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[[File:The_Graveyard_Book_8526.jpg|frame|It's [[The Jungle Book (novel)|The Jungle Book]], [[Recycled in Space|recycled IN A GRAVEYARD!]]]]
{{quote|''[[What Do You Mean It's for Kids?|There was a hand in the darkness, and it held a knife.]]''}}
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* [[Whole-Plot Reference]]: The book as a whole is heavily inspired by ''[[The Jungle Book (novel)|The Jungle Book]]'', but some of the chapters deserve special mention:
** {{spoiler|Kaa's Hunting/The Hounds of God}}: A young boy, feeling frustrated at the no-nonsense attitude of his mentor, attempts to escape his predicament by joining a seemingly fun-loving band of mischievous creatures. He discovers that these creatures don't have intentions as innocent as they made out and ends up in far over his head. In a fit of desperation he calls to a flying creature for help in a language his mentor taught him shortly before his capture. A large and fearsome animal heeds his call for aid, and its appearance strikes terror into the hearts of his would-be captors. They abandon the boy to the mercies of his rescuer.
** {{spoiler|Mowgli's Brothers/How Nobody Came to the Graveyard}}: A cruel and sadistic villain murders an entire family, but their infant son eludes his grasp. He is discovered and protected by a charitable [[Raised by Natives|native couple]], but their peers urge them to give up the child because he belongs to a group outside of their social order. They are all eventually persuaded to adopt the child when swayed by the urgings of their leader and a [[Dark Is Not Evil|shadowy predator]] living on their outskirts.
** {{spoiler|The King's Ankus/The Witch's Headstone}}: A boy journeys into an ancient and forgotten ruin underneath the earth, where he encounters a serpent as old as the ruin itself. The serpent is entrusted in guarding the priceless treasures that lie beneath the ground, and although initially intimidating, the serpent turns out to be insane and rather pitiful. The boy, against the serpent's wishes, robs the tomb of a treasure only to find out that the treasure is [[Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane|cursed in a way that makes it act as a catalyst for human greed]]. The boy is immune to its charms, but other men end up killing each other in order to possess the forbidden prize, and the boy ends up returning the item back to its original place to the smug satisfaction of the serpent.
* [[You Can See Me?]]: Bod's signature move when in school is to be unnoticed and forgotten, at least until he starts to get involved with the other students. This also happens whenever a living character who can see the supernatural meets the Sleer.
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[[Category:Fantasy Literature]]
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[[Category:Newbery Medal]]
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