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== W ==
* "Was it good for you?": Asked after having sex.
* "Was it something I said?": When a conversation ends with one person suddenly thumping the other person and/or storming out and slamming the door, the other person says this. Usually, what they said or did to prompt the reaction is blindingly obvious to everyone except them. But occasionally, it was something completely external, such as the activation of the Bat Signal.
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* "Water! Water!" Has to be exclaimed when someone is [[Fainting]] in public.
* "We are asking the questions here!" Usually with a German accent. Can make [[Talking Your Way Out]] very difficult.
* "We [[Dawn Attack|We attack at dawn!]]!"
* "We can't take that chance!" Indicates when [[The Federation]] ([[Hostage for Macguffin|or even the Hero]]) all-but-folds in the face of the huge demands of the villain [[ProveProof I Am Not Bluffing|backed by force]].
* "We didn't start this fight, but we're gonna finish it."
* "We do not negotiate with terrorists". When this line is uttered, expect negotiation with terrorists to follow fairly quickly.
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