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** ''Personal Demon'' shows us Hope, a chaos half-demon who gets a high off chaotic emotions and adrenaline. Karl arouses her by deliberating calling up memories of risky or chaotic situations and letting her feel his adrenaline rush.
* [[Pregnant Badass]]: Elena in ''Broken''. {{spoiler|While being mostly full-term pregnant with twins.}}
* [[ProveProof I Am Not Bluffing]]: The first time Clay killed a [[Our Werewolves Are Different|mutt,]] he went to great lengths to make certain people will think twice before challenging the Pack in the future.
* [[Sarcastic Devotee]]: Clay and Elena towards each other. They're in love, but neither lets the other get away with ''anything'' without at least one snarky comment.
* [[Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness]]: Lucas, oh my GOD.
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