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"Glad to Be Alive" Sex: Difference between revisions

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* You can bring up the subject with Zevran in ''[[Dragon Age]]''--specifically, the idea of ravishing him during the celebration.
* The first H Scene between Hisao and {{spoiler|Lilly}} during her route in the [[Visual Novel]] ''[[Katawa Shoujo]]'' for all intents and purposes boils down this {{spoiler|because it happens after Hisao experiences a heart flutter. It is more "Glad ''you're'' alive sex" in Lilly's case.}}
* ''[[World of Warcraft]]''; in the Molten Front (the ''Cataclysm'' expansion) there's a Daily Quest where you act as [[Combat Medic]] to a group of druids fighting a bunch of fire elementals. Sometimes, one of them will giv you this dialogue:
{{quote|'''Wounded Hyjal Defender:''' I owe you a very special thank you. Find me sometime when this fight is over.}}
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