ruby Eye" Shabranigdu.
** Lina herself, what with being Enemy Of All That Live, and all.
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* [[Robot Maid]]: {{spoiler|Ozzel}} counts for this, although she is actually a doll.
* [[Roof Hopping]]
== S ==
* [[Screw This, I'm Outta Here]]: In ''Slayers Gorgeous'' the dragon army flees from Lina after being ordered to attack.
** Zelgadis also tries to do this a couple of times, but never succeeds.
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* [[Sword and Sorcerer]]
* [[Sympathetic Inspector Antagonist]]: Wizer Freyon pursues Lina throughout the better part of Revolution for all of the destructive acts she's committed in the past. At some point in the series, he obviously realizes she's innocent and just keeps playing up the chase as [[Obfuscating Stupidity]] to use Lina to catch the real criminals, but it's not clear exactly when that point is.
== T ==
* [[Take Our Word for It]]: Considering all the things Lina has faced, her sister Luna would have to be pretty tough to intimidate her. It helps that Luna is [[The Chosen One]].
* [[Talking Animal]]: There's a ton of these throughout the show, although most are just one-liners.
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* [[Trickster]]: Who else but Xellos?
* [[Tsundere]]: Lina is a tsun-tsun subtype, but she definitely has a few dere-dere moments. The reverse is Filia, ignorance-based holier-than-thou attitude aside, with her [[Berserk Button]] (which Xellos has a talent for finding and pushing).
== U ==
* [[Unbuilt Trope]]: Both older and current critics of the show argue that Amelia is a [[Trope Codifier]] of the [[Moe]] character archaetype, alongside Rei Ayanami of ''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion]]''; Amelia has the [[Genki Girl|energetic]] and innocent aspects of the character, complete with a short yet bodacious body, whereas Rei has the [[Extreme Doormat|more demure and shy]] aspects (ironically, Rei was meant to be a [[Creepy Child]]). Now, though, with the craze in full swing, Amelia is arguably a subversion; she's no powerhouse, but she's far from useless (a trait that built overtime), has a go-getter attitude (most moe characters are unable to speak out for themselves), and has [[Stepford Smiler|deep and harrowing issues]] that arguably created her energetic and positive ideals in the first place.
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