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* Subversion in [[Super Robot Wars]], especially on Mizal Touval, the Shura Advisor (because, he is not on the player's side all the time). He actually had plans on his own, that is to overthrow the [[Big Bad]] and usurp his power on his own. But he never got lucky in his endeavor, because: {{spoiler|He either gets killed before he could pull the treachery off (Compact 3), or said [[Big Bad]] is dead first, and his successor killed him before he could do anything else ([[Original Generation]] Gaiden).}}
* In ''Unreal 2: The Awakening'', the main character's rather paternal commanding officer sends him on a [[Fetch Quest]] to assemble [[Plot Coupon]]s, ostensibly under orders from [[The Federation]] to keep it out of the hands of the [[Exclusively Evil]] Skaarj. {{spoiler|It turns out he just wants the assembled [[Artifact of Doom]] for himself to take over the universe}}.
* From the ''[[Ace Attorney]]''"
* In ''Apollo Justice: [[Ace Attorney]]'', in the first case, {{spoiler|the eponymous attorney is working under Kristoph Gavin, who serves as his co-counsel in this case. Kristoph turns out to be the murderer.}}
** [[Amoral Attorney| Manifred von Karma]] in the first game; the entire reason he took poor Edgeworth on as his student in the first place was to eventually frame him for murder, out of revenge for Edgeworth's father handing him his first defeat. (Karma himself was the killer.) Fortunately, when Phoenix manages to acquit Edgeworth, Karma's skullduggery is exposed for the whole world to see.
** In ''Apollo Justice: [[Ace Attorney]]'', in the first case, {{spoiler|the eponymous attorney is working under Kristoph Gavin, who serves as his co-counsel in this case. Kristoph turns out to be the murderer.}}
* ''[[Castlevania]]: Order of Ecclesia'' has {{spoiler|Barlowe teaching Shanoa how to use glyphs and such, so she can use the Dominus glyph to destroy an artifact that, when destroyed, will allegedly destroy Dracula. He keeps secret from her two things: that using Dominus will kill the user ([[Violation of Common Sense|you can even use it and die in regular gameplay, once you have all three parts]]), and that destroying said artifact, in actuality, will [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|bring about the return of Dracula and his castle]], which was his goal all along.}}
{{quote|{{spoiler|Barlowe: How dare you... even forget... who raised you... you... STUPID DISCIPLE!}}}}
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