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The Real Ghostbusters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Continuity Nod]]: On a few occasions, when we see the inside of the containment unit, we can see some of the ghosts the boys busted in earlier episodes.
** The boy in the episode "The Grundel" is said to have kicked Mrs. Faversham's cat.
** Egon's collection of molds, spores, and fungus is mentioned in two episodes.
*** Ironically, when the show was rebranded as ''Slimer! and the Real Ghostbusters'' and featured many reviled changes, [[Continuity Nod]]s actually ''improved''; particularly with regard to the movies. Among other things, the Ghostbusters reminisce about their first case when they visit New York Public Library, Zuul is in the new intro, Vigo and the psychokinetic slime from the second movie are mentioned, and Louis is added to the cast.
*** The changes were made in the series to capitalize on the popularity of the second movie. In turn, the second movie itself recognized that the Ghostbusters were a big hit with children, thanks in part to the cartoon. The adult humor was toned way down, while Slimer (identified by the name which the cartoon had given him, and redesigned to look more like his cartoon self) made a cameo as a bus driver.
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* [[Eldritch Abomination]]: Not only the aforementioned C(a)thulhu, but also the Mee-krah, a horrible octopus-like entity who awakened every few millennia and left complete destruction wherever it went (it is said in the episode that the Gobi and Sahara deserts were results of its activity). It fed upon the spiritual energy of ghosts, who practically ''begged'' to be captured by the Ghostbusters.
* [[Episode Title Card]]: Seasons 1-4 had them, but Seasons 5-7 superimposed the episode title with the first scene.
* [[Every Man Has His Price]]: Many times:
* [[Every Man Has His Price]]:* When a lawyer arrives at the firehouse with a proposition to "clean up" Heck House, Egon and Ray refuse. Before they can leave, the lawyer stops them in their tracks with just three words.
{{quote|'''Egon:''' We've faced demons, monsters, Gozer, multi-dimensional invasions, but there is nothing that will get me within a ''mile'' of Heck House.
'''Lawyer:''' One... million... dollars.}}
** Another more benign example occurs in "Sticky Business" when the heroes are trying to raise money for the local [[Orphanage of Love]]. The president of the company that makes Stay Puft marshmallows asks to borrow Mr. Stay Puft for an advertising campaign, and they don't think it's a good idea... They all change their minds when he says how much he'll pay them.
** Then there's this exchange in "No-One Comes to Lupusville":
{{spoiler|Winston: Forget it. I've seen enough movies to know that you don't mess with vampires unless you know what you're doing. We don't.
Gregor: That is unfortunate. I could have made it eminently worth your while...(pulls out a chest laden with gold)
Winston: However, I am a fast learner.}}
** In "Loathe Thy Neighbor" the heroes are hesitant to take the Micawbs' case, seeing as the Micawbs are stranger than most of the ghosts they tend to bust. Then Mr. Micawb says that cost is not an option and they'll pay any price; the guys change their mind quickly.
* [[Explosive Instrumentation]]: Everything from proton packs to PKE meters and calculators, though [[The Smart Guy|Egon's]] [[Homemade Inventions]] seemed to be the most volatile.
* [[Fan Service]]:
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