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== Anime & Manga ==
* The ''[[My Hero Academia]]'' Hatsume Mei fits this really well. She is self centered and has absolutely no tact. The fact she always spends time in the Development Studio might have to do with her lack of social skills. One time Izuku said that he wanted a simple upgrade instead of something fancy that would take time getting used to (and time to tune). Mei voiced her willingness to follow Izuku's request with:
{{quote|A good designer can meet all the reckless, ignorant, and ill-advised demands of the client!}}
* Bulma from ''[[Dragon Ball]]'' is a prime example. While a mechanical genius and heir to a huge scientific corporation, she has absolutely no sense at all when it comes to dealing with danger. And yet somehow she gets the idea to become a treasure hunter. She gets only slightly better at this over the course of the series, in the sense that she doesn't walk headlong into danger without thinking first so much.
* Lloyd in ''[[Code Geass]]''. Brilliant mecha designer, does not understand basic human interaction. The characters are shocked to hear that he is engaged. {{spoiler|It's an arranged marriage, since Lloyd is a Count}}.
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* ''[[Bleach]]'': Orihime is a straight-A student and third best in a 300-pupil year group. She also has black-belt karate skills (bizarrely [[Adaptation Decay|downgraded]] to yellow belt in the anime) and is one of the two most gifted members of the Handicraft Club (alongside Uryuu Ishida who is joint-first best student in the year group and himself capable of Ditzy Genius behaviour). Despite her genuine intelligence, she's also a [[Cloudcuckoolander]] with a very active imagination resulting in her having sometimes bizarre reactions to mundane events.
* The title character of ''[[Suzumiya Haruhi]]'' is brilliant at most things she does, scoring incredibly high in all her classes and every sport she tries with minimal effort, but she utterly fails when it comes to anything that requires her to consider other people's points of view, like the movie she made. She thought it was brilliant; everyone else was... less enthused. At one point she fails to comprehend why [[Death Is Dramatic|characters always die at the climax of a story]], and another time she complains that crabs didn't evolve softer shells so she could eat them easier. She also fails to realize that wearing a [[Playboy Bunny]] outfit at school would upset the teachers. And then there's her general [[Insane Troll Logic]], such as pointing out that Tanabata wishes will take years to reach their destination due to the speed of light delay, but expecting that Orihime and Hikoboshi will be able to ignore the lightspeed barrier because [[A Wizard Did It|they're gods.]]
== Comics ==
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