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Examples of [[{{TOPLEVELPAGE}}]] in [[{{SUBPAGENAME}}]] include:
* The phrase "standing on the shoulders of giants" was famously used by Newton to Hooke (1676): ''"What Descartes did was a good step. You have added much several ways, and especially in taking the colours of thin plates into philosophical consideration. If I have seen a little further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants."'', but actually it dates back to the 12 century, when John of Salisbury wrote
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** The character was originally introduced as Cohen the Barbarian, quite possibly a play-on of ''[[Conan the Barbarian]]''.
** Some fans thought that Inigo Skimmer of ''The Fifth Elephant'' was a reference to/parody of Inigo Montoya of ''[[The Princess Bride (novel)|The Princess Bride]]'', as both are [[Career Killers]]. Pratchett corrected this, pointing out that Inigo is an old name and that if he was thinking of anyone, he probably got the name from [[wikipedia:Inigo Jones|Inigo Jones]].
** Terry also got a bit sarcastic with people commenting on ''[[Discworld/The Wee Free Men|The Wee Free Men]]'' who seemed to think the concept of sheepdog trials was invented by the film ''[[Babe]]''.
* Film novelizations have existed [[The Master Mystery|since the 1920s]].
** And novelizations of plays go back still further.
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** Indeed, Holmes is heard at one point to belittle the Dupin stories, presumably as a backhanded homage to Poe by Arthur Conan Doyle.
** Some believe Poe could have been inspired by [[Voltaire]]'s ''Zadig'' (1747), who does detective-like work.
* Yet another ''[[Discworld]]'' example: When a witch and a wizard dueled in ''[[Discworld/Equal Rites|Equal Rites]]'' by [[Shapeshifter Showdown|transforming]] into various things, each countering the other's form, some thought they recognized it as a reference to T.H. White's take on the [[King Arthur]] mythos, ''[[The Once and Future King]]''. However, Terry pointed out that it was a much older folkloric theme; another well-known version appears in the song "The Two Magicians".
* Gibson himself almost had this writ large; while writing ''[[Neuromancer]]'', he went to see ''[[Blade Runner]]'' and was in tears by the end, because there was his entire milieu, on screen and before he was even done! He was very relieved when the movie tanked...
* The [[Beam Me Up, Scotty]] trope page once claimed that "All that glitters is not gold" is a misquote of Shakespeare's ''The Merchant of Venice'', which has the line "All that ''glisters'' is not gold." Actually, the line didn't originate with Shakespeare. Both Chaucer and Cervantes used variations on it. The first version using "glitters" appears in John Dryden's 1687 poem The Hind and the Panther. When Shakespeare wrote ''The Merchant of Venice'', the line was already a well-worn cliché (which is why the next line of the couplet is "often have you heard that told"), so there's no real reason his version should be considered authoritative.
* As it turns out, [[Homer]]'s ''Iliad'' may well be the oldest example of the expression "to bite the dust", rather than the western movies and the song by [[Queen]] that people generally associate with the expression.
* The first use of a ruined Statue of Liberty wasn't ''[[Planet of the Apes]]'', but the novel ''The Last American'' by John Ames Mitchell, published in 1889 -- only six years after the statue was complete.
* Some people think that the movie ''Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy'' ripped off the name "Babel Fish" from the [http://babelfish.altavista.com website].
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* Guess what I'm describing here: years after a world-changing event, a mysterious group causes humankind to evolve into a single entity, with sides of Apocalyptic imagery. I'm describing [[Childhood's End]], a 1953 novel by Arthur C. Clarke, which Hideaki Anno admitted was an inspiration for [[Neon Genesis Evangelion]].
* [[The Book of the Named]] predates ''[[Warrior Cats]]'' by about twenty years, though it has the disadvantage of having been almost entirely out of print from the mid nineties until recently. While most fans of the latter who get around to reading the former pick up on the differences very quickly, that hasn't stopped some who [[Did Not Do the Research]] from crying foul against Clare Bell.
** Not to mention [[Tailchaser's Song]], which is arguably even more like ''[[Warrior Cats]]'', though it owes a lot to [[Watership Down]] and [[The Lord of the Rings]].
* David Gerrold had to get clearance for the original [[Star Trek]] episode ''The Trouble with Tribbles'' (1967), from [[Robert Heinlein]], whose 1952 novel ''The Rolling Stones'' had a quickly reproducing Martian species known as 'flatcats.' Heinlein pointed out that the idea had been used much earlier, in ''Pigs is Pigs'' by Ellis Parker Butler. "A story about guinea pigs, beaurocracy [sic] and multiplication. First published in the September 1905 issue of American Magazine."
* [[Isaac Asimov]] [[Trope Codifier|popularised]] the idea of robots which by their design are incapable of harming humans (in sharp contrast to the usual clichéd depiction of robots as mechanical Frankenstein's-monsters), but there was at least one earlier depiction of such robots, in the [[Adam Link]] stories of Eando Binder.
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* Speaking of ''[[Twilight]]'', lord help you if you're an author who wrote a [[Young Adult]] [[Paranormal Romance]] before Stephenie Meyer published hers. Fans and detractors alike tend to dismiss these novels as ripoffs. This hasn't been entirely bad, as some teen paranormal series written in the 90s got rereleased in an attempt [[Follow the Leader|to cash in on the growing vampire trend.]] The most notable example is ''[[The Vampire Diaries]]'' by LJ Smith, which was rereleased in 2007, as well as receiving a reboot and a TV adaptation in 2009.
* Many people think that Plato was the first to use the word "Atlantis". While most historians agree that Plato created the legend of the lost island of Atlantis, which first appeared in the dialogue ''Timaeus'', there was a book called ''Atlantis'' that predates the dialogue by about one hundred years. Only fragments remain of this book, which was written by Hellanicus, and there is no evidence that this book had anything to do with the legend of a lost civilization.
* And then there are fictional works just plain foreshadowing real events, with varying degrees of accuracy. ''Titanic'' appears in literature well before [[Titanic|the 1997 James Cameron film]] and well before [[The Edwardian Era]], in ''Futility: or the Wreck of the Titan'' in 1894.
* Bumping into anything done by [[Rudyard Kipling]] is unavoidable even if you're not reading people as strongly influenced as [[Robert A. Heinlein]]. [[Tractor Beam]]? ''As Easy as ABC'' -- for that matter, one of the first Sci Fi as we know it, ''and'' the articulate re-introduction of [[Mundane Fantastic]] as an approach outside of mythology and its derivatives. ''[[More Deadly Than the Male]]'' -- [[Trope Namer]]. [[Stiff Upper Lip]], one of [[Trope Codifier|Trope Codifiers]]. [[The Vamp]] -- probably the [[Trope Namer]] (''The Vampire''). [[POV Sequel]]? Among the first known outside of Japan. [[Steampunk]]? Was predicted in the last few lines of ''The King''. [[Troll|Trolling]]? He got more advanced variations from XX century [[Trickster]] arsenal described (''Stalky'' series) and actively used them. Use of [[The Raj]] setting? Mostly have to either follow or dispute with him.
* [[Fanfic| Fan Fiction]] goes far back long before the Internet. In fact, the practice is [[Older Than Print]] when a poem called '''Troilus and Criseyde''' by Geoffrey Chaucer came out in 1380s inspired Robert Henryson to write The Testament of Cresseid.
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*Aelfric's ''Colloquy on the Occupations'', a poem for Anglo-Saxon schoolboys has people from different occupations describing their jobs to a class. Sound familiar anyone?
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