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** What really deepens the horror is that {{spoiler|Judge Doom had been a [[Devil in Plain Sight]] for years. Nobody ever suspected he was not human, and in fact ''the Toons themselves'' had voted him into the position after he bribed them. Up until the climax he was always more forbidding than truly scary, a [[Knight Templar]] with [[Smug Snake]] undertones who was hated as well as feared. Eddie Valiant even calls him a "gargoyle" while he's in the same room, hushing his voice more out of feigned politeness than out of fear of retribution. It's actually a bit of relief when he's revealed to be a Toon himself, since now Eddie [[What Measure Is a Non-Human?|can destroy that murdering bastard without any qualms]].}}
* The short film "The Confession" by Tanel Toom uses the "disturbing lack of noise" part of this trope very well. There are numerous scenes in the films, such as {{spoiler|right after the first car crash}} and {{spoiler|after little Jacob's fall}}, when there is nothing but heavy, empty, silence, allowing the horror to REALLY sink in.
* In ''[[The Bird Box]]'', the monster that compels people to kill themselves is never seen. A [[Brown Note]], the survivors in the movie need to wear blindfolds to avoid it.
=== Literature ===
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