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Magical Girl Noir Quest: Difference between revisions

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* [[Faking the Dead]]: Kharn tries to fake Girl-A's death by claiming she executed her, have Malal register Girl A as dead, give her a haircut, and a new name. She then recruits this "new" Magical Girl. When Kyuubi inquires about the "new recruit" with an uncanny resemblance to Girl A, Kharn refused to explicitly say that Girl-A's death was faked, but does say:
{{quote|I have high hopes for our new recruit. Call it a hunch, but she seems like she could take on three eversor squads solo if she felt so inclined}}
* [[False Reassurance]]: Cavefish tries to reassure Alondight that a particular type of teleporter accident is unlikely on the grounds that the teleporter they are using never had anthat type of accident before. When asked how big this record is, we get the disturbingly small sample size of "twice".
* [[Fantastic Arousal]]:
{{quote|lick her soulgem}}
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