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Magical Girl Noir Quest: Difference between revisions

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* [[Aggressive Negotiations]]: Malal, Kharn’s aide, repeatedly stated that meeting with the 3rd officio was walking into a trap. In the actual meeting, after both sides refused to budge, at least on the issue of handing over Mami, the leader of the 3rd officio revealed her weapon. Then then still no budging. Then Kharn contacted her incubator, verbally told him that she was going to kill everyone in the building [presumably excluding her retinue], without so much as excusing herself or keeping her voice down. {{spoiler|And then they did (assuming everyone in the building was on that floor)}}.
* [[Air Vent Passageway]]: Deculture didn’t offer this, and when someone proposed it as a substitute chimney, and it got support, Deculture broke character to make it clear that they thought it was a stupid idea, but still rolled with it because it was christmas.
* [[All Part of the Show]]: When Chiaki defeated some Magical Girls in a stadium during an idol concert.
* [[Amnesiac Hero]]: Well, Amnesiac protagonist at the very least. Murderface in fact has amnesia multiple times.
* [[Anti-Magic]]: Culexus. They also make Magical Girls sick when they are around them. The ninth officio puts them in suits that dampens the effects, but also increases their lifespan and gives them more control over their abilities. Even so, even when they wear the suits, they still often make Magical Girls near them queasy. That said, Culexus can do magic things other than magic (like predict the future). Silent Rooms to a large extent disable magic while they are on. One of them has had it's effect's potency compared to a typical Culexus, which suggests parallels in effect. However, a silent room has also been used to repress a Culexus's [[Power Incontinence]] (And it's not clear that Culexus's are particularly harmful to other culexus).
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** Enyo was in love with Raleigh (her commander) and said she was going to confess. That was in a flashback and (as of this writing) their current relationship status hasn't been mentioned.
* [[Wacky Cravings]]: After Kharn gets pregnant she craves weird things, like raw bear meat. Also [[Played With]]: She cites craving orange juice with coffee ''no sugar no vodka'' as strange.
* [[Weirdness Censor]]: Despite Magical Girls basically working for [[Private Military Contractors]] (that typically don't wage war, instead they do things like act as body guards and carry out assassinations) and having information about them on the internet, most people don't realize Magical Girls are a thing. Kyuubey used to have [[Killed to Uphold the Masquerade|witnesses assassinated]], but then he stopped doing this when he realized that he didn't need to because nobody took the witnesses seriously. Iori ''despite having Chiaki as a bodyguard'' didn't know she was actually a Magical Girl (until hostilities broke out) and thought Chiaki was just wearing a weird uniform.
* [[What Do You Mean It's Not for Kids?]]: Kyuubey assumed MMXMM (which has porn in it) was for children because
{{quote|Such books are only meant for the consumption of those much too young to absorb and appreciate proper literary prose, aren't they? I mean, look at them - each page is wrought with exagerrated art! Not enough words in it to form even a single paragraph - just dialogue, nothing else!}}
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