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* ''[[Doctor Who]]'', new series example: In ''The Sound Of Drums'', the Doctor, Martha, and Jack find the [[Cool Ship|TARDIS]], which has been turned into a Paradox Machine by the [[Magnificent Bastard|Master]]. The Doctor states that it's too dangerous to do anything with the Machine until it's activated and he can find out what the exact paradox is that the Machine will create.<br />'''You'd Expect''': someone, most probably Jack with his extensive military background, to suggest the following plan of action: Split up. The Doctor and Martha can go and try to take care of the Master before the Machine activates. Meanwhile, Jack goes off on his own to try to find a way to destroy the Machine after it activates in case the Doctor and Martha fail. All Jack needs to do is find a weapon, get back to the TARDIS, lock himself in, and destroy the Machine when it goes critical. He's not taking any risks in either going off on his own or being in the proximity of the Machine when he destroys it, since he can't die. Regardless of which of the two groups succeeds, the paradox fails and the Master is defeated.<br />'''Instead''': all three go off to try to stop the Master. They fail miserably.
** In ''Evolution of the Daleks'', two Daleks take a platoon of Dalek-controlled humans to destroy the Doctor. When the time comes to actually do so however, it's revealed that the Dalek's control of the humans is a bit faulty, and the humans promptly turn on their masters.<br />'''You'd Expect''': The Dalek commander (who was remotely monitoring the situation) to immediately realise that the humans are out of their control, and activate the self-termination devices placed in their bodies as a precaution. Once that's done, the Daleks accompanying them can exterminate the Doctor themselves.<br />'''Instead''': The humans are allowed to carry on shooting at the Daleks for a ''full minute'', and succeed in destroying both of them. It's only after their destruction that the Dalek commander decides to terminate the humans.
** In ''The End of Time, Part 2'', Rassilon arrives on Earth via a temporal link set up by the Master, which will soon bring the Time Lord homeworld Gallifrey back into existence. The Doctor doesn't want to let this happen, and threatens to shoot Rassilon with a revolver. Rassilon holds off on doing anything, and then the Doctor wheels around and points his gun at the Master, the death of whom would also prevent Rassilon's plan from working.<br />'''You'd Expect''': Rassilon to take full advantage of the Doctor's back being turned, and to blow the Doctor into his component atoms (which we'd seen Rassilon do to a rebellious Time Lady earlier in the episode).<br />'''Instead''': Rassilon just stands around and does nothing, eventually giving the Doctor time to [[Take a Third Option]] and disrupt Rassilon's plan without killing either him or the Master.<br />'''Admittedly:''' Rassilon has no way of knowing that the Doctor even knows that the third option can possibly exist, much less knows what it is, and his plan succeeds totally regardless of which one of the first two options the Doctor chooses.
** In ''Cold Blood'', the Doctor and the group he's stuck with have managed to capture a member of the alien race that has abducted several humans. He wants to use the alien as a hostage to get a prisoner exchange and needs it unharmed. Among those with him are a woman whose husband and son have been abducted, as well as the woman's father who has been poisoned by alien attack. The Doctor is planning on going down to negotiate with the aliens.<br />'''You'd Expect''': The Doctor, having interacted with humans for so long and knowing that they are emotional, would keep the woman and her father with him so that they can't go [[Mama Bear]] or [[Papa Wolf]] on the alien, with the consequences that would entail.<br />'''Instead''': He leaves these two as part of the group guarding the alien, and the woman snaps and attacks the alien. [[It Got Worse]].
* ''[[Mighty Morphin Power Rangers]]'': For the entire series, plus ''[[Power Rangers Zeo]]'' and a majority of ''[[Power Rangers Turbo]]'' the Rangers themselves were goody goods. Little to no negative behavior and all. But on occasion, Rita, Zedd or The Machine Empire would place a spell on the team or some members to cause problems (Such as Tommy debuting as an evil Power Ranger). Happened a good number of times.<br />'''You'd Expect''': That someone would attribute the odd behavior to a magic spell.<br />'''Instead''': The Rangers are dumbfounded by one of their own acting strange.
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