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Magical Girl Noir Quest: Difference between revisions

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* [[For the Love of God, Stay Awake!]]:
{{quote|You shouldn't sleep in a Witch Barrier, you know. There's a chance you might not wake up.}}
* [[Gambit Roulette]]: Subverted. Malal's plan was chugging along just fine until {{spoiler|Chiaki handed her ''soul gem'' over to a chosen}}. Malal didn't even bother to have a contingency. I mean nobody is ''THAT'' stupid, so why bother having a contingency for that! Well, she ''kinda'' did {{spoiler|and Chiaki shot it}}.
* [[Genuine Human Hide]]: REIKETSU offers to make her good-for-nothing such a garment
{{quote|Say the word and this one shall bring you their faces sewn into a cloak, fit and fashionable for any type of social event.}}
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