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Strawman Has a Point/Video Games: Difference between revisions

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*** And, Mass Effect 3 reveals that their work in attempting to reverse-engineer Reaper components did indeed only lead to Cerberus becoming indoctrinated and serving as a pawn of the Reapers. Paragon Shepard was right.
** Even though the [[Mad Scientist]] responsible for the disaster in the "Overlord" DLC tries to make a point, his treatment of {{spoiler|his autistic brother is so monstrous that the ''Paragon'' option is to smash him in the face, and very few players will have anything but hatred for the bastard.}} However, his statement that if his work spares "a million mothers from mourning a million sons" he'll be content is never actually addressed. While this is by no means a solid argument, his point is rejected out of hand rather than argued against, leaving open the possibility that he might be proven right. {{spoiler|The game actually spares us from this moral conundrum by having Legion show us that the Geth are not actually hostile, and that if you want to understand them, you only need to ask. Consequently, the experiments and torture were all for nothing, but there is no way Dr Archer could have known that.}}
* ''[[Normality (video game)|Normality]]'' is a lighthearted example, taking place in a [[Crapsack World]] where having fun is outlawed. (A parody of a dictatorship, sure, but a rather transparent way to run one.) Thing is, if Kent Knutson, the protagonist who is arrested for having fun is this society's idea of a fun guy, maybe they have something here. [[Idiot Hero| He's an ''idiot''.]]
* ''[[Bully (video game)|Bully]]'' features a feud between the Math and English teachers. Mr. Hattrick, the Math teacher, is a tyrannical monster who uses his wealth and connections to bully both the students and the other teachers with impunity, whereas Mr. Galloway, the English teacher, is kind and mild mannered, and has been bullied by Hattrick for so long that he's turned to alcoholism. The problem here is that Galloway actually shows up to class hung over and even drinks during school hours. Hattrick catches him at it and tries to get him fired. The game itself presents it as [[Black and White Morality|Hattrick Wrong Galloway Right]] because it fits in with its themes (In particular, that people in positions of authority are oblivious to what is and isn't actually [[Harmful to Minors]]; the students are aware that Galloway drinks, but it doesn't offend them or encourage them to drink themselves, while Hattrick is a classist bully who maintains a clear-cut appearance to keep anyone from suspecting him). But, regardless of the reason he's drinking, firing a teacher who shows up to teach drunk makes more sense than just brushing it off as "a chap can have a drink when he bloody well wants". In [[Real Life]], any teacher who did that would be in serious trouble.
* As time goes on in the ''[[Mega Man X]]'' series, the games start leaning heavily on the idea that it's far more the mistrust of the humans and the trigger-happiness of the Maverick Hunters that are causing everything to go wrong than it is because of the Mavericks themselves. But considering that Mavericks, both infected and free-willed, have started multiple genocidal wars because they have a gross misunderstanding on [[The Social Darwinist|how evolution works]] or are [[Axe Crazy|flat-out insane]], or [[Be as Unhelpful as Possible|find the act of provoking a shooting war to be preferable to clearing their own names]] for the sake of [[Honor Before Reason|honor]], is it really any wonder that the population at large doesn't trust them?
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