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Characters from ''[[{{TOPLEVELPAGE}}]]'' include:
== ''Playable Characters'' ==
== The Player Character ==
=== The Player Character/The Fledgling ===
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* [[Genius Bruiser]]
* [[Guile Hero]]
* [[I Was Quite thea Looker]]: What you little you can see of the Nosferatu [[Player Character]] before his/her Embrace, male or female, suggests that s/he was quite attractive in life.
* [[Kleptomaniac Hero]]: A standard of RPGs everywhere. Also, a [[Justified Trope]] in universe, as vampires are not intrinsically bound by human moral norms aside from [[Thou Shalt Not Kill]], so [[I Did What I Had to Do|whatever you have to do to survive is considered fair play.]]
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: With a Toreador (or better, a Brujah) at full Celerity.
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* [[You Kill It, You Bought It]]: The [[Player Character]] gets to be Sheriff of the City in the Camarilla ending. If they side with the Anarchs, it's very likely they will be second in command to Nine's Rodriguez in his new order.
== ''Non-Player Characters'' ==
== The Camarilla ==
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* [[Gentleman and a Scholar|Gentleman And A Seeker of Reluctant Information]]
* [[Mr. Exposition]]: His role in the game.
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: Averted.: his fiery red eyes are the result of an old Frenzy, and no reflection on [[Deadpan Snarker|his character.]].
* [[Sarcasm Failure]]: Both types. If a Malkavian main character shares his 'theories' on Kindred origins with him, his only response is a slightly off-key "Can't say I've heard ''that'' one before...". His last conversation with you, after Beckett has had a chance to study the Sarcophagus, is a serious version.
* [[Totally Not a Werewolf]]: He's not, but you can ask if he is one (provided you're not a Gangrel).
* [[Unusually Uninteresting Sight]]: He looks like a werewolf in his normal human form, and no humans appear to notice this.
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* [[Meaningful Rename]]: After her lover.
* [[Necromancer]]
* [[The Spock]]: Calm, cool, and fiercely intelligent. So calmly analytical, she becomes one of the few characters in the entire game who isn't startled or confused by the Malkavian PC[[Player Character]]'s dialogue; in fact, after being called "Black Widow,", she goes so far as to state the innacuracies of the nickname, stating that "Mantis" would work better!
* [[A Storm Is Coming]]: She strongly advises you to leave the city after you complete her quest, as she claims to have [[Vagueness Is Coming|felt a sense of looming discord in the air]]. Of course, she's not far from truth...
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* [[Boss Arena Idiocy]]: A clever player armed with firearms can soon figure out a way to dispatch Brother Kanker without losing health and taking advantage of the nearby exit.
* [[Brotherhood of Evil]]: Despite having female members, they act like characters out of a pulp novel.
* [[Depraved Bisexual]]: Jezebel;: she's not exactly choosy about who she decides to - ahem - infect.
* [[Disposable Sex Worker]]: Jezebel certainly thinks of her victims in this way; however, the plight of the dying prostitute you encounter is undoubtedly a tragedy, and ultimately no fault of her own.
* [[Disposable Vagrant]]: Kanker targets the homeless, branding them as "weak, sick, hopeless" and declaring them perfect vessels for his "truth.".
* [[Eyes of Gold]]: Kanker's eyes are referred to as "piss-yellow.".
* [[Face of a Thug]]: Vick. Seriously, it looks like it got caught in a bear trap!
* [[Flunky Boss]]: Bishop Vick is followed by a large number of people who have been infected by the disease, and now seem very like zombies.
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** [[But Thou Must!]]: You can probably guess he's important, though, by the fact that he's literally unkillable in that cameo appearance.
* [[Extreme Melee Revenge]]: Just about ''all'' of his victims died by these means; the fourth one was lacerated with his claws, had his head torn off, and his body impaled on exposed rebar.
* [[Gameplay and Story Segregation]]: Despite being referred to as a neonate, he can use his Gangrel War Form. That's a level 5 skill normally available only later in the game (unless you cheat) and after paying a lot of experience points.
** Actually, just before heading to the pier for the 1st time, a couple of police would discuss the worst thing they ever saw. One described a very vicious killing ''years'' ago. It's likely this neonate has been gaining experience all this time. What's really surprising is you can [[Curb Stomp Battle]] him anyway.
* [[Guttural Growler]]: Not the worst case in the game, but definitely there.
* [[Kill It with Fire]]: It's possible to knock him into a fire, if you have a sledgehammer -... or [[Super Strength|Potence]].
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: So, you've decided to spare him without first convincing him to let go of his [[Unstoppable Rage]]? Congratulations! You've just released a psychotic, self-righteous Beast-consumed vampire on Los Angeles. Bet the locals'll be in for some fun.
* [[No Name Given]]: Simply "The Killer".
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=== The Thin-Bloods ===
A group of young, high-generation vampires living under the Santa Monica Pier, all of them are outcast from mainstream vampire society and on the run from the Sabbat; as such, [[Sidequest|most of them are in need of your help]] -... with the exception of Rosa, who seems to be expecting you...
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: Lily might be weak by vampiric standards and more than a little bit shy, but that just makes her Beast-induced violence all the more startling.
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* [[I Hate You, Vampire Dad]]: E initially hates Lily for Embracing him, but they reconcile following Lily's rescue.
** Lily isn't too fond of her sire, Rolf, partly for Embracing her but mostly for abandoning her in Santa Monica.
* [[Kick the Dog]]: If you're feeling in the mood for easy money, you can trick Copper into paying for a "unicorn blood transfusion" to cure his vampirism, or a "Holy Stake" to use on the "Head Vampire.".
* [[Mad Oracle]]: Rosa, who isn't sure of what she's talking about at the best of times, let alone her babbled prophecies.
** And the dialogue between her and a Malkavian character is amusing.
* [[The Mole]]: {{spoiler|Julius}} is actually revealing Kindred's secrets to a screenwriter. {{spoiler|When you deal with him, you can decide whether to kill or spare him}}.
** Though it isn't as much of being a mole as being [[Too Dumb to Live|too oblivious]] to realize that the Masquerade is being broken. Nobody ever bothered to tell him.
* [[One-Letter Name]]: E.
* [[Speech Impediment]]: Julius has a ''terrible'' stutter.
* [[Surfer Dude]]: E, who actually came to Santa Monica for a surf tourney and ended up staying there after his Embrace.
* [[Vampire Refugee]]: Copper, who desperately wants to find a cure for his vampirism -... even if it means killing "the Head Vampire.". He'll either be let down as gently as possible by the PC[[Player Character]], or he'll cough up all the money he has left for three bags of blood and half of a stair bannister. [[You Bastard]].
* [[Waif Prophet]]: Rosa.
=== The Giovanni ===
The American branch of the infamous family of necromancers, the Giovanni are comprised of humans, ghouls, and the rare few chosen to be Embraced and made into full-fledged vampires. Decadent, opulent and messed up beyond measure, the necromancers are a force to be reconned with-... especially when you're saddled with the task of crashing their reunion party.
* [[Affably Evil]]: From the snippets of conversation you catch, "Uncle" Bruno Giovanni seems fairly cordial, planning to Embrace and Ghoul a few of his family members to celebrate their recent success.
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* [[Necromancer]]: Most of the high-ranking Giovanni are Necromancers by trade. Nadia Miliner is an apprentice necromancer, and if you're taking the persuasion route, she can be talked into taking you downstairs to tour the preparations room.
* [[New Era Speech]]: Bruno gives one of these monologues at the party, though you can't hear all of it.
* [[Time Dissonance]]: During his speech, Bruno refers to the many years since he last saw his extended family as a brief period of time. That "brief period of time" included ''[[The Great Depression]].''.
* [[Tome of Eldritch Lore]]: It's possible to steal one of these (''The Voce Del Morte'') from the mansion's library and give it to Pisha.
* [[Torture Cellar]]: The preparations room. It also leads to a massive system of catacombs filled with zombies.
== Ghouls ==
=== Heather ===
{{quote|''Anything for ''you''...''}}
A young woman found dying in an understaffed clinic. The only way to save her life is to feed her your blood- guaranteeing your own ghoul servant. {{spoiler|If she stays with you to the very end, she's kidnapped and brutally murdered by the Sabbat. There are patches that avoid this, but they vary by version and methods.}}.
* [[All Just a Dream]]: A Malkavian can send her off by Dementating her into thinking the time with you was all a dream. Doing so nets you ''both'' a masquerade redemption and a point of humanity.
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: What she eventually becomes under your influence. This is especially apparent if you play as a Malkavian.
* [[Gainaxing]]: In her third, [[Stripperific]] outfit, she's clearly not wearing a bra.
* [[Happiness in Slavery]]: Pretty much her entire existence revolves around this once she becomes your ghoul.
* [[Ill Girl]]: How you meet her.
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* [[Pet the Dog]]: Arguably, your treatment of her can be this for you.
* [[Single-Target Sexuality]]: Heather isn't so much bisexual, probably, as she is [[Player Character|you]]-sexual.
* [[Stalker with a Crush]]: If you save her and don't speak to her upon returning from the Dane (basically only possible for a Nosferatu, as they arrive Downtown and enter the Venture tower via the sewers), she'll disappear and only show up {{spoiler|in time for the Sabbat to kill her. The implication is she's been stalking you all this time.}}.
* [[Video Game Caring Potential]]: You can care for her, help her, and reassure her.
* [[Video Game Cruelty Potential]]: You can take her money, feed from her, and verbally abuse her.
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** [[Video Game Caring Potential|Yeah, but you're also giving her a safe home and you can be extremely nice and gentle to her.]] Considering that when you first met her, she was suffering alone in a hospital with broken bones, damaged organs and internal bleeding, asking for her grandmother and literally moments away from death before you saved her by giving her some of your blood, this is quite an upgrade. Even if you're a Nosferatu, living in the sewers (temporarily, hopefully) and being a grotesque monster's devoted servant doesn't seem that bad when the alternative is being ''dead''. Even as a Malk's Ghoul, Heather might seem touched in the head from now on, but really, after what landed her in the hospital in the first place, acting a little brain-damaged is a small price to pay for being able to walk away.
=== Mercurio ===
{{quote|''I can get anything anyone wants at any time. You could say it's my calling. '[[My Greatest Failure|Til the Astrolite]], there wasn't anything I couldn't handle... well, back east, some shit went down, Big Apple, can't go back. I hate L.A., but whaddaya gonna do?''}}
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* [[Cluster F-Bomb]]: Uses a lot of these when injured.
* [[Cool Old Guy]]: He may not look like it, but he's nearly sixty. He's also one of the only few people you can put your complete trust in.
* [[In-Series Nickname]]: The Malkavian PC[[Player Character]] calls him "Fleet-Footed God" because [[Classical Mythology|guess why]]. He seems okay with it.
* [[My Master, Right or Wrong]]: For all that he has to be a fully bound ghoul, he's remarkably clear-headed about his situation. Contrast with Knox and Heather.
{{quote|''(On LaCroix)'' Just so you understand, my loyalties are all but written in blood, so my opinion of the guy is moot.}}
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* [[The Scrounger]]: You could say he has a talent for it. Need a weapon? Mercurio can get it for you, given some time.
=== Romero ===
{{quote|''Far as I know, I'm the only person around Hollywood who considers marksmanship an art.''}}
Isaac's ghoul in Hollywood, he guards the local graveyard, preventing any of the residents from leaving. You can learn a few tips about using firearms if you help him (by finding him a prostitute or by fighting the zombies back for 5 minutes).
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: He keeps up his good humor despite his morbid situation.
* [[Friendly Sniper]]: Takes pride in his ability to shoot down anyone, and is a hospitable host for the player.
* [[The Gunslinger]]: He loves killing zombies, even though he admits that he wishes he could do something else with his nights sometimes.
* [[Hold the Line]]: Well, the gates of his cemetery. Defending them for him of the cemetery is probably the hardest mission of the whole game bar none. Characters without Celerity, a powerful gun or Protean need not apply.
* [[Innuendo Backfire]]: You can help him defend the graveyard from zombies, or you can bring him a prostitute. If sufficiently attractive, you can even, ah, help him yourself.
* [[Friendly Sniper]]
* [[The Gunslinger]]
* [[Shout-Out]]: His name's Romero, and he works with zombies...
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: If you fail the mission and the zombie hordes manage to break out, he gets pissed:
{{quote|Where are my manners? Thanks for letting the rotting animated corpses out to chew on the flesh of the living, so I could spend all of ''my'' pre-dawn hours cleaning up decaying flesh and half-eaten dog carcasses. Really made my night.}}
=== Knox Harrington ===
Bertram Tung's ghoul, Knox enjoys his status as a blood-bound slave a little too much for his own good, and seems to mainly function as a smokescreen for his master's more obvious plans.
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* [[Keet]]: Knox is bouncing off the walls in just about every single scene you can meet him in.
* [[Motor Mouth]]: Maybe ten minutes after you receive a lecture about hiding your vampirism from humanity, talking to Knox sees him realising what you are and refusing to shut the hell up until you remind him it's supposed to be a secret.
* [[Not So Harmless]]: It turns out he actually used to be a ''bounty hunter'' -... one of the reasons Bertram hired him in the first place.
* [[The Renfield]]
* [[Shout-Out]]: To Knock of ''Nosferatu.''.
* [[Verbal Tic]]: "Oh ''man''!"
* [[Shout-Out]]: To Knock of ''Nosferatu.''
=== Vandal Cleaver ===
{{quote|''Here again? What's the matter? Can't bring yourself to tear into the neck of some quote-unquote "innocent?" All that blood out there, and you have to buy the prepackaged stuff!''}}
Therese Voerman's ghoul, Vandal runs the bloodbank in the basement of the local clinic, using his position to secure choice bloodpacks for his demanding mistress. Unfortunately, as altruism appears to be running low these days, "donations" of blood come from the clubbers, vagrants, and Thin-Bloods that Vandal kidnaps.
* [[Axe Crazy]]: Apart from the techniques he uses to supply his mistress with blood, he also lets slip that he was planning to kill his coworker Phil before Lily tore his throat out.
* [[Blue Eyes]]: A very unnerving set, too.
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: A dark example, needless to say.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Mocks everything he can think of, including his own miserable situation if you Dement him.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]
* [[Evil Redhead]]: A borderline-serial killer.
* [[I Love the Dead]]: Subverted, of all the people, [[Nightmare Fetishist|Vandal]] considers sex with a clinically dead vampire to be outright [[Even Evil Has Standards|disgusting]]. He also goes on to state that this was how Therese roped him into her service in the first place:
{{quote|Start breathing, you corpse: I already fell for that act once, and that's how I came to end up here.}}
* [[Kick the Son of a Bitch]]: After freeing poor Lily from his torture chamber, you can threaten to drain him of all his blood unless he agrees to sell more bloodpacks to you. And ''God'', it's satisfying.
** If you're a Malkavian, you can also [[Mind Rape]] him to the point where he breaks down in insane laughter. And boy, does he deserve it.
* [[Knife Nut]]:
{{quote|Guns make people cocky; they never appreciate what a skilled hand married to a knife can do. All you have to do is get close enough to cut off the trigger finger... or their face.}}
* [[Nightmare Fetishist]]: In the event that you manage to help one of his captives escape, one of the options for getting him to sell you blood again is to tell him a story of ultraviolence from your [[Multiple Choice Past]] -... resulting in a ''very'' excited Vandal.
* [[Psycho for Hire]]: Therese keeps him on a ''very'' tight leash.
* [[The Renfield]]: Unlike most, however, he's bitter, cynical, and very much aware that he's a slave. Also, though he's too cowed to dare attack a vampire, he's very dangerous to humans.
* [[Sarcastic Devotee]]: He hates Therese, but cannot disobey her.
* [[The Social Darwinist]]: He has great respect for vampires who embrace the Beast and "feed upon the weak.".
* [[Soft-Spoken Sadist]]: Played with. His voice is very high and soft, and he rarely yells, but most of his dialogue ''seethes'' with barely-constrained rage.
* [[Soft-Spoken Sadist]]
== Humans ==
=== Venus ===
{{quote|'' Everybody comes in here's got to have to a shot - house rules: inhibition's the first thing to go. Two more of these, and you'll be telling me your nastiest, dirtiest stories; I am your Beat Priestess, and it's time to confess.''}}
The beautiful owner and bartender of the Confession Nightclub. Having started her club with the aid of a local [[The Mafiya|Russian Mafia]] boss, she's gotten sick and tired of paying her benefactor with sexual favours, and needs an assassin -: you.
* [[Cute but Cacophonic]]: Whenever she says "WHAT?!"
* [[Dude, Where's My Reward?]]: Only the first time. After her second quest you can become co-owner of her club (and gain a costant flow of money).
* [[Gainaxing]]: Her model bounces a lot.
* [[In-Series Nickname]]: The Malkavian PC[[Player Character]] calls her "Love Goddess". [[Classical Mythology|For a good reason]].
* [[Kick the Dog]]: You can also accept Boris' proposal and kill her instead, but you'll lose Humanity.
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: Flirts with her customers to sell drinks.
* [[Precision F-Strike]]: Normally educated and soft spoken, she drops one regarding Boris.
* [[Stripperific]]: As part of her persona, she wears a tight t-shirt with a [[Cleavage Window]] and tight cutoff jeans.
* [[Stripperific]]
=== Yukie ===
A Japanese demon hunter who runs a noodle shop in Chinatown, currently hunting for the demon who murdered her Sensei.
* [[Action Girl]]: Indeed.
* [[Affectionate Parody]]: Of anime clichès.
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: If you're in a good relationship with her, she will appear in the Golden Temple and help you dealing with the Kuei-jin.
* [[Gratuitous Japanese]]: Albeit used incorrectly in some sentences.
* [[It's Personal]]: She's after the Hengeyokai Zygaena, who devoured her master.
* [[Katanas Are Just Better]]: Wields one in combat.
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: White top, cute face, black miniskirt and possible panty shot? Hell yeah!
=== Grünfeld Bach ===
{{quote|''As you burn, tell them it was Gunfeld Bach who sent your damned soul to that lake of fire! All agents of Satan shall return to whence they came!''}}
Line 681:
* [[BFG]]: Takes you on with a powerful sniper rifle.
* [[Church Militant]]: Member of one.
* [[Clap Your Hands If You Believe]]: Has True Faith, belief strong enough to weaken unholy creatures like -... um, well, ''you'', a ''very'' rare trait in the World of Darkness.
* [[Determinator]]: Has apparently hunted LaCroix for decades, across a continent no less.
* [[Hero Antagonist]]: In a manner of speaking... ''you'' are the blood-drinker here, after all. Mind you, you're only going after him because he kidnapped someone.
* [[Get Back Here Boss]]: During the boss battle he will snipe you from far away with his gun, and if you get too close he will blind you with his [[Holy Hand Grenade|crucifix]] and will run to another location.
* [[Good Scars, Evil Scars]]: He has a single vertical scar across his right cheek.
* [[Hero Antagonist]]: In a manner of speaking... ''you'' are the blood-drinker here, after all. Mind you, you're only going after him because he kidnapped someone.
* [[Just a Stupid Accent]]: He speaks with a very audible German accent.
* [[Katanas Are Just Better]]: Wields one like all the expert Vampire Hunters.
* [[Kill It with Fire]]: Sets fire to the whole {{spoiler|Grout Mansion}} with you still inside, forcing you to run away. Quickly!
* [[Knight Templar]]: Kidnaps and involves an innocent bystander to lure you in.
* [[Light'Em Up]]: Can use his faith to create a burst of pure light to blind you.
* [[Knight Templar]]: Kidnaps and involves an innocent bystander to lure you in.
* [[Not Quite Dead]]: After his apparent demise he stands up one more time and pull a [[Taking You with Me]]/[[Load-Bearing Boss]] on you.
* [[Vampire Hunter]]: Well, duh.
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* [[You Killed My Father]]: Apparently, LaCroix murdered both his father and his grandfather.
=== Chunk ===
A fat security guard initially assigned to guard a Santa Monica art gallery-... up until you break in and vandalise the paintings. He's then reassigned to guarding the Venture building for Prince Lacroix.
* [[By-The-Book Cop]]: Blocks the PC[[Player Character]]'s way while spouting very specific regulations. Can backfire on him if the PC[[Player Character]] has a high enough persuasion rating.
** By persuading him, it becomes obvious Chunk [[Delusions of Eloquence|has no idea what he's talking about and is just pulling out random regulations to sound smart]].
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: He is a very silly man, in a lot of ways, and likes a lot of very strange things.
* [[Dumb Is Good]]: Aside from being one of the nicest characters in the game, he is also one of the few ones completely under the illusion of the masquerade.
* [[Fat Idiot]]: Bless him, Chunk is just not very bright.
* [[Good Is Impotent]]: Chunk is a sweet guy, but he's brainless, powerless and helpless in the World of Darkness.
* [[Good Is Impotent]]
* [[Nice Guy]]: He's just so adorably earnest.
* [[Plucky Comic Relief]]: The man uses his security system to spy on people ''eating doughnuts''.
* [[Video Game Cruelty Potential]]: During your first meeting, you can use the Malkavian's Dementation skill to make him feel like a worthless shit. Literally.
=== Stanley Gimble ===
A dealer of prosthetics and medical supplies living out of a basement studio in Santa Monic. He's actually a serial killer.
* [[Affably Evil]]: He is a genuinely bright and cheery man, right up until he's lured you into his kill room.
* [[Affably Evil]]
* [[Grievous Harm with a Body]]: He attacks you with a mutilated arm. Probably his own.
* [[Mugging the Monster]]: Luring you into his lair wasn't his brightest move.
* [[Nightmare Fetishist]]: Along with his love of prosthetics and amputation, Gimble actually finds the Malkavian speech patterns quite charming.
* [[Serial Killer]]: Likes to cut off limbs.
* [[Stepford Smiler]]: Under that cheerful, smiling exterior is a merciless killer with a fetish for amputation.
=== The Mandarin ===
{{quote|''You and your kind may play mortals for weaklings and fools, and that may be fitting for some... but you underestimate '''me'''...''}}
The apparent CEO of the Fu Syndicate, he's been manipulating the Chinatown Tong for his own dark purposes...
* [[Anticlimax Boss]]: He doesn't even have a health bar.
* [[Bad Boss]]/[[We Have Reserves]]: Quite happy to let the Fledgeling kill his underlings if they displease him, and even happier to use his security guards and mercenary soldiers as experimental guinea pigs.
* [[Baddie Flattery]]: Begins complimenting the Fledgeling in a very condescending way in the latter stages of the experiment.
{{quote|You have shown considerable mental and physical accumen... and I'm quite perplexed as to how something that should be ''dead'' can possess such strong survival skills.}}
* [[Bullying a Dragon]]: Makes the mistake of experimenting on Kindred at least twice, with disastrous effects. In the first case, the test subject is Barabus -... which gets Gary's attention; the second case, ''you're'' the test subject, and it finally comes back to bite him. Possibly literally.
* [[The Chessmaster]]: Lays a clever trap in Chinatown.
* {{spoiler|[[The Dragon]]: toTo Ming Xiao}}.
* [[Faux Affably Evil]]: He compliments you regularly while trying to kill you, but once it becomes apparent that his experiment has gone awry, it all goes out the window.
* [[Faux Affably Evil]]
* [[Mad Scientist]]: He's studying vampires and their many weaknesses -... {{spoiler|at Ming-Xiao's request.}}.
* [[The Man Behind the Curtain]]: Up close, he's not much of a threat.
* [[No Name Given]]
* [[Shout-Out]]: To [[Fu Manchu]].
* [[Silver Fox]]: From what little you can see of him, he clearly has white hair, and he's at least middle aged.
* [[Sinister Shades]]: That double as [[Sunglasses at Night]] and indoors.
* [[Smug Snake]]: His arrogance, to put it bluntly, is not well-founded.
=== Fat Larry ===
An enthusiastic black-market salesman, he operates out of the back of his truck, selling just about anything to anyone -... though getting to his special stock may take a few favours.
* [[Fat and Proud]]: The Malkavian will even call him "Fatman" without Larry so much as reacting.
* [[Friend in the Black Market]]: He sells guns and armor out of the back of a truck.
* [[Honest John's Dealership]]: Subverted -: Larry may seem like this at first, but his wares are perfectly serviceable. Plus, he gets very irritated when you suggest it.
* [[Jive Turkey]]
* [[Shout-Out]]: In order to gain access to his special stock, you have to retrieve a mysterious briefcase -... the contents of which Larry only describes as "[[Pulp Fiction|beautiful]].".
* [[Soul Brotha]]: Just barely avoids being a [[Jive Turkey]] too.
=== Tseng ===
The merchant in the Chinatown area, Tseng inherited his family's herbal medicine store and is more than happy to help you with good herbal remedies for all your Tong-related problems. [[Most Definitely Not a Villain|He has most definitely never been involved with the Chinese Army.]]
* [[Bad Liar]]: He is a terrible pharmacist.
* [[Eyepatch of Power]]
* [[Most Definitely Not a Villain|Most Certainly Is American Citizen, God Bless Allegiance Flag!]]: That uniform is from the ''herbal'' army. The things he shows you are fine herbal remedies for any ailment, such as Persistent Gangsters, and he will refill many high-calibre prescriptions. Also sells many edged or blunt herbal tools for the discerning melee customer! All of it completely lawful and legitimate and American, as he will tell you at the top of his lungs every time you ask.
* [[Nice Hat]]: A [[Commissar Cap]].
* [[No Indoor Voice]]
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== Others ==
=== Zygaena the Hengeyokai ===
A fiendish were-shark monster who preys upon the humans in Chinatown. Apparently works for the Kuei-jin, and killed Yuki's master at some point in the past.
* [[All There in the Manual]]: Although not stated in game, he's a Rokea (were-shark), more correctly a Same-Bito, the eastern version of the race.
* [[Bonus Boss]]: One of the tougher examples in the game.
* [[Damage Sponge Boss]]: Has the greatest number of healthpoints, right after {{spoiler|Slug Ming Xiao.}}.
* [[Everything's Even Worse with Sharks|Everything]]: IsEspecially Even Worse With Landsharks]]''weresharks''.
* [[Laughing Mad]]: Once he confronts you in the warehouse, he laughs a ''lot''.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: His name comes from the Smooth Hammerhead Shark (Sphyrna Zygaena).
* [[One-Winged Angel]]: As soon as the battle begins he sheds his puny human form and takes his Warform. This also is very typical for Rokea, as most do not see the benefits of taking human form other than situations where they absolutely must.
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* [[Youkai]]: He's modeled after the Samebito, a shark demon.
=== Mr. Ox ===
{{quote|''... There is something in this store for everyone...'' Everyone'' gets what they deserve...''}}
A mysterious shopkeeper in Chinatown, peddling curiosities and trinkets - most of which seem to have very morbid origins and purposes in mind. He enlists your help -: first in retrieving a pair of "envious eyes" from the corpse of a thief, then in delivering a Bad Luck Charm to a target's locker.
* [[All Powerful Bystander]]: Implied. Nobody knows exactly ''what'' he is, but he certainly isn't harmed by being shot at.
** A Malkavian PC[[Player Character]] seems to know what he is. Though the dialogue option never reveals exactly what Mr. Ox may be, [[Horrifying the Horror|it seems the realization deeply disturbs the Malkavian]].
* [[Bazaar of the Bizarre]]: His shop.
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: A very, ''very'' creepy example.
* [[Collector of the Strange]]: Apart from selling the profoundly weird, he also collects it -... including the eyeballs of a thief too greedy for his own good.
* [[Companion Cube]]: Cheerfully treats Lin's disembodied eyeballs as though they're still attached to their owner.
{{quote|Hello, Lin. Do you like it here?}}
* [[Cryptic Conversation]]: A speciality of his.
* [[Deal with the Devil]]: Implies that some of his customers pay for his wares with their souls.
* [[Evil Old Folks]]: ...''Probably''. It's not clear what he is exactly, but he definitely appears to be an old man, and the quests he gives you are shady, to say the least.
* [[Evil Old Folks]]
* [[Eye Scream]]: "Eye Gouge Hell..."
* [[Mismatched Eyes]]: One blue, the other yellow
* [[Prophecies Are Always Right]]/[[Xanatos Gambit]]: Shortly after you place the Bad Luck Charm in the target's locker, said target promptly appears and gets into an argument that ends with you being forced to kill him -... exactly as Ox intended.
** [[Off the Rails]]: If you're a Malkavian or a Ventrue, you can derail this plan by mind-controlling the target into leaving as soon as he finds you. Nosferatu can also avoid violence by scaring him away.
* [[Vader Breath]]: He audibly huffs while talking to you.
=== The Gargoyle ===
A massive stone monster created by Strauss and used as a bodyguard- up until he went rogue and hid himself inside the old Chinese theatre in Hollywood. You can be sent here by Strauss or Isaac (or both) to kill him, or convince him to work for the Anarchs.
* [[Berserk Button]]: The Gargoyle, already hostile towards Kindred, is downright infuriated by members of the Tremere clan or any mention of Strauss.
* [[Boss Arena Idiocy]]: Subverted. You think you can just go upstairs and shoot him to death from the balconies? You're in for a rude awakening;: he simply tears through the pillars beneath you.
* [[The Brute]]: Kinda goes without saying.
* [[Damage Sponge Boss]]: Blades and bullets won't help you against him. Even armed with a blunt weapon, you need some time.
Line 811 ⟶ 810:
* [[Weaksauce Weakness]]: To bludgeoning damage.
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