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Tokiwa Kitareri!!: Difference between revisions

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* [[Cyborg]]: {{spoiler|After having two of his limb cut by an enemy, Tokiwa is reconstructed using parts of Machina}}.
* [[Combat Tentacles]]: The Kyoukotsu have tentacles instead of hands, that he uses to throw his targets around.
* [[Curb Stomp Battle]]: Rein vs Enigma is ridiculousridiculously one-sided thanks to her transformation powers.
* [[Death Glare]]: Tokiwa gives one of these to a machine from Enigma after it attacks without showing any concern to civilians.
* [[Driven to Suicide]]: A nameless young girl tries to jump from a roof; "Flashing Silhouette" saves her.
* [[Eye Beams]]: One of Machina's many abilities invole simply firing beams from his eyes.
* [[Failed a Spot Check]]: The heroes ignore the possible relationship between the girl who Kanata, Naruka and Tokiwa sees in their dreams with the website NUE even after Tokiwa notices the similarity.
* [[Fanservice]]: Not unlike Satsuena's last work. The first chapter features a tentacle monster with melting powers that only melt a "surface" every time it attacks. His first victim is a female student, and of course the surface he dissolves before trying to melt her skin are her clothes.
* [[Gainax Bounce]]: In the ad made by [[J.C.Staff]] to promote the manga, the very first second features Rein's boobs bouncing while she waves to Tokiwa and Machina from the roof of a house.
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* [[Humongous Mecha]]: K-01, a robot brought by Enigma to battle Rein when their guns prove to be useless against her.
* [[I Know Your True Name]]: "Sennbeiser Suzuki" doesn't use his real name because he knows sorcerers can use that against him.
* [[Imaginary Friend]]: At least that is what Tokiwa thought Rein was, specially since she first appeared because he felt lonely with his parents constantly away.
* [[Insistent Terminology]]: Haruka Yata insists his powers are "sorcery", not magic.
* [[Intangible Man]]:
** Since it's a ghost, the Kyoukutsu can't be armed by any of ReainRein's attacks, but Kanata's sword can since it attacks the soul.
** "Sennbeiser Suzuki" is able to walk through walls.
* [[Leaning on the Fourth Wall]]: A small panel in chapter 34 shows Rein's panties and she says "Look, a little service". However, the panties are exposed to the opposite side from where Tokiwa could look them, making it look Rein is speaking with the readers.
* [[Male Gaze]]: At Chapter 36, one of the panels is a ''curved space'' view from the ground of a room, apparently only to show both Rein's breasts and glutes at the same time.
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: Rein's adult virtual avatar form barely wear any clothes, exposing her breasts, crotch, and butt. When she gains a physical boy her fanservice powers expand, since she can creates clothes out of nothing, or even chose to wear nothing.
* [[Mysterious Waif]]: Aria, who appears out of nowhere to Haruka in first place, has a vague origin, weird magical powers, and doesn't even have a real name until Machina settles on "Aria" after the rest of the main cast makes several suggestions.
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* [[Scenery Censor]]:
** The hair of both Meguru and Aria, and the cable of a portable shower is used to cover their nipples during a bath scene.
** A piece of flying metal hides Rein's right nipple during a battle with Enigma, despite the fact we have already seen her nipples a few pages before.
* [[Shout-Out]]: Aria poses like Venus on "The Birth of Venus" by Botticelli during a bath scene.
* [[Sideboob]]: {{spoiler|In the predecessor "Heroes of the Revelation" team, one of the members(who looks like Aria) wore straps over her breasts that let both sides well-exposed}}.
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* [[Years Too Early]]: Kanata's father says he needs one more hundred years of training to be able to accept Suzuki's offer to help Suzuki's group.
{{Needs More Tropes}}
[[Category:Shonen Demographic]]
[[Category:The New Tens]]
[[Category:Manga of the 2010s]]
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